Apartment saves money on garbage

This newsletter is shared by the citizen group, Bellandur Forum (bellandur-forum@googlegroups.com)

Trinity Acres and Woods, a 280-unit residential complex started segregation in September 2013. Prior to that, most of their waste (85%) was mixed and little dry waste was being recovered. Within 4 months of starting segregation, the amount of reject waste has dropped below 20% of the total waste volume.

Waste classification by weight and Waste pick up expenses per month (in Rs).

Courtesy: Rajaram Raghunathan

Earlier, the RWA paid nearly Rs 100 a month per unit for garbage pick up. Now with segregation in place, their costs are down to half! The savings are mainly due to the weight-based charging model, which incentivizes the RWA to reduce the amount of rejects. Waste was weighed every day by the vendor, Hasirudala. Vendor was paid for only the wet and reject waste. RWA was paid back by the vendor for the dry waste. Earnings from dry waste that are distributed among the housekeeping staff are counted as part of the total cost of garbage pick-up. In December 2013, garbage expenses were less than Rs.60/unit/month. Now that’s what you call a win-win situation!

Upcoming Events

Celebration of World Wetlands Day , by Kaikondrahalli lake monitoring team
Date: 2nd Feb 2014, Sunday 8am.
Where: Kaikondrahalli Lake.
Free event.
8am – Treasure hunt (Gate opp. Fire station).
8:15am – Puppet making and story telling workshop (Amphitheater)
Learn about importance of wetlands in a talk afterwards. Please bring your own water. Snacks will be provided. Want to volunteer? Contact priya@150lakes.org.

2nd Annual Samyoga festival, by Ranjani Fine Arts
Where: New Horizon College of Engineering, Outer Ring Road, Near Marthahalli, Bengaluru.
Carnatic Concerts
8th Feb – Vidwans Malladi Brothers
9th Feb – Vidushi Dr. Sudha Raghunathan
Hindustani Concerts
15th Feb – Vidushi Dr. Ashwini Bhide Deshpande
16th Feb – Pandit Kushal Das (Sitar)
For donor passes, contact 9632682540.

Kasa Muktha Bellandur: Vendor empanelment

Project Clean bell is now Kasa Muktha Bellandur to align with the city level Kasa Muktha campaign! BBMP is expected to empanel garbage vendors in the next few weeks. Empaneled vendors are those that are trained to follow proper waste mgt procedures, ensuring segregated waste is processed correctly. Currently in our ward, no garbage vendor holds a BBMP permit to pick up garbage from bulk generators (commercial establishments, marriage halls, hotels and apartments with more than 50 units). Meanwhile, bulk generators can go for any garbage vendor of their choice as long as they are practicing segregation at source and the vendor is handling the segregated garbage at the backend responsibly.

Volunteering in local schools

Jayasree N has been organising volunteer efforts in teaching English at government schools in our area over the past two years. Currently, she and her team of volunteers work with six schools in this ward – Bellandur school, Kariyamana agrahara (opp Intel), Haralur, Kaikondanahalli, Kasavanahalli and Doddakanahalli. They require 4 volunteers for every grade to take classes on a rotation basis. The volunteers are given a syllabus to follow. Knowing Kannada is useful but not a must. A checklist for someone looking to volunteer would be:

Time: Commit 2-2.5 hrs in the morning for 2 days/ week for a year or minimum 6 months.
Commitment: Should have a genuine desire to teach and make a difference.
Proximity: Sign up for a school close to you so that commuting isnt a problem.
Teamwork: Between volunteers in terms of managing classes and motivating each other.
Optimistic attitude: Focus on the positive. Not all children will be equally responsive. Work with the belief that you are making things better for the few children who are.

Libraries in government schools are still not very accessible to the children, so for people looking to donate, Jayasree’s request is for storybooks in sets of 40 so that volunteers can circulate these during their class. Currently, academic year is drawing to a close. There is again a requirement of teachers for the coming June. To volunteer, please contact Jayasree at muralijai@gmail.com

Have a story? Write to us: bellandur-forum+owners@googlegroups.com
Subscribe to the mailing group: bellandur-forum+subscribe@googlegroups.com


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To take waste management to the next level
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