
Explore comprehensive coverage of societal issues, focusing on communities, social justice and cultural trends. Articles focus on topics such as gender equality, issues of the senior population, cultural heritage and the welfare of marginalised groups. They highlight challenges faced by various social groups and the impact of modernisation on traditional practices. Stories of grassroots movements, community leaders and policy impact offer a nuanced understanding of urban societal challenges and advancement.

Some citizens seem obsessed with giving the city bus transport corporation a bad name, or so it would seem. It is utterly disgusting to see people take a deep breath, collect that gutkha concoction in the mouth and then aim it right onto the street, sometimes missing you by just an inch. Okay, it may have been funny to see Leonardo Dicaprio teach Kate Winslet in Titanic the technique to spit the farthest. But it is most definitely not funny to see orange stains on the road. If only Union Health Minister Anbumani Ramadoss could do something about spitting! It…

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Any Bangalore sightseeing tour will be incomplete without a visit to the Vidhana Soudha. Sitting high in Barton Centre on MG Road or a similar vantage point, one can enjoy its illuminated palace-like look in the evenings. The making of this magnificent stone structure has an interesting story to it. However, unlike many parliaments abroad, there are no guided tours or pamphlets to help us know more about its history. Vidhana Soudha, which is also called as ‘people’s palace’, is off-limits for the visitors.Establishing identityDuring the time of KC Reddy, who preceded Kengal Hanumanthiah as the Chief Minister of Mysore…

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Business Big demand for cows of Indian breed These cows were the center of attraction at the Krishi Mela conducted in the UAS campus. They belong to the pure Indian breed called 'Devani'. Due to their high resistance to diseases and capacity to work hard, they are in much demand. However the Devani cows are not available in large numbers and the National Diary Development Corporation is now engaging in developing this breed. There was demand for more than 500 Devani cows during the farm fest. (Vijaya Karnataka, Sunday, Nov 16) KSRTC launches courier service KSRTC has hit upon yet…

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Jean-Luc Godard’s 1967 movie, Weekend, was screened by LACEfilms on 26th October at Suchitra Film Society. On a nice Sunday morning which usually is reserved for films by great auteurs, a bunch of 30 or so gathered to watch this French film. What I expected to see in the film was general drama on how the bourgeois or the privileged class is enjoying his weekend – but I then immediately realigned my cognisance about Godard and what he stands for. To be able to comment on Godard or his films requires serious credentials than being a mere journalist who has…

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There could be any number of senior citizens aged eighty plus in our family and friends circle. But how many of us have met one with a totally positive outlook? Most of us feel that old age is a bane and dread getting older. But just meet B Kamala, the erstwhile General Manager of Canara Bank and you will change your view. She is an embodiment of positive energy.As I entered her house on a considerably quiet street in Koramangala, expecting to meet a frail old woman, I was stunned to see Kamala looking the same as she did 20…

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The city life sure is a busy life. Work pressure, traffic jams, chores at home and hassled running about call for a weekend off from time to time, for there is nothing like fresh air and scenic valley views to cheer the run down spirit. Especially when it comes with a refreshing streak of adventure – energetic trekking and some liberate flying. Flying, in Bangalore!? Well, not exactly, but Bangaloreans now have a flying club a few hours' drive away from city limits, near Krishnagiri. Traditionally, India boasted of two flying sites – at Panchgani (near Pune) and Bir (in…

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Amidst all the chaos in last decade surrounding Bengaluru's infrastructural problems and political instability,certain aspects of the city widen their influence as always. One amongst these is the ever growing "art of carnatic music".Though Chennai with its innumerable sabhas and cultural heartlands is considered to be the melting pot of carnatic music, Bengaluru is slowly but surely made its presence felt this sphere as well. Music fever seems to be soaring in this burgeoning metropolis like never before. True to its sobriquet of cosmopolitan city which embraces anything that comes its way, carnatic music too has found its place in…

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Nearly 400 under-privileged children in Bengaluru had a special day on 14th November 2008, Children's Day. The children belonged to Sishu Mandir, Sri Satya Shanti Seva, Bethel Home, Leela School, Gerizim Rehab hostel, Lovedale foundation and a few others. A soccer session in progress. Pic: Jamshed Billimoria.The day’s event included a special showing of the movie Roadside Romeo at Cauvery Theatre at 8.30 AM. The film distributor, Ajay Chandani and the owner of the theatre, Prakash, donated the movie tickets for free (500 seats). This was followed by fun and games at the XLR8 indoor sports arena on Hennur-Bagalur Main…

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One of the great benefits of living in a metro is the opportunity of getting to taste the culture and art of other lands. This time, Ranga Shankara, as part of their AHA! initiative of theatre for children, brought the mammoth production of Choon Hyang (‘True Love’) by Theater Seoul, all the way from Korea.It could not have been an easy task to bring 20 children all the way from Korea to India, but Theatre Seoul in conjunction with Inko Centre (Indo-Korean centre) managed it. Natia Lee, the producer of the play and president of Theatre Seoul, also admitted that…

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If the Bandstand at Cubbon Park could talk, it sure would have a lot to say. It would probably tell you about how it started off, as all bandstands do, as a space for outdoor concerts / musical performances. It would narrate to you tales of long lost glory, of how it was a location where the royal family was entertained by musicians, and how, the people of Bangalore got an opportunity to witness memorable recitals by prominent artists, when the city was well and truly able to live up to its name of being the Garden city, much before…

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