Kulsum Khatun and husband, a rickshaw puller, are residents of Jagdamba camp in Sheikh Sarai. Over the last few months of lockdown in the capital, none of them were able to find any work. “My two daughters, aged 7 and 9, study in a government school in Malviya Nagar (South Delhi),” said Kusum, “Mid-day meals were very important for us since we hardly make enough to feed them twice a day. Now, even that has stopped. We received around Rs 95 in March but nothing since then.” On March 23rd, seven days after the COVID crisis forced closure of all…
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Wearing Bluetooth earbuds and facing a mobile screen Gowri Gnanasambanthan strains to hold a forearm plank. Her instructor joins in on a WhatsApp video call, teaching her the right way of doing it. Ever since the lockdown in March, Gowri's apartment terrace has become her gym. “I can’t work out alone. I have a WhatsApp group with a close circle of friends where we share videos, take on challenges and work out together. My husband is my workout partner. This motivates me a lot," she says. Gowri has not let stress and boredom inflicted by the lockdown disrupt her fitness…
Read moreEver since COVID-19 took over our lives, we have all been looking for ways by which we can save ourselves from getting the virus. Face masks and shields, hand hygiene – washing and sanitising, social distancing – avoiding people and staying home. A COVID-19 Viewpoint report by the University of Minnesota (30th April 2020) says, "we must be prepared for at least another 18 to 24 months of significant COVID-19 activity, with hot spots popping up periodically in diverse geographic areas. The report also says that given the transmissibility of SARS-CoV-2, 60% to 70% of the population may need to be immune to…
Read moreIn Part 1 of this series, we found that despite government's claims, Bengaluru has only about 3,500 hospital beds dedicated for COVID treatment. In this part, we explore why private hospitals have not complied with the government orders to give up beds and treat COVID patients. In a recent webinar on COVID, Viswa Mohan Tripahi, a resident of Mantri Alpyne apartment, narrated their ordeal trying to find a hospital bed for another resident who had developed symptoms. "The person's oxygen levels were dropping fast. They dropped to the 80s and we couldn't find a hospital for treatment. Everyone was asking…
Read more"Running is the greatest metaphor for life, because you get out of it what you put into it." - Oprah Winfrey I was desperately trying to lose weight, but I wasn’t doing enough. While we all know that nothing is easy in life, I hadn’t applied it to my desire to get fit again. About a year ago, I was introduced to running by a friend who is a part of the local Pinkathon group. I wasn't much of an athlete in my younger days, so formal running was new to me. The free training sessions were held just once…
Read moreHistorically there have been many ways of isolating patients with infectious diseases. The ill can be removed to a place where they cannot infect others. If they are treated at home the residence itself can carry a warning sign – a method that has been in place since the time of the plagues. The most disturbing however, and even traumatic for those living in such houses, is the prospect of being barricaded in. And yet, this is precisely what the city’s civic body is doing, and this is now being copied by other cities too. The modus operandi, so we learn,…
Read moreSince COVID cases started surging in Bengaluru, we've heard of several reports of patients not finding hospital beds or being denied treatment. Most recently, even a COVID doctor at Chikkamudavadi PHC (Primary Health Centre) in Ramanagara district, Dr Manjunath S T, succumbed to the virus after being turned away by three Bengaluru hospitals. Despite this, the government has maintained that there are enough COVID beds in the city. Towards the end of June, government had ordered that half the beds in all private hospitals would be reserved for COVID patients. On July 7, Dr K Sudhakar, Minister of Medical Education,…
Read moreA famous musician from Delhi, Govind (name changed)* had been addicted to marijuana in the past but quit it a year ago. However, some weeks into the lockdown, he lost his job and slipped back to the old habit of taking marijuana. Govind had been a member of a Delhi-based Narcotics Anonymous group and attended their meetings every day. That was a key factor behind his successful withdrawal but the sudden suspension of usual meetings due to the lockdown led to loss of all gains made. “It made me anxious and I ended up seeking respite in the old habit,”…
Read moreAs we watched the whole world being gripped by the COVID-19 pandemic during the initial months of the lockdown, little did we know that the virus would hit so close to home, so soon. Six members of my family - my wife, elderly parents, three children and I were infected by COVID-19 in June 2020. Arming ourselves with the knowledge to combat the virus and keeping a cool head helped us overcome this ordeal. In the first week of June, my wife began showing symptoms of body pain. On the second day, the body pain persisted and she was feverish.…
Read moreAfter New Delhi, Chennai got its first plasma bank at the Rajiv Gandhi Government General Hospital (RGGGH) on July 22nd at a cost of Rs 2.34 crore. While a vaccine for COVID is still in the works and a proven cure for COVID remains elusive, convalescent plasma therapy has yielded some positive results in cases, although clinical trials of the same are still underway. But, what is convalescent plasma therapy? How does a plasma bank work? Who can donate plasma, and where in our city can it be done? We attempt to address these and other common queries from citizens…
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