
The newsletter 'Bellandur Buzz' is shared fortnightly by the citizen group bellandur-forum@googlegroups.comKaikondrahalli Lake Update – Events and UpkeepSewage Diversion work, funded by BBMP, is ongoing since the last few weeks at Kaikondrahalli lake. It may be few more days before the work is complete. Regrettably due to delay in this work, some sewage is trickling into the lake, despite blocking the inlets. We are seeing dead fish and some polluted water stagnating on the edges.  Hopefully these can be remedied once sewage diversion is over and the monsoons rains flush this sewage out. We are also talking to experts on…

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Who sees these movies? I often see such posters, and I think that they must be soft porn (eg the title, "Sheila I Love You.". But then, the title of the movie, on the left-hand-side poster is, "Maan Karate". I'm very curious to know where movie theatres such as "Ravi" are, and who goes to see movies there! They, must, I feel, be considerably less expensive than going to a movie theatre in a mall. So...even with movie theatres, Bangalore has a wide variety of experiences to offer!  

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A woman was walking. Her age doesn't matter. She was walking on the road next to her home. It was evening and she had been out for an errand. The lane was quiet and there were not many people about. But the woman did not feel alarmed--after all, this was 'her' neighbourhood, the place she had lived in for nearly a decade. And besides, she was not venturing out too far, she was going to a row of shops five to ten minute's walk from her own home. Suddenly, in the darkness, she spotted something strange at the apartment building…

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On Two!

Everywhere, as people park wrongly, we find the police towing away the parked cars, but I find a refreshing interlude when I spotted this van outside IIM, Bangalore: Perhaps they tow two cars at a time?

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I went to Langford Town, and was saddened to see another beautiful heritage home hit the dust on Oleff road. This lovely bungalow, typical of old Bangalore architecture, set in small, lovely garden, was already half gone. I tried to see if the year of construction was marked anywhere, but could not find it. The solidity of the construction, and the high ceilings, can be seen: How I wish I had the money to buy up such old homes, and maintain them in the old style! I could sit in them and dream about days when space in the city…

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Dance at Dusk

The Dance at Dusk organized on 26th April by PNLIT together with the Snehadhara Foundation was truly an event with a difference. Attended by over 60 people, most of them adults, the Gazebo was cramped for space. Some mothers held back their children for safety but ironically, the evening began with a three year old running into the middle of the ring of dancers and twirling her yellow frilly frock. Geetu of Snehadhara persuaded the child to join the group and the music began to play.   After a warming up slow number, Lakshmi from Snehadhara engaged the participants in a brief…

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Mangoes on your mind

When you're facing the summer sun When your skin burns and it's no fun To walk in the sunshine, it's too bright The summer glare hurts your head and sight... You've got mangoes on your mind....     You pick up the fruit, scattered all round Or in the market they can be found. Small and raw, or with golden ripe sheen Or any of the stages that happen in between, You've got mangoes on your mind....   Made into pickle or eaten with salt Made into milkshakes or a thick juicy malt Any of the numerous varieties you get…

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Well - it’s time for some reflection on our part, while you are done with voting and busy with daily work. We trust you are the kind who will vote for a good candidate, not a traditional voter who will cling to a particular party all through your life. That’s why we put in hard work to compile a lot of data for you to decide which candidate is what. Let us confess: We are a small team. We don’t have the kind of manpower to chase each one of these candidates - still we feel we did our best.…

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This newsletter is shared fortnightly by the citizen group bellandur-forum@googlegroups.comVoting Day – Post mortem   The dance of democracy hasn’t ended! Election day. 17th April. Many of us went to our polling booths and did our good deed for the day, with a turnout of some 50-65% across the ward. Some of us couldn’t (thanks to voter roll mess ups) and some of us, sadly didn’t.   The Bellandur forum has been debating on this and active citizens want to understand the reasons - voter apathy is the biggest obstacle when residents associations try to get civic issues fixed - whether we…

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