
Students from Azim Premji University, Bengaluru gathered at their campus on September 17th to extend support to the struggle of Narmada Bachao Andolan (NBA). What is happening to the 178 villages in Madhya Pradesh, waiting for rehabilitation even as their lands and homes have been submerged while Sardar Sarovar Dam filled to its full reservoir capacity, is one form of structural violence caused by the State. The student-led meeting was held to show solidarity with the project-affected families, who held a rally in Madhya Pradesh’s Barwani district, demanding opening of the dam gates and rehabilitating the oustees. As Prime Minister…

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After two successful shows – one in Amsterdam in March 2019 and the other in Bengaluru on August 24th at Courtyard Koota, Kengeri, the dance-theatre piece ‘Goddess and her Magic Broom’ will be performed at Vyoma Artspace and Studio Theatre on September 14th at 6.30 pm. ‘Goddess and her Magic Broom’ is a dance-theatre performance based on poetry and imagery created around a homemaker’s life. Rendered invisible or reflecting the form accorded to her by a patriarchal world, women do not have it easy – whether they operate from a space of choice or role-play. Juggling familial and societal expectations,…

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Thank you, Bengaluru

My time in Bengaluru is at its end. I could have never imagined how these ten weeks panned out the way they did. The fact that during this time frame I have ridden on the back of both a scooter and a motorcycle, played in a 63-year-old football tournament, and feel totally fine eating with my hands—although not as efficiently as others—is wild to me.  Even more wild to me are the things that I considered impossible or strange—like crossing the street without being hit or the fact that cows are frequently a traffic obstacle. But they are all things…

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Bangalore Little Theatre is ready to present our next production Six Dead Queens and an Inflatable Henry (SDQ). Originally produced by Foursight Theatre Group, United Kingdom this popular play which has been produced worldwide by various theatre groups will now be premiering in India. In keeping with BLT’s socially conscious character and commitment to an enlightened agenda, this  all-women’s production is a small endeavour towards highlighting women’s capabilities through a production where women are involved in the creation process right from its start to finish. To that end, the comedy which had been chosen was not only written by women…

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A non-Bengali friend (we both majored in English) once told me, “I want to read Chandalika (one of Tagore’s greatest plays) right now.” I looked hapless. I had a Bengali copy with me. Where would I get an English version right at that point? I was rather amused that she went on to grudge - “You can read that great poet when you want. Maybe, I should learn Bengali.” I laughed, “His Bengali is not easy to grasp re…let me get you a translation ASAP!”. We, as Bengalis (of course a particular section of the society), have always had the…

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Refer to my earlier post relating to the roads being resurfaced without proper milling: In continuation to what I had said in the above post, I would like to record the recent developments which could be of public interest. On the 15th of May 2019 I happened to pass through Kannabiran Koil Street ( North end of lane where Ayyappan Koil is located) and noticed some workers cleaning the surface of the road. I was wondering if the Roads were being swept clean by the Conservancy Sweepers Gang or if it was being prepared for resurfacing. Later in the evening…

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This is in continuation to my  previous blog post. A median made up of concrete blocks was originally installed between the Venkatraman Canal Street - Perambur High Road intersection  to the Perambur High Road - Madhavaram High Road intersection. This median existed until 2015 elections before it was removed, further details relating to this matter can be found in the link above. After repeated follow ups with the AE BRR, AC Traffic and the Zonal Office, a temporary median made of concrete blocks and metal barricades was set up for a small length on the road in front of the…

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"Will you walk into my parlour?" Said the spider to the fly. "I've spread a carpet of silk and diamonds! Walk in, and don't be shy! Do come along, for I grow thinner... I've LOVE to have you, ahem, for dinner!" Jokes apart, Funnel Web Spiders also called Wolf Spiders, are named because of the funnel-like web they weave...and the second name is given because they are ferocious predators. They build a flat sheet of nonsticky web with a funnel-shaped retreat to one side or occasionally in the middle, depending on the situation and species. The typical hunting mode is…

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I had written the below article in January 2019 . With a serious concern on the Railway Properties being encroached upon I sent a petition to the Ministry of Railways and sought their intervention. The outcome I would say has been positive.. given the changes we are able to see on the ground. https://citizenmatters.in/citizen-dairy/disappearing-natural-waterways-21595 The Temporary Toilets which were installed near the Vyasarpadi Railway Station have been removed Before Now Concrete Wall is being Constructed by the Railways. Before  Now   Work in Progess While this is a very welcome development, I think more needs to be done to address…

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The start of a new academic year brings a lot of things, new friends, new classes, an atmosphere of excitement. For the 11th and 12 graders at my school, it also brings along election frenzy. This year was my first time running for elections, and the process made me think about sustainability in a whole new way. It all started when I stood in front of the collection of stickers in my room, stuck to the side of my bedside cabinet. There were about 30 of them, all obtained from last year's campaigning, creative, colorful and shiny. But it made…

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