
The Bengaluru Bus Prayanikara Vedike and Citizens for Bengaluru met the Chief Minister Siddaramaiah on Monday, demanding Bus Bhagya in the upcoming State Budget. He listened to our demands on 'Halve the Fares and Double the Fleet' and has agreed to consider our demands presented in the memorandum along with 'Janara Budget Goshti' conducted yesterday. With the budget coming up on Wednesday, it is important that the State Government considers our demands so that by encouraging public transport traffic congestion can be eased and air pollution reduced. We believe the Congress government can bring significant changes to the city by encouraging ordinary…

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Much like the nurturing of our Puttenahalli Lake, the PNLIT concert featuring Padma Bhushan Sudha Ragunathan on 25th Feb. at MLR Convention Hall was a community event with several volunteers from the locality chipping in. Our heartfelt thanks to them, our donors, Jenesys Technologies, concert sponsor, and to Brigade Hospitality for the venue and accommodation for the artists.     Here's how the day unfolded ...   The lake and its premises had never looked as clean as it was when Smt. Sudha Ragunathan paid a visit on the morning of 25th Feb. After the visit of renowned ornithologist Zafar…

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The Sudha Ragunathan Concert at MLR Convention Centre on 25th February 2017. had music and the lake at its core. Here's a review by A.K. Venkat, a resident of the lake neighbourhood and Carnatic vocalist.    Sudha Raghunathan sings for Puttenahalli Lake   Accompanied by on the Violin: Sri B V Raghavendra Rao on the Mridangam: Sri Neyveli Skanda Subramanian on the Morsing: Sri R Raman Venue: MLR Convention Centre, Brigade Millennium Date: Saturday 25th February 2017         Smt Sudha Raghunathan began the concert with the Varnam Ninnukori in the raga Vasantha, appropriately chosen with the season in mind. Rendering…

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Weighing In

Around five months ago, I started working out in an attempt to look less like a non-green version of Shrek from the movies. I stopped eating cheese, butter, sugar, chips, fries and everything else that makes life worth living, gastronomically speaking. I went out running every day, and grew obsessive about hydration, as everyone on their first moderately serious health kick becomes. I turned my life from a dietician's nightmare into a cow's dream - I cut processed foods almost in entirety, I abandoned my favourite, but unfortunately fattening, misti doi in favour of the less flavourful but 90-calories-a-pack Greek…

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The Bengaluru Bus Prayanikara Vedike has launched a joint campaign with Citizens for Bengaluru called the 'Bus Bhagya Beku' campaign, that demands the State Government to provide financial support to BMTC to 'Halve the Fares, and Double the Fleet'. About 50 lakh commuters use BMTC services every day, thus making BMTC the backbone of Bangalore city. And yet, this mode of public transport is highly neglected, and too expensive for many to use. In addition, traffic congestion in Bangalore is caused by private vehicles, especially cars. And we feel that the only solution to reducing such congestion and air pollution…

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Citizens for Bengaluru (CfB) and Bengaluru Bus Prayanikara (BBPV) have initiated a public campaign - #BusBhagyaBeku - seeking ‘Half the Fares and Double the Fleet’. CfB and BBPV met with various organisations and conducted commuter surveys at garment factories on Mysore Road and at Shivaji Nagar, Jayanagar TTMCs and at Majestic to understand their concerns and to seek their support for #BusBhagyaBeku. CfB and BBPV, call upon all citizens of Bengaluru to take a bus to Shantinagar TTMC on Saturday 4th March at 11AM (incidentally, the monthly Bus Day) in an expression of support for public transport and ‘#BusBhagyaBeku’ to…

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Namma Bengaluru Foundation in association with Arakere Neighbourhood Improvement Trust (ANIT), invites one and all to Arakere Habba 2017. 19th February 2017 (Sunday), 7:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. at Government Higher Primary School Ground, Arakere Lake (JP Nagar area, South Bangalore) Get to know about the lake and how it can change our future. Enjoy some bird watching, a street play and cultural activities. Children can participate in painting and poster making. Rejuvenation of the lake is in process, but incomplete. The habba aims to create more awareness about the lake's situation and push for completing the pending work from various authorities. 

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After living in one of the most livable cities in the world - Melbourne - I became passionate about the cities’ phenomena. I have strived to discover more active ways to live in a the city, an appetite that has led me to intern with Oorvani Foundation. I chose to study urban governance - a domain echoing its object complexity - at SciencesPo Paris. I find great joy in contemplating the city and hope to use this blog as a place to convey my thoughts over the next six months. Bangalore, or Bengaluru, has doubled in size in about a…

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PNLIT Fundraiser concert 'Padma Bhushan Sudha Ragunathan sings for Puttenahalli Lake' is here! 'Without music, life would be a mistake,' said Neitzsche. 'Without water, there would be no life,' they say. Sudha Ragunathan, Sangita Kalanidhi, and one of India's leading Carnatic vocalists will be performing LIVE, exclusively for Puttenahalli Lake. She will be accompanied by R. Raman, Neyveli Skanda Subramanian and B.V. Raghavendra Rao Through this concert, PNLIT wants to promote environment awareness and the need for individuals/groups to save water and water bodies. Join PNLIT in this campaign for water for all, forever. Buy a ticket, become one with the melody, help PNLIT maintain…

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On 4th February 2017, an evening nature walk was held at Puttenahalli Lake, JP Nagar 7th Phase, coordinated by PNLIT volunteer Sapana Rawat. Sapana had the following to report about the event. "The actual flower of the Bougainvillea plant is the small white one and not the colorful pink, red, orange color leaves that surround it. The colorful leaves will slowly turn into green once they mature," said avid naturalist Deepa Mohan much to the delight and surprise of a group of adults and children.   This mixed group of more than 20 adults, children and 2 infants in strollers(!)…

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