
Yes, we've been away. No No, quite literally. When we heard that NIT Trichy's annual cultural fest Festember was starting on the 18th of September, we jumped at the idea. The veterans who have traveled far and wide to cul-fests assured us it would be good fun. Besides it would be a nice break after all the hard work (cough!). So the run-up to the trip went without incident (Discounting the initial shock we encountered when The Parents agreed without as much as a whimper-incredible!). I glazed over the internal tests, hopped my way through assignments and was generally hopping…

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As I walked to the market one evening, my attention was drawn by this van:It seemed to be a novel initiative to sell organic rice, and seemed to make a lot of other claims besides (free of dust!) I spoke to the driver, who said that his "owners" (he couldn't, or wouldn't, give me their names!) told him on the mobile phone where to deliver the rice, how much to sell, and so on.Perhaps readers would like to try this out? ⊕

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There have been quite a few articles recently on disappearing footpaths (or sidewalks), illegal speed breaks etc - so I took these pictures as a pun on BBMP (our favourite punching bag). To their credit, they do good work (airport road is a shining example), but poor planning throws a lot of problems for the public.Since the construction started at the junction to RT Nagar on Bellary Road, the commuters take the extended roads on the side. The distance is about half a kilometre - with no pedestrian walkways, footpaths or even a proper tarred road. Speed breaks? The gravel…

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Off-road issues

One of the things that strikes me repeatedly, as I've been looking at traffic issues, is how there are some things that would simply not be apparent to the regular road user. Getting those things fixed will be critical, going forward. And a good deal of our investment of attention and effort should focus on such things. Here are just two challenges that BMTC, our bus service provider has to contend with, that I would not have imagined before I starting looking at their operations.1. An under supply of depots: For many layouts that have come up in the last…

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Beauty on sale….

Sometimes, the sheer beauty of the wares on sale at pavement stalls stops one in one's tracks...amongst the plastic and the tawdry stuff, sometimes one comes across some jewels.Those are woodcuts, meant to be used for either block-printing, or for making rangoli or mehendi...but except for the paisley patterns, each one is unique!Each was five rupees...a pittance for such artistic work! ⊕

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Looking without ...and... Looking within There are many changes in the business environment today. Have you taken stock of your current position and how you may be affected by these changes .. negatively or ...Positively? You may be a small company or a large one. You may be in the IT sector, or in biotech, in the realty sector, or in retail ...or in a totally different area.  It does not matter in which sector you are in; it is possible that you may be directly or indirectly affected by the major turmoil in the global financial sector. Money is…

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The “Kadle Puri” shop

In Jayanagar 9th block, in the market area, is one of many innumerable shops; this one sells various types of puffed rice and fried lentils....The proprietor (who did not want to give his name..."yaake?" he queried dismissively, when I asked!) says he has a very regular clientele. "Not everyone wants to buy everything in five minutes in those big shops," he shrugs. I noticed that he did exchange a few words with most of the people who came to shop.The rate list of the various kinds of puffed rice and lentils are clearly displayed, and has been updated thanks to…

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In J P Nagar today, BSNL was conducting a Telephone Mela, with both new connections, mobile phones and internet connections being offered at a considerable discount.Here's the sign:Another view of the shamiana:The place was abuzz with people, and the staff were extremely courteous and helpful.Here are some of them, including Ms. Nagarathnamma (fittingly, speaking on the telephone), whom I have personally found very capable and helpful on several occasions:What a difference from the days when one had to make huge deposits, and wait several years for a telephone connection! It is good to see Government agencies being so proactive. I…

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The bows of Indra….

I had been to Barcamp7 at IIM-B, and participated in a freewheeling discussion on finding accomodation in Bangalore, along with Meera. On the way out, simultaneous sunshine and showers brought out this beautiful double rainbow against the African Tulips and the Sampige trees.I was moved to pen these lines:You're feeling down and out.You feel old.There's a storm about.You feel cold.The storm clouds mass;the showers come to pass.Suddenly, in the shrouds of grey rainclouds--A rainbow in the sky! No...there are two!Science can tell you why....but whoWants to know why? Do you?A rainbow is like life:Full of both happiness and strife.When there…

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Day Tripping (Part Deux)

Early Morning abstractness captured at NITT Day two was fun. Except, we couldn't take part in half the events because we were a wee bit late. Yes, Yes, we understand you've come all the way from Bangalore, but you see we turned away 20 teams already. Tough luck! Goodbye. Oh come on! What fests run on time anyway, we fumed. Read Part 1 Part 3 of Siri's NITT experienceThere was a bit of the customary song-dance happening near the foodcourt. You know, one of those dos with annoyingly squeaky emcees, with plastic accents and such. Every college fest has to…

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