Deepa's Jottings

Here's an announcement I got via Hasiru Usiru:Those who want unbaked, uncoloured Ganesha vigrahams of the size that can be dissolved at home in a bucket of water and poured back to join your garden soil, can contact3419177 or 9342303247or email Chandra Ravikumar⊕References

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Ranga Shankara continues its endeavour to encourage art and theatre among children, by organizing a Painting Day on the 2nd of August, 2009.The Painting Day is a precursor to a mega event for children, which will be announced shortly. This is an opportunity to unleash one's creativity and indulge innovative minds in mixing colors and creating unique shades! The art pieces will be exhibited at Ranga Shankara for over a month. Furthermore, Ranga Shankara has invited a couple of senior artists of Bangalore to paint away with the children. Date: Sun, 2 Aug 2009 Venue: Ranga Shankara Time: 11 AM…

Read more is a project aimed at recycling cycles that are unused, broken, abandoned and bringing them back on road.The project borrows ideas from, and goal is to build a platform where people can contribute time, money, effort, equipment, information so that more and more cycles can get onto the road.The project will be run on a not-for-profit basis.Please get in touch with them, if you: 1. Have an old/unused/broken cycle/cycle-part and want to give it away 2. Know abandoned cycle/cycle-part and can help retreive it it 3. Have time to spare to collect cycles, get them fixed…

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When one is sitting halfway around the world, what's happening in one's city sometimes takes on a distant, unreal quality and one tends to read emails with some amount of detachment...but the way our government is hell-bent on converting all our green spaces into buildings or roads jolts me out of the apathy.So I am posting this online petition, which each of us should sign, to prevent further depradation of Bangalore's open spaces:"Preserving Bangalore's Green cover/Open areas" really think this is an important cause, and I'd like to encourage you to add your signature, too. It's free and takes less…

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Comprehensive Trauma Consortium, is a voluntary non-profit organization established in March 2000, specializes in providing round-the-clock Free Ambulance Rescue service (Pre-hospital care) to accident victims in and around Bangalore City . We have conducted 70,000 rescues so far. The objective of this course is to create the importance of Pre-Hospital Care and equip the participant with first aid and CPR skills. This certified course is for one full day along with manual. The course fee is Rs.350/ per person. For registration please call @ 9880323829 and confirm before 30th May 2009.Venue Details : Date 30 /05/ 2009 (Saturday)Time 10.00 am…

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A photograph by Sriharsha Ganjam, a Bangalore-based photographer, got selected as the picture of the week in a very prestigious nature photography magazine. You can check it out on the link below, and hitting on the Picture of the week button on the right hand top. or, to see the image directly, (it will be on only until Friday the 24th March)Click here:⊕

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WeMove Productions, a subsidiary of WeMove Foundation, announces: The Short Play Writing Competition 2009. This shall be followed by a "Short Play Festival", where the selected scripts shall be staged, and suitably awarded. (Prizes worth INR 10,000/- for the prize winning scripts) Please read the Rules & Regulations of the competition before submitting your scriptHow to Apply · Applicants are invited to write a short play of approximately 30minutes in length, on a subject of their choice.· he authors should register on to enter the competition.Visit and click on "Submit your Script". o Fill in the required details,…

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On the 29th of March, I went to Lalbagh to join the joint Max Mueller Bhavan /  Indian National Trust for Art and Cultural Heritage (INTACH) -organized Heritage Walk. Having taken many people around Lalbagh, I wanted to know if there was anything I had missed learning's some of what I saw.We all met at the 3-billion-year-old (give or take a few hundreds!) sheet rock on which one of Kempe Gowda's towers stands, and marvelled at the range of pre-history to history; we then walked towards the Glass House, where the Lions of the Ashoka Pillar are etched into…

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