world water day

World water day at Rainbow Drive layout, March 22nd  Is there any other better way to celebrate world water day than at Rainbow Drive (RBD) layout in Bengaluru? Rainbow Drive has been a pioneer in many good practices towards water sustainability, and this was one such occasion which provided an opportunity to celebrate that spirit of working towards water self-sufficiency. The involvement of the young generation in taking photographs and developing a movie on the good practices followed in the community, the residents themselves talking about the current practices and interventions around solid waste management, recharge wells, rainwater harvesting, etc. made…

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Message from MAPSAS   For World Water Day we will be organising three events at three of the lakes we are involved with. SOUL KERE RUN FOLLOWED BY BREAKFAST: 6.30-8.00AM We'll be conducting a run around Soul Kere at 6.30AM (please gather at 6.15AM).  You will need to bring a two-litre bottle(like some old coke/pepsi-type bottle that you can pick up from a kabadi wala) filled with water.  We will have volunteers who will puncture the lids of the bottles and tie them to the trees and saplings we have planted so it will drip irrigate the saplings.  We encourage each of you who…

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With our trees sprouting new leaves or bursting into flower, each day is a celebration of our lake. The World Water Day (March 22nd) is but an excuse for us to get together and do our bit for Water. Post Ugadi, please join us on Sat. 28th March to clean the dry parts of the lake bed. Help us remove the plastic, pull out weeds and plant bamboo perches for the birds. For just a couple of hours of work on one day in a year, get the satisfaction of preparing your lake for the monsoon.    We are delighted to have the…

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Yelahanka United Environment Association (YUVA) had planned to commemorate World Water Day at Allalasandra Lake on 29th March, through a drawing/ painting competiton on the theme 'Water', as reported earlier.  The event was well attended, with the participation of more than 150 children from the government schools in Yelahanka and Allalasandra. Winners of the competition, would be presented their prizes in their respective schools in the week ahead.   After the competition, Ms Anna, a researcher from Russia who is currently doing a project with the Water Literacy Foundation headed by Mr Ayyappa Masagi took over. She showed the children shown short…

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