Here’s a quiz : What does a lamppost remind you of ? Light ? Nah, try again.... Got it – a dog raising its leg against the base? Yup, that’s it. But what has Bengaluru to do with lampposts? Look for yourself – along many roads, at the base of each lamppost, lies a heap of rubble or trash, shored up in a cone shape. I counted seven along just one  stretch of some 200 metres (down 27th Cross, leading from the Jayanagar shopping complex towards Kanakapura Road). Bricks, chunks of concrete, mud scraped up from the roadside, assorted rubbish…

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Some citizens seem obsessed with giving the city bus transport corporation a bad name, or so it would seem. It is utterly disgusting to see people take a deep breath, collect that gutkha concoction in the mouth and then aim it right onto the street, sometimes missing you by just an inch. Okay, it may have been funny to see Leonardo Dicaprio teach Kate Winslet in Titanic the technique to spit the farthest. But it is most definitely not funny to see orange stains on the road. If only Union Health Minister Anbumani Ramadoss could do something about spitting! It…

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 Cartoon by: Narasimha VedalaSetback spaces specifies the space left between a building and the boundary of the plot. It is meant to ensure sufficient light, air and privacy to the occupants of the building and to the immediate neighbours. Space should allow for movement of vehicles around the building in case of an emergency, like a fire.Recommended setback rules according to the BBMP byelaws.BBMP byelaw setback According to a retired senior BBMP official, it is estimated that 50 per cent of properties show more than 75 per cent deviations from the sanctioned plan. ⊕

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 For four days last week, Thursday to Sunday, BMTC dropped the bus fares for the city's Volvo buses to Rs.1. The Hindu reported on 16 September that several buses suffered damages to tyres, suspensions, blowers, window screens, seat fabrics, and more. ⊕

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