wet waste

Swacha Graha is a citizen-driven campaign initiated by the Solid Waste Management Round Table Bangalore to address Bengaluru’s garbage woes. The campaign challenges you to make you look at the waste you generate as a resource, just by starting three green spots. What are the three green spots? Green Spot 1: Your composting spotGreen Spot 2: Your garden where you use your compostGreen Spot 3: Your kitchen, where you cook with vegetables and greens from your garden How is Green Spot 1 beneficial? Composting is a smell-free, non-messy process which will reduce your carbon foot print. 60% of the waste…

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The garbage problem in Bangalore seems to be too high a mountain (literally) to climb! Can we afford to let things slide till we are sucked into a vortex of crisis? Do we need to face a plague epidemic, as Surat did some decades ago, before we wake up? What can we, as citizens of Bangalore do, to solve the apparently unsolvable issue? Let us look at the three major aspects of the problem. First, garbage generation. If we don't generate so much garbage, we would not have to face the problem. How do we generate less garbage? The 'wet…

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In an effort to tackle the waste management crisis that Bangalore is buckling under, the Bruhat Bangalore Mahanagara Palike (BBMP) has considered dealing with organic waste by converting it into biogas.  BBMP has plans to setup 16 biomethanation plants across the city, some of which are complete and some in progress. The contracts have been awarded to Mailhem Engineers for four plants and to Ashoka Biogreen for 12 plants. Illustrative picture of Bio-methanation plant. Pic source: cmdachennai.gov.in On 22-Jun-2014, the biomethanation plant  at KR Market was inaugurated. According to reports, Mayor B.S. Sathyanarayana said the plant would convert biodegradable waste into energy, and…

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While the government and the BBMP seem to be boasting of making Bangalore garbage-free under Kasamukta Bengaluru, the ground reality is far different. Though there seems to be slight there is slight improvement in some areas, most areas in Bangalore remain neglected. Garbage - dry, wet, organic, inorganic, medical, degradable, non-degradable - everything can be seen littered across the city. The garbage mounds in the landfills never stop increasing. On an average, a ward generates 2-3 tons of dry waste, per day. And if locals are to be believed, around 80% of this waste is thrown in the landfills. Waste…

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On February 23rd, residents of HSR Layout 3rd sector got together for installation of a composting device in the Twin Park, taking another step towards responsible citizen engagement in waste management.On 1st September, 2012, a Walkathon had been flagged off by the HSR corporator K Latha Narasimhamurthy, initiating a mission to make the neighbourhood plastic-free and implement effective segregation of garbage. However, thereafter, there was not much significant progress noted on the solid waste management front. The issue, in general, turned big for Bangalore which turned into Garbage City, as we saw everyday in the daily newspapers and on TV.…

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What do you mean by waste segregation? Waste segregation basically means keeping wet and dry wastes separately, so that dry can be recycled and wet waste can be composted. Why should I do it? So that it reduces waste that reaches landfills and reduces pollution to air and water So that different processes- composting, recycling, incineration can be applied to different kinds of waste How do I practice waste management at home? Keep separate containers for dry and wet waste in the kitchen Keep two bags for dry waste collection- paper and plastic , for the rest of the household…

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