ward 150

We'd taken our birder friend from Kerala to the Kaikondanahalli Lake. We were greeted by the spot-billed ducks and purple moorhens. And at twilight a big flock of Lesser Whistling Ducks took off (about 200); the sight and sound of a big whistling flock is quite a sensation. It was fairly dark when we reached the swamp area. "Sandpipers" and a friend pointed to activity in the swamp. "Sandpipers" quicky turned to "ringed plover? Painted Snipe!". We could hardly believe our luck. We did try our luck at shooting them too (Snipers, we are not!). We saw at least 3…

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Most of us know how difficult it is to work with government officials to get the works done. And works related to a social cause will take more time, energy and patience. But the following report makes all citizens to feel happy and ready to shower flowers on the officials who are quick in taking actions on matters related to the social causes brought up by the FORward150 active members. I congratulate all the officials who are directly and indirectly helped us in FORward150 intiatives. Water flow into the Ambalipura lake. Pic: Rajesh Rao. This is one of the biggest…

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Process for name change in electricity bill (Note: A khata not required) 1. Get NOC (No objection certificate) from your Builder's Office on their letter head. This should indicate that builder has no objection for name change on electricity bill. 2. Get two forms (one AEH form and other indemnity bond form). Forms can be obtained from BESCOM offices or should be available in any stationery shop near BESCOM offices. Document is known as 'Name Transfer Document' and entire set of Indemnity Bond + Form + NOC format + File can be obtained from BESCOM office for Rs 300 or…

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Finally there has been work happening on Harlur Park in the past few weeks. The contractor has built walls on two sides for the would-be-park. Levelling of one portion has been done, and a borewell dug – all for the contract worth Rs. 3 Lakhs. Last week evenings and nights have been busy with large low lying portion in the plot being filled with soil. The nutrient-rich soil is sourced from the Kaikondrahalli lake bed which is getting excavated, as part of the rejuvenation work. The contractor can do this only in the nights, because heavy vehicles are allowed free…

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Yesterday, some active members of Forward 150 federation, inaugurated the tree planting on Kaikondrahalli Lake.They did a Bhoomi puja and planted four trees on the island. The remaining 2500 saplings will be planted by volunteers in the coming days before island & bunds work completes. There is scope to plant about 250 odd trees on the island itself, pits have been dug up for the same.  ⊕

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A park has been earmarked on Harlur Road, right opposite Raindrops apartment, which is stone throwaway distance from Spencer's mall on Sarjapur Road. The Forward150 Federation has been trying to get it moving.One day BBMP men came and installed big yellow concrete board saying "Udyana Vana" and a children's jungle gym. Not inside the park site. Inside a neighbouring site. Then there was confusion, there was talk of a disputed property and which is the actual park area.In a few months, that resolved and the actual park area was fenced. The elections happened and nothing moved for a while. Nayaz,…

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PC, a member of Forward150 has shared his experience.As mentioned by my friend, yesterday I was chased by two persons on a bike and stopped near SJR Variety (Few meters from HM Symphony gate). They started speaking in Kannada and I told them to speak in Hindi. They told me that I had hit a person and need to come out and have a look at the person and solve the problem, I replied I am sure I have not hit any one and if you have any complaint we can go to police station. They insisted I come out…

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Kaikondrahalli Lake is in the news in our neighbourhood. Some of our active residents are working with BBMP Lake Project which is rejuvenating the lake. Dredging work is almost done and bunds on the side are getting constructed. Meanwhile, a young Springfields apartment resident, Rajul Ramchandani, a student of Delhi Public School, has made a short video. He has submitted the video to India Water Portal's Lost Lakes of Bangalore. The Lost Lakes of Bangalore is a project to document Bengaluru’s many tanks and lakes which have vanished with urbanization and growth. See the video here: The parallel activity that…

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