social media

Amidst this coronavirus crisis, a lot of fake news, misinformation and hate speech messages are being circulated on instant messaging platforms, such as WhatsApp. Below are some points the members and admins of such groups on messaging platforms should take note of. What should you do as a member of groups in messaging platforms Do not post fake news, hate speech or misinformation in groups Do not further forward or circulate any such news you get from other members of the group Immediately delete any post, if you find it objectionable or the admin notified you Check the source and…

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It has come to our notice that this article has been forwarded on several chat and social media platforms with a MISLEADING introduction that the Disaster Management Act prohibits any citizen, apart from the government, to post any update or share any forward related to Coronavirus, making it a punishable offence. This is NOT what the article below says; it merely explains the provisions of the said law, and points out that **FAKE** claims and warnings may attract penalties under Sections 52 and 54 of the Act. Fake news peddlers may now face imprisonment of up to one year or…

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While grown-ups are busy figuring out the logistics of COP25 in Madrid, given that Chile is not an option anymore, student strikers in India are busy organising mass movements across their cities. Students from across the city of Mumbai have been striking every Friday at Marine Drive, a promenade in South Mumbai where currently, the 37th week of the protest is underway.  Tanmay Shinde, 23, a student striker from the city noted that his motivations to join the movement arose from observing the “ample environmental issues in the city itself” like flooding during monsoons, water shortages, air pollution and environmentally…

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Friday morning dawned overcast and grey. There was an unmistakable stillness in the air.  Households were unusually quiet except for the blaring news channels. Apprehension had gripped the city of Kolkata by now. Fani, the most disastrous cyclone in two decades had already hit Orissa. Kolkata was slated to be its next target. By early morning, local news channels were high on theatrics and drama. Footages of windows shattering and tin roofs being blown away were replayed over and over again in different channels. Bengali anchors used big words and talked about ice age being the final manifestation of climate…

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Demonetisation is 'the' trending topic in India. It brought along with it a scarcity of cash and an abundance of rumours. Social media has been on fire with rumours surrounding demonetisation. Very few people had a clear idea of what was actually happening. Here we have compiled a list of rumours related to demonetisation in the last one and half months. Know where your notes are The new Rs 2000 was rumoured to have remote GPS tracking abilities due to a chip embedded within the note, right out of a sci-fi flick. Giving due credit to the guy who thought this up, such…

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This Mother's Day, remember the “mother of all battles” that happened in Bengaluru some weeks ago? No, it was not fought on a cricket pitch. Rather, it involved moms who were part of a common forum on Facebook--a group called Mums of Bangalore (MoB, the acronym, turned out to be prescient, in more ways than one). Moms fought with each other. Local moms took on “outsiders” (including the group-founder) for disrespecting the local language, and being disinclined to learn the language of the place they live/work in. There was slander, much shaming, and slurs hurled back and forth. And of course,…

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In the past 10 days, two people have had life-changing experiences. And been written about, because of social media. One was hounded and shamed online. The other was hailed as heroic, again, online. One lost his job. The other was praised for doing his job well. Chirag Mittal is the man who lost his job. Because of an unthinking comment he made on Facebook. An “outsider” working in this city, he posted a few lines about coming here and employing the “locals”. According to a report on the incident in Bangalore Mirror, his post soon drew the ire of many…

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Kripa is a married mom of two in her mid-30s. She is on Facebook, Twitter and many, many WhatsApp groups. And yep, she has many “friends” across these various social media, across groups, too--school groups, college groups, work groups. Too many 'friends' to count, in fact. Through the day, Kripa finds it hard to ignore her cellphone because it pings incessantly with messages from the various groups she is part of--there is a constant exchange of messages, videos, images, jokes--some “non-veg” jokes and videos, some innocent, some childish. All kinds of messages, really. One day, Kripa sent a smiley in…

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Missing: 95-year-old Shankar Prasad Mishra. My friend Preeti Mishra's 95-year-old grandfather,  whom she lovingly calls Nanu, is missing. He went missing from Babusapalya in Kalyanagar on August 25. Nanu or Shankar Prasad Mishra, is much more than a grandparent for Preeti. He is a fellow foodie, and her companion-in-fun. He is also her rock, her safe place. Preeti is an ardent Bangalorean, blogger and writer. I can only imagine what she and her family are going through right now. No, actually I can empathise, because it has happened to me too--when my father went missing three years ago. The worst…

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