
Here's a message that I received at 8.45 pm on Feb 20th 2016. Public meeting has been organised on 21st Feb at BMRCL office Shanthinagarat 11 am in connection with Constructn of Metro station in LaxmanRao park area.Pl attend.Srinivas, Chief Engineer, BMRCL  If citizens are told at 8.45 pm (that, too, by email, which they may not see on a Saturday evening) that there is to be a public meeting the next morning (Sunday) at 11 am, how many of them can turn up? Sundays are planned with family or hobbies in mind, well in advance. Can BMRCL not give citizens a few days' notice when a…

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One of the things that I find very difficult about travelling by BMTC is the fact that most of the bus stops do not display the route numbers of the buses that service the stop. When BMTC (or BBMP, which, I think, holds the land on which the bus stops are constructed) can use so much space for advertising, why can there not be a mandatory display of the routes touching the particular bus stop? This would make life far easier for commuters. In other countries, and indeed, in other Indian cities, this is a standard feature of a bus…

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Recently, I found that several of my older friends are unaware of their rights on Bangalore Metropolitan Transport Corporation (BMTC).So I decided to clarify about this. Here is confirmation that BMTC offers discounts of 25% to Senior Citizens. .BMTC cites 60 years, though the Hindu report cites 65 years.   The fact, however, is that most conductors do not give the Senior Citizen discount unless one is aware of one's rights and asks for it. So...keep your id cards handy, and insist on your right if you are entitled to the discount.   Here's the extract from the BMTC charter:…

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The 50 Paise Campaign

*Bangalore Bus Prayaanikara Vedike*The 50paise Campaign!!*Rs. 5 for 10 km!**Rs. 15 for 11-20 km!**Rs. 25 for anything above 20 km!*Bangalore Metropolitan Transport Corporation (BMTC) bus services, the transport of Bangalore's 'common man', have become increasingly unaffordable over the years. Over the last year and a half, the bus fares have gone up by a steep 50%, increasing the economic hardship for Bangaloreans. If a garment worker or a pourakarmika, who earns Rs. 5000 a month, buys a monthly pass for Rs. 725 (Rs. 925 for red board buses), she shells out 15-20% of her income just for commuting, which increase…

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Bohidar Subankar writes: KA 57 F 1099 Volvo (500c) on 1st aug 2013My wife was trying cross the road amid traffic to catch the bus, the driver saw her screaming to wait for few seconds but he left the bus stop.I followed the bus, overtook and waived my hand and stopped at the next bus stop and by the time my wife can come out of the car he left the bus stop without stopping.I followed it again and the same was repeated.I was sure now that he is doing it intentionally.I overtook and stopped the bus but he didn't…

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Vinay Sreenivasa, one of the indefatigable volunteers of Hasiru Usiru, writes:   Dear All,   As you may all be aware, the BMTC has biked bus fares by 16%, with the minimum rate now Rs. 6BMTC has been increasing the fares steeply every few months and the rate has almost doubled in the last 3 years.As a result even bus-travel has become unaffordable for a large number of people and they are forced to either walk or cut down on other essential expenditure.   Bus users in the city are a huge block (more than 40 lakhs) but as of now there…

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After the sudden threat posed by the propsed re-alignment of the Metro Rail track along Bannerghatta Road, homeowners suddenly were threatened with the destruction of their homes.  When it was a matter of road-widening, we were able to protest at the chopping down of trees and the increase in traffic; but now, the Government can say that it is developing public transportation and this is for our own good.   After a storm of protests, the proposed re-alignment has been halted...for the time being. But there is no guarantee that our Government will not suddenly start the process again, and…

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An Act that entrusts commoners with the authority to question the government and its actions. The only legislation that stipulates a response time of 30 days (48 hours in the case of human rights violations). A fairly inclusive law that was created with the involvement of social workers, ordinary people, non-governmental, community based and grassroots organizations.We learnt this and more during an invigorating session on the "Introduction to Right to Information Act" that lasted three hours and a half (an hour longer than originally planned) and left us hungry for more. Organized by the Indian Youth Climate Network (IYCN) in…

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