precautions against coronavirus

With Unlock 1.0, Bengaluru has reopened its shops and businesses, and even traffic jams seem to be back. Is this good for us? The short answer is: not all of it. On the one hand, it is great that the economy can recover and the joblessness crisis may start to resolve.  But on the other hand, people returning to their daily lives as if nothing happened is a dangerous approach. More people risk falling sick and infecting others, as indicated by the recent spike in COVID-positive cases. Hospitals that have worked so hard these past few months to contain the…

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As the number of COVID-19 cases are sharply rising in Bengaluru, there's much debate on whether the city should go into another lockdown. When the city entered the first phase of unlock earlier this month, SOPs (Standard Operating Procedures) had been issued to commercial establishments and offices, on preventive measures they need to take. Have establishments in Bengaluru been complying with these norms? Is it safe for you to visit them? Restaurants are among the businesses most impacted by lockdown, with low footfall even weeks into the unlocking. Most restaurants have some preventive measures in place, but the extent varies.…

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My domestic help Vijayamma is an ardent student of the WhatsApp University syllabus. Ever since the world began to grapple with COVID-19, Whatsapp forwards have gone from ridiculous to Sajid Khan-movie-level logic. Picture this - somebody told her that exposure to sunlight on Sundays causes the infection, and I found myself sitting in semi-darkness a whole day. Another day, I woke up to her peering over me, wearing something like Tom Hardy's mask from the 'Dark Knight Rises'. Her theories gets so bizarre, I often want to order a chemistry set and start finding a cure for this damned virus…

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Today, the BBMP Commissioner issued an order that applies to all apartments/gated communities/layouts in Bengaluru, so as to ensure social distancing and quarantining of citizens. The order directs BBMP officers to ensure that the following preventive measures are undertaken strictly. Spraying and fumigating apartment complexes, gated communities and layouts. Ensure there are hand sanitisers/soap solution at the entry and exit, and ensure that every person entering or exiting uses them to wash their hands. Ensure that the health of every person who enters/exits, is checked using a thermal sensor. If any one is found with a cough, cold or fever,…

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Bengaluru is home to many educational institutions, which means it is also home to a large student population and a young professional crowd. In the wake of the coronavirus outbreak, BBMP has issued the following advisory for paying guest accommodations and hostels: Students residing in Paying Guest (PG) houses or hostels may be advised to return to their own homes, in case their educational institutions have declared holidays in view of COV1D-19. In case occupants opt to stay back in the Hostel /PG House, they should be made aware of personal hygiene measures as per the advice of the Government…

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With Bengaluru in lockdown, even procuring food from your neighbourhood supermarket may seem like a difficult task. There's a threat that coronavirus can spread rapidly when people come in close contact in public places. To address the safety of staff as well as customers in markets and shopping centres, BBMP has issued the following advisory: Time-bound sales promotion offers, that have the potential to draw large crowds within a limited time frame, are strictly prohibited. It is advised to introduce 'time-bound token system' for shopping. Reduce overcrowding inside the shopping outlet. It needs to be appreciated that despite the lockdown,…

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As most of us are maintaining social distancing and staying at home, we may also miss taking our morning and evening walks in parks. If not our neighbourhood parks, the Cubbon Park, Lal Bagh, GKVK or JP park for sure. But these tough times call for strict measures to contain the spread of coronavirus.  To address the issue of citizens accessing parks and green spaces, BBMP has issued the following advisory: BBMP understands that the closing of all gyms, sporting and other facilities has caused a lot of inconvenience. However, as a responsible citizen of Bengaluru, you must appreciate that…

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