
Women’s groups in Bengaluru, representatives from various political parties, Bangalore Ladies Circle and Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry Ladies Organisation (FICCI FLO), came together to discuss representation in politics for women and women's issues. (WO)Manifesto, brainchild of Shruti Modi Kaura saw attendance by women from all walks of life at the TERI Institute on April 24. Shruti, once the Chairperson of Bangalore Ladies Circle 31, was only acting on her inclination to lead change when she went door-to-door asking for a seat in major parties. Soon, she realized there was no question of entering politics due to the…

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Our desire is to make a difference to the politics of the state by actively engaging in the perspective building of political manifestos in the coming elections of the state and later aim at working with the state and its agencies in shaping the governance structures. We intend to have quarterly, department-wise interactions with the elected government to follow-up on the promises made by the winning party and the commitments made on our manifesto.   The recommendations that have been raised have been taken from critically viewing the development of the state over the last five years as well as…

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Runners Manifesto A demand from the runners in Bengaluru to the contestants in the Karnataka Legislative Assembly Elections 2018 Our Vision General physical and mental well being of citizens Green lung space Reduction in pollution Safe space for commute by walking/cycling Urban commons for community engagement Better standards of liveability. With the right infrastructure for runners, multiple objectives are achieved for the city. The city of runners Bengaluru is not only known as the Silicon Valley of India but is also the running capital of the country. Year long salubrious climate and convergence of various expats has brought the love…

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This is a 'Green Manifesto, objective of which is a commitment from the candidates contesting the elections to include “A Healthy Environment for the Well-being of the citizens” as an agenda in their general Manifesto. “Namma Kasa Namma Jawabdari” is the basic principle on which this document is drafted. A healthy environment is the ultimate source of everything critical for our survival - providing healthy food and materials, to the land we live in, water sources that sustain us to the air we breathe. We want clean habitat for ourselves and also for the villages that surround our city. We…

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A few months ago, Bengaluru saw people from various resident welfare associations and list out their wants for Bengaluru. This was at Beku BeDa Santhe, organised by Citizens for Bengaluru. The list that came out of it, a citizens' manifesto for Bengaluru, was submitted to various political parties. Here goes the citizens manifesto. Traffic Principles: Prioritize moving people over vehicles Incentivize public transport over private transport Invest heavily in mass public transport Demands: Setup UMTA Double the bus fleet, halve bus fares Add 10 new suburban train routes every year Increase frequency of metro; add coaches Integrate public transport with…

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The JD(S) manifesto starts off with a note that says that JD(S)’ contributions to the city of Bengaluru have not been small and for the next 5 pages goes on to enlist the contributions that H D Deve Gowda and H D Kumaraswamy have made. Only then does it move on to its plans for the city.  The key points in the manifesto are as follows: Tackling of Corruption in Governance: Lokayukta, land transactions to be made transparent, change in licensing system, citizen involvement in supervising governance Creation of Metropolitan Planning Committee: To manage Bangalore and regulate the growth of…

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Dear Candidate, The content of this open letter is not something you would possibly expect. It is not something your average voter will ask you to deliver if you are elected. More importantly, most citizens will know little about this issue but could surely be impacted. I am a father who lost a young son in the 23 February 2010 Carlton Towers tragedy. I write to you on behalf of ‘Beyond Carlton’, a registered trust that was set up by the family members of those who were affected by the 23 Feb 2010 Carlton Towers tragedy.  Our aims include: Creating…

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The Bangalore Political Action Committee (BPAC), has come out with a comparison of the manifestos of major parties in the state, specifically with reference to Bangalore city. The comparison in tabular format also comprises it own recommendation on the issues. The parties under consideration include the Janata Dal -Secular (JD-(S), Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), Congress (INC), Karnataka Janata Party (KJP) and Loksatta party.   The various points in the manifestos have been categorised under broad issues like ‘Governance', ‘Infrastructure', ‘Waste Management', ‘Law & Order', ‘Economy', ‘Health & Housing', ‘Education' and ‘Miscellaneous'. Governance For better governance, the JD(S) is proposing an…

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It's hot - and I don't mean the weather. Election fever is spreading, with parties and politicians busy working out strategies that would help them retain (or get to) power.Politicians in power who drive through signals in official cars with red lights whirling on top and pilot cars ordering all traffic to make way for the VIP, have become suddenly supplicants, appearing with folded hands in roadside hoardings, telling us how keen they are to 'serve' us.Look at the party election manifestoes of last elections, and you will see that they all make near-identical promises in seeking votes - capturing…

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If there is one striking feature to distinguish this election from previous ones, it's the focus on the young voter. From actor Imran Khan to Congress scion Rahul Gandhi, the messages relayed through media adverts and political speeches have all urged India's young voters to stop being apathetic and to come out and “make a difference”. Unfortunately, merely coming out and voting doesn't really indicate that candidates are reflecting your concerns or listening to you. R K Misra, Krishna Byregowda and Prof Rajeev Gowda during the presentation of the youth manifesto at IIMB last Saturday (Pic courtesy: Hemangini Gupta) In…

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