
City up in Swachh Survekshan, Smart City rankings Bengaluru was ranked 194 out of 425 cities in Swachh Survekshan 2019, with a score of 2351.81 out of a total of 5000. This was a marginal improvement over the city's ranking of 216 in 2018, and 210 in 2017. BBMP had reclaimed black spots, overhauled transfer stations and organised compost santhes in an effort to improve the city's ranking this year. But factors like the lack of new garbage tenders and of ODF (Open Defecation Free) certification worked against the city. Many citizens had also given negative feedback during the survey,…

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If you are a women, the chances are that you have been at the receiving end of sexual harassment in some form or the other; being groped on a moving bus or being catcalled at, or even being made to listen to sexist jokes. Unfortunately, what happens in most cases is that women accept it as a sad reality of living in India. And unless the assualt is severe, very few women actually come forward to report it to the police. According to Amnesty International, only 1 in every 100 women reports sexual violence. Pic: To empower women to…

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  Like it or not, most of either dread or experience discomfort at the thought of a visit to the police station. But what if you find yourself in a situation where you have to visit one to register that all important document - the FIR? Vigilance Director, and former DG/IGP of Karnataka, M D Singh answers our queries on the same. What is an FIR? The information about a cognizable offence given by a complainant and recorded in a prescribed format by the police is called a First Information Report (FIR). Under Indian law offences are divided into cognizable…

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In the last two months two people were attacked in South Bangalore. The first incident took place in BTM layout 1st stage where a woman was attacked by an intoxicated person and the recent attack in Jayanagar 4th T block by a man, suspected to be mentally unsound. In both cases, lodging FIRs was an uphill task. Family members of both the victims are concerned the way the cases were handled and fear that these incidents might repeat in the near future.On 18th July midnight, Suman’s (name changed upon request) family in Jayanagar woke up to loud screams of her…

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Day before yesterday, I was driving back home from work. At the Silk Board signal, the lights had turned green. I was crossing over, suddenly an auto rickshaw comes out of nowhere, cuts across, breaking all rules and I had to hit the breaks but couldn't stop myself from hitting the auto rickshaw. Still from promo film on road accidents, made by the Bangalore Traffic Police. It was a minor hit. I have a Maruthi 800, my bumper got dislodged a bit and the auto rickshaw's right mudguard had a dent.I know many people who would just drive off. The…

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