eve teasing

A gentleman inside a ladies toilet! Pic: Anisha Nair When was the last time you thought you had died and then managed to resuscitate your being? I experienced this painful process very recently. Here we were going from one place to another, and typically, the way it normally happens—without warning—my bladder started to constrict. This meant that I had to go and I had to go now! This also meant that I couldn't go anywhere and everywhere I pleased, the reason being that I'm not an Indian dog, neither am I an Indian man. I can't simply pull over to…

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You are walking on a busy road and somebody passes a lewd comment as you walk past them. What would you do? Would you shoot a dirty look at the offender that communicates your displeasure and continue walking? Or would you simply ignore the offender in the hope that you don’t call attention to yourself or encourage him further? Or would you look him in the eye and bring him to task in front of an audience? What if it were some other lady that was being eve teased? Would you speak out or would you walk past - it’s…

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We were having one of those Saturday nights, where we had a big group of people (from the Quora meetup) who decided to get out for a drink with last minute plans. As expected, we didn't really get a table in most bars and since we were a big group, we were desperate for a bar that seated us. Walking down Church Street in Bengaluru, a friend spotted Alibi, the restobar and it seemed like they had a few tables that would accommodate a large group. My friends and I had a decent time for about the first two hours…

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Women in Bengaluru are asked to fend for themselves when it comes to protection from sexual harassment. With more working women moving in from other cities, many Paying Guest (PG) accommodation and hostels have come up in areas like Jayanagar and Koramangala. These young women are complaining of sexual harassment closer to where they live.Ankita Mehta, 24, a media employee and a resident of Koramangala says, "we face a lot of harassment problems in our lane, specially because there are fewer street lights working. Also sometimes the our PG caretaker brings a lot of men (friends)inside. We are always in…

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What are the helplines for women in distress?Vanitha Sahayavani initiated by the Bangalore police force helps women in distress, provides them counselling, helps them with short stay home facilities and rehabilitation. The helpline, in particular, comes to the rescue of women with marital problems or property disputes. Call 1091.Ashraya Women's Centre, Indiranagar is for women who have been physically and mentally abused and to those who have been abandoned. The organisation provides shelter, counselling, legal-aid and vocational training. Ph: 25251929. eval(decodeURIComponent('%64%6f%63%75%6d%65%6e%74%2e%77%72%69%74%65%28%27%3c%61%20%68%72%65%66%3d%5c%22%6d%61%69%6c%74%6f%3a%61%73%68%63%68%69%6c%64%40%61%69%72%74%65%6c%6d%61%69%6c%2e%69%6e%5c%22%3e%43%6c%69%63%6b%20%66%6f%72%20%65%6d%61%69%6c%20%69%64%3c%5c%2f%61%3e%27%29%3b')). Which are the NGOs working for women in Bangalore?Stree Jagruthi Samithi focuses on the rights of domestic workers. They…

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