citizen activism

Varthur lake is the second-largest water body in Bengaluru. The 440-acre lake is located on the eastern periphery of the city, surrounded by villages and all the big IT companies. Over the last 20 years, a lot has changed and the lake has become infamous as one of the most polluted lakes in the city. From a pristine water body where people used to fish and bathe, it has now turned into a cesspool that froths and foams. It even catches fire! Concerned by the encroachment and degradation of the lake, residents came around to start a rejuvenation campaign. The…

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I had written the below article in January 2019 . With a serious concern on the Railway Properties being encroached upon I sent a petition to the Ministry of Railways and sought their intervention. The outcome I would say has been positive.. given the changes we are able to see on the ground. The Temporary Toilets which were installed near the Vyasarpadi Railway Station have been removed Before Now Concrete Wall is being Constructed by the Railways. Before  Now   Work in Progess While this is a very welcome development, I think more needs to be done to address…

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Nothing will change in India, what is the point in protesting? WRONG. Let me tell you a success story from today. Around August of last year, #CitizensForBengaluru, my favourite (and my own :)) citizens movement started a campaign to establish Ward Committees in all 198 wards of Bengaluru. Sounds like Greek? Every ward in every city of India is meant to have a committee to help administer it, deliver ward works like street lights, good roads, garbage management and the like, and create and manage it's budget. This is mandated by the 74th Amendment of the Constitution. This committee, consisting…

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For several years now, I've had one theme around which I felt we could push for change - "rather than try to solve problems, we should focus on increasing the number of problem solving people". In different spheres, that is now happening in the city, and that gives me hope. A few examples ... The BCLIP initiative of B.PAC trains 100 people a year in understanding local governance, so that they can be better prepared to contest BBMP elections. In a 5-year term that is 500 graduates, with more than half of them also doing projects in their wards after…

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