Sometime back, we noted that the government had renamed Karnataka’s Urban Development Department as The Great Bengaluru Land Scam Department. Since then, developments have spiralled further and deeper into the mysterious inner workings of our system, and behold: another name change is being announced at the fag end of the year.BBMP is being renamed U-TURN-MP on January 1st!Surprised? You should not be, actually. Here’s the evidence:After repeatedly insisting that a link road was a must through forestland in the prestigious University of Agricultural Sciences’ GKVK campus in north Bangalore and cutting over 680 trees in 2009, BBMP is now, at…
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This year has seen some great moments for India and Indians.. and some really low times. Through much of the year, predictions were being made about how we have some of the best years of growth ahead. However ... the last few months have left us with a sour taste, we have seen one scam after another being reported and discussed. These have touched almost all of us in some way or another. Many names that we held in high esteem have been dragged into this. Media persons, politicians, corporate czars, bureaucrats... trusts, NGOs, the list of individuals and groups…
Read moreOf late, the rubbish dump near the Staples store has been attracting a lot of rodents...which is bad news. But the good news is that the rodent population is kept in control, by Shikras and Barn Owls, which I have been seeing regularly. Here's a Barn Owl, sitting near the rubbish dump, waiting for prey: You can see the Shikra, too, most evenings, flying around. Shikras are crepuscular, and hunt at dawn and dusk. The Barn Owls are nocturnal.So...if your apartment has Barn Owls...don't worry about their chirring at night...they are taking care of your rat problem! ⊕
Read moreMy friend Vishwas and I went to see an exhibition of Hollywood photographs at Tasveer Art Gallery I enjoyed the photographs on several levels. The first reaction, of course, was to the technical excellence of the photographs themselves. In the era of black-and-white photography, when photography was a cumbersome and tedious process, these photographers have yet produced such gems! Portraiture, to me, is one area where black-and-white photography still holds its own against colour.Portraying people noted for their looks, as well as their talent, can hold its own challenges. Which aspect would you highlight as a photographer? Some photographs, such…
Read moreEarly morning, in the home of that elderly and typical Bangalore couple, Mr and Mrs.Rao....morning coffee, and the usual toast-and-butter, had just been eaten, and the newspaper read.Mrs. Rao went into the kitchen, and then peeped out and asked her husband, "So what would you like for lunch today?""Well, a little hot sambar in this cold weather would be great," he replied, smacking his lips."OK, then, I'll make some onion sambar and potato roast," Mrs Rao said, but was staggered to see her husband burst into the kitchen with a very alarmed expression on his face."Onion Sambar!" he exclaimed. "Did…
Read more"Security theatre" is "a term that describes security countermeasures intended to provide the feeling of improved security while doing little or nothing to actually improve security".This is particularly true of many security measures that our banks use. I really would like the cushy job of a security guard at one of the banks, or their ATM's. To demonstrate:On the 20th of December, I visited the ICICI Bank ATM at about 10.30pm, to withdraw some cash. I found this very alert security guard on duty:The radion was blasting songs at full volume, and I came in, finished my transaction, took the…
Read moreOn the 20th of December, at about 3pm, we were travelling in a hired cab, and the car (an Innova, belonging to M/s. Chandru Travels) was stopped near the Ranga Shankara/Innisfree House School area by the traffic police.They asked to see the driver's documents, and the driver (Mr Prabhakar) had everything in order.Mr Prabhakaran was dressed in a white shirt and trousers, presenting a neat appearance.The police then wrote out a challan for his "not being in complete uniform" as the driver of a hired cab, and fined him Rs. 100.Can someone tell me the logic of such a rule,…
Read moreA Delicate white flower creeps over a harsh looking trunk of a tree at Lal Bagh Botanical Garden. Pic by Ravi Kaushik ⊕
Read moreGopalan Innovations Mall has been more than 6 years in the building, and it opened a while ago, with Westside and just a few more shops to start with. Today, I noticed that there were multiple cinemas... and also, that they were opening today!I decided to go up and enquire. The weekday shows are priced at Rs. 150 and Rs. 180...I didn't find out the weekend rates. The number for the cinemas is6533 6764I was told that I could "book over the phone, but you must come and buy the tickets here, madam"...a statement I have yet to figure out! J P…
Read moreWhen the law says, "Do not ride a two-wheeler without a helmet", this is how we choose to obey it.... Even at the cost of one's life, there seems to be some thrill in observing the letter of the law and flouting its spirit! ⊕
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