Residents loacted beside the Thubarahalli-Vibgyor school Road stretch have been facing problems every day, due to not having basic amenities like road, streetlight and sewage. Around 6000 people stay in this locality. A mud road which gives access to eight to nine apartments in this area has not been upgraded for the last eight years.
The situation of Thubarahalli – Vibgyor school road is really pathetic during rainy season. Pic: Javed Ahmad
In summer, dust pollution created here is unimaginable. Dust is being collected on the apartments in such a huge quantity that people cannot open their windows. The building are mud-coloured due to heavy traffic on this road.
The situation is really worst in the rainy season. It is full of mud and people are not able to walk. Women do not feel safe here after sunset, as there are no street lights here.
The road cannot bear the heavy traffic due to its miserable condition. Pic: Javed Ahmad
Vibgyor School located on this road, has a strength of approximately 3500 students from Nursery to Grade X. The strength of students, teachers and staff exceeds 4000. Currently there are around 65 school buses plying on this road. The road leading to this school from the main road is in very bad state. During rainy season, it is very difficult for the school buses to ply on this road.
During summer, the dust rising whenever a vehicle passes, leads to health problems among children, school staff and public living in the close vicinity. Over a period of time, the condition of the road has deteriorated considerably, as the number of vehicles plying on this road has gone up.
The residents complain of the following issues:
• Bad Road (Basically no official road) from varthur Kundanahalli towards Apartments like Hinduja Park, Samhita Rainbow, Vasawani Brentwood, etc. Mud road near towards Vibgyor School
• There is no street lights in this road
• Traffic issues and accidents due to bad road conditions
• Road is still considered as private road and not public road
• Bad condition of the Road towards UKn Esperanza
• No street lights near the UKn Esperanza towards the Sri Krishna temple
During assembly election period, the residents intiated a drive to make sure maximum of the approximate 3800 voters go to polling booth and participated in the democratic process very enthusiastically. Now they are asking the government and authorities to come up with a solution to the long-pending problems in the area.
The residents have approached civic authorities by sending registered letters, besides bringing the issue to the attention of the corporator of the area. They have also submitted a memorandum signed by various residents in the locality. School authorities have approached the Chief Minister on this issue. However, nobody has shown any interest in solving the issue so far.
Contacts of MLA:
Name: Aravind Limbavali
Phone: 080 28511333 / 28511999
Facebook page:
Facebook A/c:
Contacts of corporator:
Name: N R Sridhar Reddy
Mobile#: 9845382347
Email ID:
Having faced the issues for years together now it feels we do not live in the IT City. The road is more like a remote village road; may be now a days the village roads are better than ours. I have seen undamaged roads being re-tarred every now and then at many places in Bangalore…So the only question to the civic authorities and public representatives is when we will get our right to a tarred road, street lights and proper sewerage system?
I am sure govt gets a lot in taxes from people living in this road.. Why cant they utilise 10% of it to construct the road.
I was pregnant and couldnt take an auto as doctor asked me to avoid bumpy roads .I had to start back from work at 4 PM so that I can walk back at home when there is sunlight .
There are umpteen dogs and no streetlights as well.It is pure luck that I did not slip on the road during the rains.
Not just me ,little kids in the school buses sway from side to side ..I wonder their head might hit the bus.It is pretty dangerous.
Our roads tell how bad our civic authorities are. It has been a nuisance for lots of people who use this path daily. It’s very unsafe, people struggle to walk on it, highly dust polluted environment. Citizens are filling the worst pot holes. Whats being done to so much of tax, government collects proactively? Request at least half of that pro-activeness to lay the roads which can live for atleast 10 years!
My dad almost 70 yrs old slipped and broke his arm due to the slippery nature of the road during rains.He had to be operated upon and will live with a weak arm for the rest of his life. Find it very strange that goverment authorities have done nothing to improve the road in the past decade yet apartmemts are mushrooming by the day in the area.Why is it so hard to expect basic amenities like roads in a city like bangalore?Why inspite of multiple pleadings the politicians are turning deaf ears? Why are they even elected if they cant take care of such basic amenities?
When self volunteered group of people approached ward Corporator just before assembly election, they were assured by respectable Corporator that road work will start after election and street lighting would be done with immediate effect. 2 months have passed post election and all the those promises and assurance proved to be false and just election gimmick.
Even after the work order has been approved by BBMP & a Job Number (085-13-000064) has been sanctioned by BBMP on 20th March 2013 for an estimate of Rs 1.5 crores ,the residents living in the Varthur Vibgyor School stretch are still waiting endlessly for the road to be laid.
I am using this road from last two & a half years. Many Govt officials & politicians have come & promised street light, road & drainage. But nothing happened till now. Federation of Tubarahalli Apartment owners Association have given memorandum to Chief Minister, local MLA(Ex Minister), BBMP Mahadevpura Joint commissioner regarding this road, But only promises came. Nothing Concrete has happened. I think our politicians won’t wake up till next election. We need to take legal route with the help of some good advocates. I have applied an RTI regarding the same. I didn’t get written reply till now & I am escalating by appealing to higher authorities to get the proper information.
This road is horrible in the rainy season. Walking on the road is very difficult. Even two wheeler riding also dangerous as the road is skidding too much. Many humps, water stagnation, no street light & full of mud on the road always a stressful exercise to commute in this road. As we are paying property Tax to BBMP every year, its our right & BBMP’s responsibility to provide us the proper road & other basic amenities. All of us should protest against BBMP & politicians to get this road as early as possible.
Here people participated in the democratic process very enthusiastically by huge turn out in the recent assembly election and if politicians don’t give attention to provide them the basic amenities then it is very unfortunate and this way people will lose their interest in the democratic process and it is not good for the state and country. Hoping for a quick action on our long pending issue.
I have 2 kids in VIBGYOR marathalli and the problem has been since the last 5 years, I have seen this place and the challenge seems to the private property issue at the front and seems there is negative influence at play due to which the woes of the general public is getting ignored. As BBMP thinks this is private property, they will not want to touch it and my suggestion is that VIBGYOR, Samruddhi residents, the other apartments in that lane and stretch should jointly make a signed petition and send copies to BBMP, corporator, MLA and chief minister asking for support. Include the media representatives as well. A massive signed petition with 1000-2000 signatures should catch someone’s eye.
This is not an issue of a bad road, this is about NO ROAD at all between Varthur road and Vibgyor School. In spite of several apartments, schools in the area, the most basic amenities like road, street lights, footpaths and drainage system is completely missing from this area.
It would be interesting to know how BBMP gave its approval for construction of several apartments on this stretch of road if this road is being claimed as a private property.
Bangalore is the only city in India where local authorty least bothered about its residents,the reason could be: by and large the papulation is very much self centered.I have not seen any morcha / road bloked / public unrest to build pressure / gether mass support from public in order to force authorties to accept their demand.People should remember that mother respond to feed her child upon listening his/her crying.
Here in Bangalore all corporates make huge profits ( read IT sector ) but i have not seen any single public park or any road crossing funded and managed by so called champions of IT sector.Take a example of presant case : Vibgyor school is making huge profit but in the matter of public utility they have not shown any interest, same thing is all around Bangalore. If you go to any other city in India you will notice the presence of corporates social obligations to the city in which they are having operations ,they adopt public parks and road crossings and manage by their own fund.I found these kind of social obligation is completly missing in Bangalore, what they does is to built their own private empire in Bangalore which like white elephant for general public.
As far as I know, the school and the apartments in the area are willing to pay for the construction of the road. However, this is possible as there is a pending litigation. Until the court removes its stay or the case is withdrawn, I do not see the situation improving. Petitioning the politicians does not work in this case. Maybe a PIL?
The snap is not taken in worse conditions where you have big holes, 20 buses from schools are lined up, small children being tortured with such undriving conditions. On top of this, during raining season, they have dig in the road at ob very much entrance.. This is such a pathetic presenatation of Govt being failed at providing BASIC Amentities , a safe and nice road for thier children n public
Hello, I’ve been through this article and wanted to know some more about the situation there. If anyone can help me with the details by tomorrow morning then feel free to contact me at or may answer to my comment here.
What I want to know specifically is whether there has been any accidents on this road since past 2-6 months.
If anyone knows anything then please let me know as soon as possible. Thanks.
Hello Neha,
Please join the below facebook group and so the Varthur-Vibgyor road movement
You can post any query you may have.
Here are painful stories and voice of 5000+ residents, need action ASAP
I am planning to book an apartment in this area, can anyone please provide me with the feed back or any updates on the upcoming vibgyor road. Would the road ever come up and hence is it safe to invest in this area. Any valuable feedback will be of real help to us.I did see some jelly stones on the road recently when i visited, but cannot see any progress.
‘@Shal : The road works have been stopped after a few landowners filed a case against BBMP. As of now, there isn’t any road. I know that the builder would be promising lot of things about this road. Let me tell you not even a single builder has come forward till now with the existing residents to resolve the road issue. All the they do is promise and then escape after selling.
It is true…please do not buy any property on this road. I am owing an apartment in Vaswani Brentwood and repenting. I am ok if my property doesn’t appreciate but it will save life of others. All the builders are making fool of you if they tell u it will be done even in 1 yr. Stay away from this road, dangerous than BlueWhale game..
What is the current status of this road?
I was planning to book an apartment in this area.
Bad as before nothing change. BBMP solution is to fill it with garbage and with each rain it becomes worst. It is more dangerous than blue whale game.