PNLIT is happy and thankful to be honoured with the “Prakrti Mitra Award”, instituted jointly by BNM Institute of Technology, Bangalore and Heritage, a non-profit NGO.
The award was received on behalf of PNLIT by trustee Nupur Jain, former trustee Prasanna Vynatheya and volunteer Divya Shetty, at a function held at the BNM Institute of Technology campus during the institute’s Srishti Sambhrama Festival on 23rd September 2015.
A beautiful citation was given to PNLIT:
“In recognition of the exemplary service rendered to the community, and to the Nation, extending itself to protecting, preserving, and promoting the cause of the Environment and Mother Nature in JP Nagar.
… For effectively giving a new lease of life by rejuvenating and maintaining the Puttenahalli Lake through inlet feeding, water treatment and sewerage elimination, thus regulating and restoring the lake, to benefit the citizens of Bengaluru.”
Srishti Sambhrama, or the Earth Mother Festival, is an annual forum that gives an insight into our Natural Heritage. As a part of the festival, the Prakrti Mitra Award is given every year to “people with excellent achievement in the field of conservation of environment and protection of wildlife, who have displayed an outstanding level of motivation, enthusiasm and leadership qualities with a relentless effort beyond their call of duty”. Apart from PNLIT, Mr V. Balasubramanian and Kiran P. Kulkarni were also awardees.
The focus this year was “Sacred Waters” – all water is sacred and the life giver and sustainer of Planet Earth. Held over two days (23rd/24th Sep), the festival included contests, screening of documentaries and inter-active talks with renowned scholars, scientists and environmentalists.
At the inauguration of Srihti Sambhrama (Pics: Nupur Jain)