It is now time to revive the age old procedure of building action plan. Here are some guidelines which can be implemented.
1. In multi-storied buildings, garbage chutes need to be banned, to enforce segregation at source. In buildings that already have chutes, they should be closed. In new buildings, chutes should not be approved during the plan sanction.
2. All multi-storied buildings should provide a garbage sorting area along with a composting area. If there is insufficient space at ground level, terrace/ topmost floor/ basement can be considered. It has been found that the terrace (or top most floor) is an ideal location for composting. It should also be ensured that the space is approved by the fire department.
3. In case of multi-storied buildings – for sanitary waste, a more economical option than the existing ones provided by waste management firms like Maridi or Ramky should be made available.
4. Slums should be provided with door-to-door garbage collection.
5. Leaf litter and garden waste from independent houses should be composted at the nearest park. Burning of leaf waste should be prohibited. Sweepers, pourkarmikas or supervisors need to undergo training and education about this.
6. Ban plastic bags or charging for plastic bags by shops, needs to be strictly enforced.
7. Penalties for throwing garbage and debris into lakes, storm water drains, rajakaluves, and other water bodies should be imposed and strictly enforced.
great..Multi Story Building
Interesting perspective! Eliminating chutes in multi-storeyed buildings could encourage residents to adopt better waste segregation habits, ultimately leading to more sustainable waste management practices. However, it’s worth considering how we balance convenience with responsibility to ensure everyone adapts to the change seamlessly.