Less than 90 days for Mandur to close: Where will city’s garbage go?

A citizen calls out to other citizens in the city to help make the city a better-managed one with no trash.

A screenshot of the Mandur countdown timer as on September 4th, 10:20 am.

Less than 57 days for the Mandur landfill to shut down. The government seems to have no visible plan as to how to handle the piles of garbage that will still need to go somewhere. The people supposed to be on top of the situation are still waiting for the system to evolve, by when we will probably see the evolution of a new species from tons of rotting garbage!

India does not have excess of space for landfills like the US or some other countries. Landfills should anyway be kept to a minimum, and the govt’s policy of identifying a new dumping ground – read: another village on the outskirts – should not be allowed anymore.

What are we giving back to this vibrant city that has given us so much? In fact, this is a question that all of us should be asking, irrespective of where we stay. We generate huge amounts of garbage everyday in our current highly consumerist lifestyle. Are we going to let all of this submerge the city we live in while we stand by and watch indifferently?

Our city deserves better, our country deserves better. Ask your elected representatives what they are doing to solve this crisis that is looming large again. Write letters, file RTIs, go meet people at your local corporator’s office, do whatever it takes to get them to sit up and take notice. This is your money at work, make them work.

Burning the garbage is not the answer. It also has huge health implications. Segregation at source is the only thing that has been proven to work. Do you segregate your waste? If you don’t, make a pledge to start now. Do not ask what you alone can do. Champion the cause, spread the message one at a time.

Folks who do segregate, please reach out to more people. Two bins and a bag are all you need and Rs 100 is all that it takes. Reach out to us at kasamuktha150@gmail.com. If you can’t do that support us in kind. Three months is all that we have, let’s rock the change! Reclaim your city!

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