City: Chennai

With truckers nationwide strike, veggie prices likely to shoot up Truck operators across the nation called for an indefinite strike against rising fuel cost, and calling for rationalising road toll plazas. Though the strike might not impact the supply of essential items like milk, water and medicine it is likely to affect the prices of vegetables. In Tamil Nadu it is estimated that around 4.5 lakh lorries would be off the road. Source: New Indian Express Key bus terminuses likely to be put to commercial use The MTC that has been financially strained with steady loss of commuters is likely…

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அன்புள்ள பெற்றோர்களுக்கு, பாலியல் வன்கொடுமைக்கு ஆளான பதினோரு வயது சிறுமி பற்றிய செய்தியை படித்ததும் என்னைப் போலவே நீங்களும் அதிர்ச்சி அடைந்திருப்பீர்கள். இருபத்தி இரண்டு ஆண்கள், சிலர் தாத்தா வயதுடையவர்கள், தொடர்ந்து ஏழு மாதங்களாக இந்த கொடுமையை செய்திருக்கிறார்கள். இதை பற்றி அணுளவும் தெரியாமல் பெற்றோர்கள் இருந்துள்ளனர் என்பதை தான் ஜீரணிக்க முடியவில்லை. பாலியல் வன்கொடுமைக்கு ஆளான குழந்தையை பாதுகாக்க வேண்டிய பொறுப்பு முதலில் பெற்றோரிடம் தான் உள்ளது – பிறகு தான் ஆசிரியர்கள், பள்ளி நிர்வாகிகள், அரசாங்க அதிகாரிகள் ஆகியோறின் சிறிய பங்கு. இன்றைய சூழலில் குழந்தைகள் எதிர்கொள்ளும் ஆபத்துகளை பற்றி முதலில் பெற்றோர்கள் அறிந்து வைத்திருந்தால் மட்டுமே பாலியல் வன்கொடுமைக்கு ஆளாகியுள்ளார்களா என்று அறிந்து கொள்ள முடியும். வருமுன் காப்பது என்றுமே சிறந்தது, ஆகவே, நான் பெற்றோர்களுக்கு சொல்வதெல்லாம் உங்களால் இயன்ற அளவு குழந்தைகள் இது போன்ற கொடுமைகளுக்கு ஆளாகாமல் பார்த்து கொள்ள வேண்டும். அதே போல் அத்தகைய…

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The incomplete pillars on Chennai's Inner Ring Road are a stark reminder of one of the tall claims of the state and central government about the extended Mass Rapid Transit System (MRTS). Twenty three years after Phase-1 of Parakkum Rail between Chennai Beach and Mylapore was inaugurated in 1995, construction over a 1.5-Km stretch from Adambakkam to Puzhuthivakkam on the Inner Ring Road remains suspended. The 20-kilometre long MRTS line from Chennai Beach to Velachery includes prominent and populated localities that are not serviced by the older suburban railway network. However, the MRTS  has not been utilised to its maximum potential…

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Earlier this year, Cape Town acquired the dubious distinction of becoming the first city in the world to face the prospect of forcibly closing off all taps and get its population to get water from 200 collection points across the city. That catastrophe got pushed back somewhat, but Simla was not so lucky. Last month, piped water was no longer feasible, and people lined up at various places to get their share of this precious commodity. A newspaper report has it that Delhi is likely to go dry in 2020. Can Chennai be far behind? Or has the city already…

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The amount of waste generated while caring for a tiny baby is truly mind-boggling. From single use wipes to disposable nappy pads and diapers, the list is practically endless. Rough estimates suggest that a baby goes through 7000 diaper changes between the ages of zero and three on an average, contributing close to 1,500 kilograms of landfill. Provided it is exposed sunlight and oxygen, a disposable diaper takes somewhere between 200 and 500 years to decompose, making it one of the longer term residents of a landfill. If your head isn’t spinning already, disposable diapers generate sixty times more solid…

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Do our smart city projects come at the cost of green cover? Several trees have been cut in T Nagar to pave the way for road development under the Chennai Smart City projects. Greater Chennai Corporation is building a pedestrian plaza from Anna Salai to Bashyam Road near Panagal Park, covering a stretch of 1.45 km. Residents, traders and NGOs have criticized Chennai Corporation's lackadaisical attitude towards conservation of trees and allege that work for the plaza has started without any survey or census of trees in the area. Source: The Hindu | The Times of India Two new sewage treatment…

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Scenes from the summer past in a Kodambakkam corporation ground: A flurry of activity, with boys and girls between the ages of 8 and 16 engaged in a variety of tasks-- zipping around the grounds learning to control a football as their coach guided them through the moves. Or, training in traditional forms such as silambattam, a form of martial arts using canes. Or learning folks dances popular in Tamil Nadu. A break from school that would've otherwise been spent idling thus turned productive, thanks to the local Police Boys and Girls Club that organised the summer camp for the youth of…

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Pothole dynamics: Of risk and neglect It is a known fact that Chennai's roads are riddled with potholes, so much so that they no longer appear to be a major problem. Only a long time resident of the metropolis, who has walked and driven on the roads for years, would be aware of the inconvenience and risks.   Potholes are the result of callousness of Chennai Corporation officials. The substandard roads laid by the civic body allows stagnation and slow seepage of water into the soil. This results in wear and tear of the roads, forming potholes.   When the…

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Stories can be told through sound, words and visuals.  Stories expressed through sound are mostly songs and spoken tales.  Novels, short-stories, ballards and poetry are stories expressed with words. Finally combining words, sound and visuals are stories that are told through films, television series, plays and musicals. In today’s context, we could even include videos and other forms of digital content.   "Writing has no barriers. All you need is passion", says Bhavna Singh, a debutante writer. Her book, Story Express, a chronicle of short stories for children, was launched recently. Bhavna Singh is an ardent believer in  inculcating values…

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Urban infrastructure projects announced by various government departments have hit a stumbling block in Chennai, since the expiry of the last city council in October 2016. A handful of ideas announced by the Greater Chennai Corporation (GCC) were languishing at varying stages of implementation, several of them still at a very preliminary stage. Several other projects taken up by the highways department have also been in suspension.   We inquired into three such significant projects in Chennai and the problems that impede completion. Pallavaram flyover skips deadline When the highways department commenced the construction works of the three lane unidirectional…

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