Catch the latest on vaccination, fever camps, hospital beds and night curfew in Chennai

How has Chennai fared in the COVID vaccination drive? How many fever camps are being organised and where? What are the latest restrictions to be imposed in the city? Read about it all here.

Chennai has seen a huge spike in COVID-19 cases in the past month, with the city breaching the daily 3000-case mark and registering a record number of positive cases on April 18th. While vaccination for those over 45 years of age is underway, given that the numbers are spiralling out of control, various restrictive measures have had to be reintroduced in the city to help curb the spread of the disease.


One of the key elements of fighting COVID-19 is mass vaccination. Vaccination for healthcare and frontline workers was opened up in January. Those aged 60 and above could get vaccines from March and those aged 45 and above have been eligible to be vaccinated from April.

Read more: All you need to know to get your COVID vaccine in Chennai now

According to the Central Government’s COWIN dashboard Chennai has a total of 637 vaccination sites, of which 362 are public and 275 are private. These include hospitals and primary health centers across the city. 

To know where vaccines are administered in the city, please visit the dashboard and sort by city.

Below are the figures released by the Chennai Corporation on the progress of the vaccination drive.

DateNo. of vaccinationsTotal
Source: Chennai Corporation

Chennai has been reporting instances of vaccine shortage at various hospitals and PHCs in the past week. Reports state that the state has vaccine stock that will last only three days with more stock having been requested.

COVID helpline

The Chennai Corporation has reactivated its COVID helpline and tele-counselling center. The helplines had been active during the peak of the first wave in 2020. Chennaiites can now call 044 – 46122300 or 044-25384520 to get details on COVID testing, vaccination, hospitalisation, help with home isolation and other information pertaining to COVID-19.

COVID helplines have been reintroduced to help disseminate information. Pic: Twitter/ Chennai Corporation

Bed capacity

Chennai has both private and public hospitals providing treatment for COVID positive patients. In addition to this, COVID Care Centers have been reestablished in the city to provide care for those with mild symptoms or those who are unable to safely isolate at at home.

For details on bed availability in private hospitals, the state government’s COVID dashboard has information updated periodically.

COVID care centers have been established at Athipattu with 6000 beds and 50 beds at Victoria Hospital. To expand capacity to accommodate an increase in cases, 13 more centres are set to come up by the end of this month, taking the total capacity to around 13000 beds.

Restrictions and curfew

Night curfew is to come into effect in the state from April 20th, with a ban on movement from 10 pm to 4 am. Essential and emergency services will be allowed to function during this time. A complete curfew will be observed on Sundays with only essential services allowed to function during the day.

Read more: The second wave: All about the latest COVID testing, containment and vaccination protocol in Chennai

Some other restrictions in place from April 20 are as follows:

  • Blanket ban on gathering at parks and beaches
  • Shops and establishments to function with 50% capacity with strict enforcement of COVID safety measures
  • Restaurants and movie halls to function at 50% capacity with strict enforcement of COVID safety measures
  • Movement of transport services, autos, cabs and private vehicles will not be permitted during the night curfew other than for emergencies. 
  • Movement of public and private vehicles will not be allowed within and outside the state
  • During the full day curfew on Sunday, vegetable, meat shops and other shops, cine halls and shopping malls will be shut, no dine-in allowed
  • Takeaway services will be allowed during Sunday curfew from 6am-10am, 12pm-3pm and 6pm-9pm

Fever camps and surveys

Chennai Corporation’s much lauded measure of preliminary screening during the first wave, through constitution of fever camps, is back in action across the city. 

The camps are conducted every day at different locations across the city where screening takes place for those showing symptoms of COVID or Influenza Like Illnesses (ILI). Follow up actions are suggested based on the assessment by the doctors at the camps.

The camp coverage will be expanded to all zones, with focus on wards with high caseloads. The Corporation will deploy an additional 300 doctors for COVID duty, with 150 of them aiding the fever camps. Fever survey volunteers too will be hired to expand the door-to-door survey. Further 1000 FOCUS (Friend of COVID Citizen Under Surveillance) volunteers will be hired to aid those under home surveillance. 

Fever camps schedule can be checked at the website of the Chennai Corporation.

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