Be the change for a Beautiful Bengaluru

The Beautiful Bengaluru - Be the Change campaign looks to make the city clean, green and safe. The campaign kicks off with a zero-litter drive at Lalbagh from January 15th to 17th.


If the litter on Bangalore’s streets bothers you, here is your chance to do your bit towards a more beautiful Bangalore. During the Lal Bagh Flower show, litter reaches unimaginable proportions. Join a drive aimed at increasing awareness that litter must be thrown ONLY in dustbins, with the simple objective of reducing litterers on Bangalore’s roads, most of whom are unaware littering is not acceptable. 

Some more details about where this initiative fits in:

Our logo says it all!

Our first drive towards making Bengaluru litter-free kicks off at Lal Bagh, Fri January 15th (clean-up: 2.30 pm to 6 pm); interaction with visitors on Janaury 16th and 17th (9 am to 6 pm). Do join us as volunteer with children/friends; more details on our Facebook page

Beautiful Bengaluru is an initiative aiming to bring beauty back to the city, making it clean, green and safe by involving citizens who will be the change. It is driven by Bengaluru-based alumni of two management institutes, IIM-Calcutta & XLRI Jamshedpur, and our knowledge partner is Namma Bengaluru Foundation.

The initiative is envisaged in three phases over five years, focussing on making Bengaluru cleaner, greener and safer. We aim to set in motion definite patterns of change, sustainable long-term actively involving alumni, networks, others working in similar areas, administration but very importantly, every citizen wishing for change including groups like schools, colleges, buildings, corporates, etc.

Our focus is three specific areas that impact every one of us very directly each day:

  • Phase 1: Cleanliness & sanitation (reducing litter at source through awareness-building)
  • Phase 2: Environment-friendly initiatives on:
    • Waste (reducing waste and open burning through segregation & composting)
    • Sustainable commuting (reducing vehicles, congestion, pollution, fuel consumption)
  • Phase 3: Road Safety and decongestion (making roads safer and smoother, increasing compliance on helmet/seat-belt use, lane-driving, no mobiles/drunk driving etc)

Why are we doing this?

Quite simply to bring back beauty to our city! Reduce litter, garbage piles, pollution, traffic jams etc. one step at a time… Some efforts are visible but we feel the need to network with experts, agencies and engage the large majority of citizens to do their bit. Small steps can achieve big results if we get on board all those who wish to do something but don’t know what or how.

What you can do?

Become a Beautiful Bengaluru champion and connect with us to understand how you can do your bit in little ways and become part of the movement to make Bengaluru beautiful again. Every person can impact change by becoming an immediate change-agent in simple daily actions spreading to workplaces/other communities, widening the circle of influence. You can be a part of this without spending time, in case time is difficult.


If you can spend just a little time, we welcome you are a volunteer at a time and venue of your convenience. This will be the first of many such drives spreading clean spots across the city and we need concerned citizens to anchor these in various localities. If you can help make Bengaluru beautiful, please contact us as And do connect other interested friends/contacts. The more champions we have on board, the sooner we will see that transformation to a cleaner, greener and safer Beautiful Bengaluru!

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