Koramangala Smartvote is a campaign aimed at increasing voter turnout for BBMP elections and helping residents make an informed choice. Koramangala Smart Vote Volunteers have been conducting a door to door campaign since November 2009, to reach out to residents in Koramangala Ward 151. Apart from this mass outreach campaigns have been conducted at Christ College, Jyothi Nivas College, Rotary Club of Koramangala, Ladies Clubs in Koramangala, CPWD quarters, Koramangala Club and at other social gatherings. Door to door campaign will be continued till around elections time. Additionally mass outreach events are being planned at Koramangala mosque and other social…
Read moreMASTER MIND GROUP is a group which meets every week at 5 P.M. at Koramangala club. It is open to members between 35 to 55 years, though we are not rigid about the age. Members discuss their aspirations, goals, doubts etc. about any topic that concerns them - finance, career, relationship, weight loss, etc. It could even be small goals like getting a secretary, cleaning up a cupboard, etc. This is followed by brain storming sessions and feed back sessions. The atmosphere is non-critical and harmonious. Every member takes away something of value each time. The member himself can set…
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