Articles by Raghukumar Choodamani

Raghukumar Choodamani is a resident of Chennai and likes to write about his observations in Chennai.

As the Convener of the Perambur Neighborhood Development Forum and an active citizen journalist, I have spent the past few years auditing the public infrastructure across the city. I have regularly shared the findings from my observations with the community through digital, social and print media. A few days ago, I visited the Vyasarpadi Jeeva Railway Station to conduct an on-the-spot audit on the state of its public infrastructure. Here is what I found:  Vyasarpadi Jeeva Railway Station. Pic: Raghukumar Choodamani. Lifts and foot overbridge The concrete steps on the existing foot overbridge, located on the platform, are dilapidated and…

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Perambur, the second oldest railway station in Chennai after Royapuram was taken up for restoration under the Amrit Bharat Station Scheme at ₹17.86 crores months after the foundation stone was laid on August 6, 2023. The Coimbatore-based contractor, who was initially awarded the tender, backed out for unknown reasons and the contract was retendered and awarded to a different company. The work is currently in progress. According to the original plan, the main railway station building was supposed to be constructed at the extreme west end of the first platform behind the existing parking area and buildings are already under…

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An old-time resident of Perambur, 71-year-old K S Krishnan would never have imagined that he would be duped and robbed in his neighbourhood in broad daylight. A few weeks ago, Krishnan, a retired Central government employee, went to a temple in Thiruvanmiyur and was getting back home. When he got down from the bus and went to a nearby shop, a person claiming to be a police personnel waylaid him saying that he should be careful of his valuables and talked him into putting his gold chain and rings, which were around 3.5 sovereigns, in his pocket. The stranger said he…

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Recently, there’s been news that the new traffic challan system will mandate a Rs 10,000 penalty on old or new vehicles if owners don't acquire the Pollution Under Control (PUC) certification on time. To tackle expired certificates, the system will use CCTV surveillance to identify non-compliant vehicles and flag them for blacklisting from registration. The rule ultimately has several drawbacks, given the difficulty in acquiring PUC certificates in the first place. The number of PUC centres in Chennai has reduced drastically with only a handful still operational. Only the petrol bunk-owned PUC centres charge the customers based on the tariff…

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The way the first phase of the 2024 Lok Sabha elections was conducted in Tamil Nadu, especially in Chennai, has laid bare the lacunae in the system. For residents, who were not able to cast their votes despite having valid Voter ID cards, it seemed nothing short of a sham. Every time before the elections, the electoral rolls are updated by Election Commission of India (ECI) officials. Instead of deputing people who are working full-time within the ECI, the work is outsourced to government employees drawn from schools, colleges or other agencies. These ECI staff, who come from distant locations,…

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Getting up early in the morning and picking up the Aavin milk packets delivered to our doorsteps or queuing up at milk booths are vignettes from everyday life that most long-time residents of Chennai have grown up with. But of late, the exercise of getting a regular supply of milk from the State-owned milk co-operative is riddled with obstacles. Many residents have been facing problems in renewing their monthly milk card subscriptions online.  People who are well-versed in using smartphones and other digital devices may not have any major issues in renewing their cards online. But it is not the…

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Obstructing pedestrians and commuters is an offence under Section 201 of the Motor Vehicles Act. Though the laws are spelt out, neither the local administration nor enforcement agencies have taken measures to implement the laws against illegal parking on roads and wrongful occupation of footpaths, in the interest of the public in Chennai.   Footpaths are usurped by restaurants, commercial establishments and street vendors to serve vested interests. Illegal parking on footpaths is rampant across our city and beyond. The local officials themselves seem to be ignorant of the rule of law, and claim that the footpath is owned by…

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We have been witnessing the impact of climate change over the last few years. Flooding, inundation and subsequent power cuts have become routine during every monsoon. The poor road infrastructure makes matters worse for residents already grappling with the problems brought on by floods. Over a decade ago, the State government made milling a mandatory requirement for every road that is being resurfaced in Chennai.  However, none of the contractors or local officials adhere to the specifications laid down by the Indian Road Congress. Proper gradient and camber are not being maintained while resurfacing the roads and the height of…

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Resident Welfare Associations (RWAs) from Chennai and its suburban areas made some pertinent observations and suggestions regarding public transport and commuting in the city during the consultative meeting arranged by the Chennai Unified Metropolitan Transport Authority (CUMTA) late last month to discuss the Comprehensive Mobility Plan. These included — smooth access to railway stations and bus stops through walkways and skywalks; ample parking areas that are accessible to all including persons with disabilities; electronic display boards on buses; last-mile connectivity; EV charging points for commuters and much more.         In my capacity as Secretary of the Alliance of Residents Welfare Associations…

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Every year, November and December have been the most devastating months for Chennai when it comes to natural calamities. Our city has long been known for its susceptibility to a long list of natural disasters: cyclones, storm surges, coastal flooding, torrential rainfall, earthquakes and tsunamis. After the 2015 deluge in Chennai, the then administration had acknowledged the fact that the incomplete Storm Water Drainage (SWD) network was one of the main reasons for the disaster, which claimed over 470 lives.Most of the problems faced by the residents in Chennai have existed for decades. Inadequate and poorly managed basic infrastructure has…

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