Articles by Dr Piyush Patel

Dr Piyush Patel is the Senior Program Manager for the dog management work at HSI/India. He has been working with street dog programs for the past 13 years and has done over 50,000 surgeries, trained hundreds of veterinarians and several organizations in the sector. He has worked in 3 countries implementing the street dog management programs and has been an integral contributor to the development of the high standard of protocols utilized by HSI/India in its overall dog management work.

The landscape of street dog management programmes in India has changed significantly in the last few decades, as rapid urbanisation and growing interest in animal welfare has brought such programmes to higher prominence. The Animal Birth Control (ABC) Rules, 2001, (amended in 2010) were formulated as a guiding document for all state and city administrations and Animal Welfare organisations, on the dos and don’ts of conducting mass street dog sterilisation and vaccination programmes. While all street dog sterilisation programmes are implemented in India according to these rules, the actual implementation of these programmes is not without challenge. The rules have…

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