Articles by Captain Naveen Chandra

Captain Naveen Chandra is a resident of Bengaluru, member of 'Praja' and a seasoned mariner.

If all goes well, the bulk of Bangalore’s Public Transport commuters will be moving in trains over rail tracks rather than on roads by around 2032. Plans that have been pending for long are finally being implemented to expand Metro and add Suburban Rail to cover large parts of the city with a combined urban rail network totalling over 400 km. Bengaluru’s quest for rail-based solutions began close to 40 years ago in 1983 when a Commuter Rail system was first proposed. Since then, road traffic has grown by leaps and bounds as street-based transport has remained the only option,…

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There are over 200 cities in the world that have a metro system. London's Metro is the oldest, operating since 1863. Shanghai Metro’s network with nearly 750km is the world's largest today. It also has the highest annual ridership of 2.83 billion trips (in 2020). India’s growth post-liberalisation ushered in faster economic progress. Metropolitan cities being the biggest job creators began attracting migrants and have grown fast. Higher incomes have led to unsustainable levels of motorization because most cities have narrow streets. Bus movement has become slow in heavy traffic and hence is losing efficiency, particularly over long commute distances.…

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Transport is the only development sector that worsens as incomes rise. While sanitation, health, education and employment tend to improve through economic development, traffic congestion tends to worsen as pro-growth forces tend to demand and influence policies. Transport is not a technical problem, It is not an infrastructure problem, It is not even a financial problem, Most often, it is a political problem. The proponents for elevated freeways planned to be built cutting across the city claim many benefits, but the theory behind these has gaping loopholes. Let me analyse them one by one, objectively. City has just 1,500 km…

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