“If it’s not a one-way route, I close my eyes when we take a cab because the speed at which the oncoming vehicles zip past, I fear they might crash against us head-on” said US-based Krithika, while on vacation in Chennai. However, it is not only non-Chennaiites who feel this fear. Many residents, especially women who ride two-wheelers, report feeling tense while on the road. And they have good reason to, as we have seen in an earlier article highlighting the incidence of road fatalities and injuries in the city. But what makes Chennai roads so treacherous and what can…
Read more67250… 7328…. Are they mere numbers? No, they are the number of people involved in road accidents in Tamil Nadu and Chennai respectively in the year 2015. With timed traffic lights that are mostly in working condition, police personnel at the signals and an efficient emergency management system, Chennai’s roads appear safe. But statistics tell a different tale. As per NCRB (National Crime Records Bureau) data, Tamil Nadu records the highest number of road accidents; among 53 Indian cities studied, Chennai topped the list, accounting for 11.9% of total road accidents – a fact that the city cannot be proud…
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