We live in Shivaji Nagar, which is part of Govandi, a heavily populated neighbourhood. We have always known that there is toilet scarcity here. After participating in a survey, we realised the situation is far more problematic than the lack of toilets. There is a total of 152 toilets, of which 27 are in the peripheral area, and the remaining 125 toilets are located in the site and services plots. However, only 96 toilets out of the total are functioning, and that is a major issue for us. This study also showed us many other problems we never knew about…
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Faiza Habib Khan was a part of the team that surveyed 152 community toilets in Shivaji Nagar, part of a research project initiated by Apnalaya between March and November 2022 to understand the complexities of sanitation in the settlement. She is an active Civic Action Group (CAG) member in the neighbourhood and volunteers/works for Apnalaya, a 50-year old NGO that works with urban poor communities on education, health, citizenship and livelihoods.