Articles by Andrew Whitehead

Andrew Whitehead is a historian, lecturer and freelance journalist. He has worked for 35 years with the BBC as a correspondent, presenter and Editor of BBC World Service News. He is also an honorary professor at the University of Nottingham and a visiting professor at the Asian College of Journalism in Chennai.

Among the many contributions the remarkable Annie Besant made to Indian nationalism was the establishing in 1914 of the Young Men's Indian Association - a challenge to the YMCA. The purpose of the YMIA was to serve as “a political gymnasium as it were, to equip the youth with a strong body, an informed mind and a noble character". The following year, the YMIA's HQ opened - Gokhale Hall, on Armenian Street in Madras. Annie Besant paid for the construction herself. It took the name of Gopal Krishna Gokhale, a leader of the Indian National Congress and founder of the Servants…

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