With the greatest respect to the Minister of Sericulture and Animal Husbandry,
GH Krumbiegel was my great grandfather, I am only an interloper in Bengaluru
I do however have his passion for trees and my profession is also architecture it’s very important for me to try and protect his legacy for future generation of Bengaluru and indeed my grandchildren
Things have to change for any country to progress as I understand the citizens are not against the new hospital site; top architects have already come forward willing to work pro bono with the existing plans (so no new permission will be needed ) just to see if a compromise can be reached with reference to these four trees. Despite promises made that the plans will be made available to date, they still haven’t.
These four trees in question cover 2 acres of canopy & tree cover , host hundreds of nesting birds and are over a 100 years old. Trees will always evoke a great deal of emotion
I would not be a true Krumbiegel descendent if I did not try and get involved.
With every respect, I ask for a stay in the cutting of these trees and ask that the plans be made available asap to see if a compromise can be reached. People are willing to work with the department to achieve this
– Alyia Phelps-Gardiner Krumbiegel (Gustav H Krumbiegel’s Great Grand Daughter)