All that you wanted to ask about Corona virus… and helplines for further guidance

You may have been inundated with information about the Corona virus by now. So, will summer really bring the spread to a halt? Till then, should you just wear masks and wait it out? Will turmeric and lemon help? Listen to leading infectious diseases specialist Dr Padma Srikanth as she answers some oft-asked questions.

India has seen 73 positive cases of novel Corona virus and one death thus far. The spread to many countries since its origin in China has prompted the World Health Organisation (WHO) to deem this a global pandemic. 

Since the human transmission is the primary reason for the spread of Corona virus, cities have taken various containment measures. With the closure of schools, colleges and public events in some parts of the country, preventive measures are on in full swing.

However, there is also plenty of misinformation out there on safeguards, cures and more. This has resulted in mass panic in some areas with shortage of masks and hand sanitizers.

There is also a section of the population that is flippant about the extent of spread of the virus and the potential human toll it could cause. 

So what are the myths around Corona virus spread? Can masks really be the saviour? Should you stock up on hand sanitizers? Should you stop eating Chinese food? Can the summer bring the pandemic to a halt?

Citizen Matters spoke to Dr Padma Srikanth, MBBS, MD, Professor of Microbiology, Sri Ramachandra Institute of Higher Education and Research (SRIHER) on how the virus spreads and what you can do to keep yourself and the community safe!

Also read: How to stay safe during COVID-19 outbreak, minus the panic

For more information, please contact the central helpline or your respective state helpline listed below:

Pic: Twitter/Doordarshan

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