Expectations from the re-elected MLA, Satish Reddy, Bommanhalli

Satish Reddy has a lot of unfinished jobs in his constituency, particular in HSR Layout. Lot of hopes are pinned on him that he will fulfill all his promises made during the campaign and work with total commitment and focus.

He must-

• Be extremely honest, transparent and fair in all his dealings with his electorate.

• Work with full responsibility, be accountable to his constituency and ensure that development is uniform throughout his constituency.

• Ensure that our corporator and the civic agencies work towards providing basic infrastructure in the Layout.

• Ensure that corporators are open and transparent in their functioning.

• Periodically interact openly with citizens/RWAs on their grievances and discuss infrastructural and other issues and resolve them in a time-bound schedule.

• Raise burning issues of the constituency in the assembly. (He has not been active in the assembly last time.)

• Address problems pertaining to all aspects of garbage management, functioning of storm water drains and sewerage system, traffic management and most of all take to task the agencies and people who encroach on public land, roads and who are indulging in illegal constructions in the Layout.

• Ensure that civic agencies are tasked on development of infrastructure in a time-bound manner, particularly work on bitumen surfacing on all roads including, work on footpaths, removal of dumped soil and drain work keeping the safety of pedestrians and vehicles

• Ensure roads and drains are maintained of per requisite standards and desired quality by BBMP.

• Take initiative and work towards rejuvenation of lakes in his constituency.

• Involve RWAs and other agencies in his constituency on utilisation of MLA Local Area Development Fund during the initial stages. (Spending in this area has been not been total during the last two financial years of his last tenure.)

• The MLA must ensure that civic authorities, particularly the Joint Commissioner of BBMP Bommanhalli Zone, take serious cognisance of his directions during meetings with the citizens and issues suitable guidelines to his staff to complete the tasks within the timeline

• He must ensure that BBMP /BWSSB/BESCOM/POLICE and other civic agencies work in a proactive, integrated focused manner and function without corruption.

• Ensure availability of playgrounds and ensure availability of breathing /lung space in the Layout.

• Ensure BBMP works towards a systematic and pro-active garbage management plan including establishment of a safe garbage segregation point and elimination of stray dog and pig menace in his constituency. This is an explosive situation affecting health of residents and hygiene/sanitation of the environment.

• Give explicit and unambiguous directions to corporators and civic agencies for vacation of encroachments of footpaths, road space, illegal construction and unauthorized vendors in the layout. He should write to the departments demanding implementation of their existing laws, policies and programs in a time bound schedule.

• Work towards the long pending demand for a proper bus stand for HSR Layout which has been neglected by BDA, BBMP and BMTC all these years.

• Ensure BESCOM provides power without outages and they inform residents of power cuts well in time.

• Ensure BWSSB provides regular, safe and potable water in all areas.

• Ensure street lights issues in the entire Constituency are addressed and resolved thereby ensuring safety of citizens.

• Ensure safe traffic conditions in the layout.

• Ensure focused and committed action by BBMP towards maintenance of parks in the entire Layout

• Intercity buses are occupying prime space in the Layout .They are a source of inconvenience

We expect the MLA to go all out to improve the environment in which we live. He will get full cooperation from the residents.


  1. keerthikumar says:

    All new MLA’s elected have sit together and fin some solution to Bangalore.Please forget the party affiliation do some good work to Bangalore

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