Contact your BBMP ward corporator

Problem in your ward? Contact your ward corporator. Here's a complete list of the the names and phone numbers of your elected representatives.

Here’s a complete list of the names and contact numbers of your ward corporators.


Names and Phone Numbers of 198 BBMP Corporators 2010

The following is a list of the names and postal addresses of the 198 ward corporators in Kannada.


Names and Postal Addresses of 198 BBMP Corporators 2010 – In Kannada


  1. mazhar kabeer ahmed says:

    hallo i want to get voters id card for my wife MRS.HUSNA AHMED DAUGHTER–MISS.FARAH AHMED AND ME


  2. Krishna Chidambi says:

    Tirumal Rao Garden (off Nandidurga Road ) used to fall within Jayamahal ( Ward 63 ) . It now falls under Ramaswamy Palaya, Ward 62 and the corporator is Sri Chandra. His mobile is invariably switched off. We need to bring to his notice that garbage is not being removed from our street, drains are not being de-silted and scrap in the adjacent area is piling up. Can he do something about this ?

  3. Navi says:

    Don’t no ward .. but area is hoskere halli, muneshwara nagar 1st cross . . banshankari 3rd stage,, 560085. . . Problem is initially the 1st cross road was really nice two months before some guys came and they started preparing tarr road . . they diged and they stop and gone . . here the road is terrible to walk . . Truly we can’t able to drive vehicle on that we are parking on main street . . . so pls pls tell my ward corporate to complete this road . . i begging . . . i don’t no here corporate house here . . help me to park vehicle

  4. vasanthkumar says:

    Layout grievance
    I am staying at #307, 1st B Cross, NGEF ( East) layout , vijinapura ward no 51, Bangalore-560016. I am bringing to the concern authority about the illegal/or legal activity like dumping of sand, parking of all sorts of vehicles, non existence of roads due to movement of these heavy vehicles (pictures enclosed) . I am of the opinion that the place meant for civic amenities is illegally utilised for all unwanted purposes. This has made our lives miserable and almost our lives have come to a standstill. In this context I felt that some way I should make a sincere attempt to resolve this matter and bring this to someone’s notice. I have drafted a letter in Kannada also but I am unable paste in complaints block anyway it is not an issue. With complete faith on our governing system i am posting this complaint. I hope some remedy will be found at the earliest
    K vasanthakumar.

  5. Dinesh J says:

    I am resident of Rajajinagar 5th block, 64th cross. There is garbage dumped infront of my house kindly send your people and get it cleared. See that the pourakarmikas do their work regularly they hardly clear the garbage which are there on the roads. I do hope that some action will be taken on this immediately

  6. Chandrasekharan D.S. says:

    We the residents of Pradhan Ibis apartment in 8th main Road, BTM Layout I Stage are facing problems with number of eateries in the residential area. Due to this the stretch between I cross and II cross on 8th Main Road has become meeting place for many with their vehicles parked in front of our apartment. People make lot of noise which some times goes up to 2 am thus disturbing our sleep also.Many Juice and chat stalls, pani poori vendor, fruit vendors, beauty parlour and Hot chips store have come up on this stretch making our life miserable. In this connection our letter has been published in Deccan Herald under people’s problem column on 24th Feb 2014. We request that concerned authorities are advised to take suitable action.
    Residents of Pradhan Ibis,
    1107, 8th Main BTM Layout I stage
    Bangalore 560029

  7. sherebanu milki says:

    I am resident of Kamanhalli main road,gottigere area.We are facing a huge problem due to the horrible roads in our area.The damage is so bad that about a month back there was a very brutal accident due to bad roads in which a young girl lost her life.Its more than 6 months that the roads have been dug up and left undone which is causing tremendous difficulty.I would on behalf of all the residents around need this issue to be tackled on high priority as it is becoming very difficult to commute.Why should we pay our lives for these kind of petty issues,is there no value for human life.?

  8. Prasad Gnk says:

    I am a resident of VIRUPAKSHAPURA, a sr citizen. On behalf of the residents of the area,
    wish to bring the following problems we are facing whicn is leading to night mare for living peaceful life. 1) Sanitation is lacking and you will find Garbage not being cleared on day today basis. 2) Roads are in pathetic state with no Asphalt surfacing leading to
    TDRpot holes when rains mini pools are formed . I an attempt to avoid such potholes accidents are taking place.3) The urgent need is the Flyover or an underpass at the present level cross . I see boards put in here and there that appeal is made for people living on either side of road connecting the road from Ganapathi Temple to Tindlu to get TDR.without setting time limit. One has to experince the time taken to cross the level crossing.when ever a train passes.Our Hon Railway minister who represents from this ward and Hon PM are talking of Bullet trains when the roar traffic moves at snails pace.
    This is a serious matter which needs immediate action. This will not only save the Petrol and diesel but also valuable time( Man days lost )..
    I, earnestly ,hope an immediate seedy solutions to the problems mentioned above.
    Finally I would be thankful if the concerned officials visit to appreciate the problems and take action.

  9. Moti Chand Das says:

    The Road stretched 3 KM from Bynapllia/KKP Road to NICE Bridge of Mallasandra Village Known as Holiday Village Road condition precarious. And today the Road suddenly closed why? Is it for Repairing purposes or something else? But without any Notice facing problem all of us.Pls apprise is it for repairing purposes?

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