BMTC launches AC service to Hoskote through Kadugodi

It is here at last. The 335-EK service has the potential to further increase ridership on the rest of BMTC’s AC bus services along the IT corridor that spans Hoskote-Whitefield to Electronic City through the Outer Ring Road.

Residents in numerous layouts and apartment communities in and around the Kadugodi area north of Whitefield have something to cheer. After a long wait, BMTC launched an extension of the 335E Vajra (Volvo) AC bus service to Hoskote. The route is 335-EK and runs along the Whitefield Hoskote Road connecting the Kadugodi bus terminus to Hoskote terminus.

335-EK bus launch. Pic credit awaited

Many citizens in this area have been asking for an extension of this service for a few years now. Petitions had been sent to BMTC in late 2010 and early 2011. At that time BMTC officials had said they would need to survey commuter interests in the area before taking a decision.

The just-launched 335-EK will run across the entrances of a number of communities such as 10 Downing, Chaithanya Samarpan, Akshaya Redstone, Janapriya Apartments, Nitesh Estates, Purab Manor, Golden Blossom and more. Citizens commuting to ITPL, KTPL, Brookfields and into city areas of Old Airport Road and the central business district surrounding M G Road area, now have a direct connection.

Prior to this, public-transport-interested citizens had to use the regular non-AC buses to get to Kadugodi bus stand and hop-on to a regular 335-E Vajra. Unlike Volvo 335E, the 335-EK bus takes a shortcut near the iGate and Kalyani Platina office complexes and reaches Cosmos Mall faster. 335E has to come through the Graphite India Signal (T Junction), which is usually jammed heavily at peak hours.

There are five BMTC bus stops between Golden Blossom at Kadugodi flyover and 10 Downing. Their informal names are: Kadugodi flyover, Bethur, Seeghehalli, Shell Petrol Bunk, and Sai Lakshmi. There are also stops between Sai Lakshmi and the NH-4 intersection including one near the Safal supermarket.

BMTC’s initial frequency plan for 335-EK at the Majestic and Hoskote ends is below. Some citizens are worried that BMTC may use the service experimentally and pull out later if ridership targets are not met.

Speaking to Citizen Matters, BMTC Divisional Controller K M Auradkar declined comment on whether this was an experimental service. “We would like the citizens of the area to use the service in large numbers”, is all he would say on the record.


  1. Dheeraj Upadhyay says:

    This is a mind blowing news, but I am not much clear by looking on the route chart. Can any body elaborate on the route and timing for this bus….
    Also any further info to increase the frequency of the buses on the same route??

  2. Anand Parthasarathy says:

    Your news item about the new Vajra service from Majestic to Hoskote was a valuable input to all those who like me stay on the Kadugodi to NH road. I would like to share with readers that the service seems to have started but does not adhere to the time table you have carried. On July 6 I could catch the 10.40 am service from Hoskote to Majestic but when I tried to take a return bus around 2 pm, I had a fruitless wait of over one hour at the Majestic ( Kempe Gowda) terminal. More bizarrely the BMTC staff at the terminal seemed unaware that the service had commenced and after internal discussion, the consensus was that it was still in trial stage and the timetable was not in force! I was forced to take one of the 335E buses to Kadugodi. Let’s hope they sort out things and start the service to a fixed schedule!

  3. Sai says:

    I took the bus today (12th July) and found it convenient. However found the conductor rude with passengers.

    Also wondering if the stretch from iGate to Cosmos will allow private traffic since it passes through soem office areas – Kalyani Platina, I guess.

  4. Kala Rao says:

    The new extended route of 335EK brings great relief to residents beyond Kadugodi towards Hoskote.The auto drivers fleece around Rs70 for a distance of 3 kms from Kadugodi Bus stand and most autos are poorly maintained.
    In the last three days, I have used it twice (to and fro Majestic) and have found the staff very helpful. Have taken the fist bus @ 8.10am (Shell stop) and returned around late noon. However, the route did not include Kalyani Platina but followed 335E route. When I talk to co-passengers, the general feel is a sincere hope that this new route is not a TRIAL and a fixed time-table is adhered to. A couple of us intend to use it quite regularly since the timings mentioned above looks very convenient. Three cheers to BMTC!!

  5. malli says:

    I am very much delighted to hear this. It is very good to have this convienient bus to Hosakote, as hosakote is now going to occupied with IT and other professionals.

    It is suggested to arrange 500C also to hoskote may be upto silk board.

  6. Kala Rao says:

    I have been using this route atleast once a week and am very happy with the time schedules. Have managed to get on and off as per time-table above. It is very convenient and I get to reach office on time.Thanks again to BMTC for this route.

  7. Anupama Rani says:

    How much time this bus should take in reaching to Hoskote toll from hoskote bus stand?
    Since 2 days i have been waiting for this bus from 8:25 to 8:55 and i am not seeing it.

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