Fed up with diet fads?

Most youngsters have the desire to lose a lot of weight, that too very fast! But how healthy is it? Follow balanced diet and be healthy.

Historically, human civilisations growth is punctuated with attention to weight and to diet. Diet fads like low fat diet, low carbohydrate diet, Duke diet, Couch Potato diet, HCG Diet, GM diet, banana breakfast diet, no breakfast diet, fruit diet, salad diet, tomato diet, etc. have evolved over time. In this maze, we have lost sight of what is known as balanced diet.

Peer pressure, celebrity endorsement and size-zero concept contributes to diet fads. Some also have the desire to lose a lot of weight, that too very fast!


A balanced diet is a balanced proportion of different components are – carbohydrates, proteins and fats. In addition body requires certain vitamins, nutrients, and minerals to perform for different body functions. Body requires certain specific compounds like anti-oxidants, vitamins, fibres, and certain supplements.

To reduce weight, the options are to reduce total calorie intake, reduce specific components of food and burn up more calories. However this does not mean going hungry. Skipping breakfast, mindless snacking, a sedentary lifestyle and irregular sleeping habits can damage the body.

Early signs of adverse effects of diet fads are :-

  • Dizziness
  • Confusion
  • Fainting
  • Dehydration
  • Severe constipation or diarrhoea
  • Muscle cramps
  • Mood changes
  • Constant hunger            
  • Lethargy

Some tips to lose weight in balanced way :

  • Eat less but more frequently
  • Avoid second helping
  • Eat more of  fibre, vegetables, salads, curd   
  • Avoid ice creams, cakes, trans fats, refined carbohydrates. colas, fruit juices, junk food, sweets and processed food.        
  • Drink more water        
  • Regular exercises

The key to lose weight without diet fads lies in balanced diet and balanced lifestyle.

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