Grabbing opportunities: help us with your vote!

One doesn’t always get an opportunity to do something extraordinary. When you do, you’ve got to grab it! This is what we did when we saw the Puttenahalli Lake dying. We campaigned and lobbied for the BBMP to rejuvenate the lake. This is what PNLIT did when we saw the Mahindra Spark the Rise announcement inviting projects ("Sparks") for a competitive funding. We submitted "PNLIT – Nurturing Puttenahalli Lake back to its pristine glory" as a template for reviving lakes with active public participation. Click here to vote.


The many activities and events we conduct, such as the Children’s Day Nature Walk, are done to enthuse residents in the locality to take care of the lake, to make them feel proud of "their" lake. However, it is a slow, tedious process since our lifestyle is increasingly distancing us and our children from Nature. Environment is something that we take for granted, not something to be nurtured. Freebies like the monsoon and the twitter of birds are often cursed and not appreciated.

We meet the lake maintenance expenses from donations. We often get donors to plant trees. There is not only a monetary value attached to the Sampige or the Neem but also the priceless sentiment that the sapling has been planted by them and their families. They come around to see the tree growing tall and pluck the stray weed growing at its base. Such donations, however, are not really enough for us to transform the lake into the avian habitat that we want it to become. 

Mahindra Spark the Rise seemed a very good way to improve the visibility of our efforts and an opportunity for much needed funding. The competition works like this:

  • Each month, Sparks are invited in five different categories, and after screening, put up for public voting.
  • Each month, 8 Sparks will receive grants of 4 lakh each. Five of these monthly winners will be selected by public vote. Of these, the 2 most-voted will be eligible to participate in the Grand Finale. The remaining three monthly winners will be selected by an expert jury.
  • In the Grand Finale, 18 Sparks will compete. The winner will receive Rs. 40 lakh and three runners-up Rs. 20 lakh each. 

Our Spark is open for voting through December (called Round 4). Emerging as the grand winner will be a dream come true. It will end our constant search for funds. It will erase the deep rooted concern that the birds which have now begun to flock, nest and roost in our lake may be left to fend for themselves for want of appropriate support.

The public now has a chance to make a difference in this community project. Every vote counts. Please vote for Puttenahalli Lake to enter the Grand Finale. And pass on the link to get others to vote too.

How to vote:

2. Click on popular entries 
3. Look for PNLIT. Click on it. Click on ‘Vote’. 
4. It will ask you to Signup or Login.
5. Click Login to go through Facebook or click Signup to go through email.
6. To Signup, put your name, email and password that you want to signup with. A confirmation mail will go to your email account. You need to click on the link in the email to activate your registration.
7. After activation, you do the same thing to vote.

Don’t think that your one vote won’t make a difference, because it will!


  1. Arathi Manay Yajaman says:

    Bangaloreans – we couldn’t save the 500 trees on Sankey Road. But we’ve saved a lake (and everything that comes with it – water, birds, trees…) in JP Nagar.

    Now YOU can make a difference and help sustain the lake nurturing effort by voting for the project without budging from your seat! Please take a minute to vote.

  2. Arathi Manay Yajaman says:

    Bangaloreans – we couldn’t save the 500 trees on Sankey Road. But we’ve saved a lake (and everything that comes with it – water, birds, trees…) in JP Nagar.

    Now YOU can make a difference and help sustain the lake nurturing effort by voting for the project without budging from your seat! Please take a minute to vote.

  3. Arathi Manay Yajaman says:

    Voting ends 30th Dec 2011 at 23:59:59
    Bangaloreans, Bangalore lovers… come on and vote for your lake! Dont let projects from the rest of India win over us. Every vote counts, and we need it more than ever now.

  4. Arathi Manay Yajaman says:

    Thank you to all those who voted for Puttenahalli Lake. Results of this round of Spark the Rise will be announced on 9th Jan 2011.

    In the meantime, watch PNLIT on TV this weekend. Times Now TV channel “Amazing Indians” – 7th Jan (Sat) 3:30 pm & 10:30 pm, 8th Jan (Sun) 9:30 am & 5:30 pm. Can also be watched live on the web at

    The recording will be on this website after the programme is aired

  5. Arathi Manay Yajaman says:

    PNLIT wins popular vote on SparktheRise December round (Round 4). Thanks to all who supported our cause. This means, subject to authentication and a presentation to the Mahindra jury, Puttenahalli Lake stands to get a grant of Rs 4 lakhs. We also enter the finale (Mar-Apr 2012), when we will need your support more than ever! Results on this link

  6. Arathi Manay Yajaman says:

    We are delighted to tell you that Spark the Rise Jury has gone through our project in detail and has reached the conclusion that “PNLIT is a great project.” Mahindra will be releasing the entire grant amount of Rs. four lakh to us in due course. This is the amount given to winners in the preliminary round. Heartfelt thanks to all who supported and voted for us in the preliminary round.
    Voting for the grand finale will be between 2nd and 15th April. We are counting on you and every single reader of this message to take us into the top four in the grand finale and enable us to win additional funding (Rs 20 lakh – 3 prizes, Rs 40 lakh – grand prize).

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