The right to be responsible for your medical treatment

Getting medical help doesn't have to be a one way road. Both the patient and doctor have some rights and responsibilities.

In principle, your rights evolve from the principles of equity and justice, the principle of respecting your autonomy, your dignity, and right to your privacy and confidentiality.

Rights of a patient

  • You have the right to be informed of your disease as diagnosed by the doctor, proposed medical care and the risks involved in treatment whether medical or surgical.

  • You cannot be discriminated against on the basis of your caste, creed, religion or race.

  • You are entitled to respect for privacy and confidentiality of your identity and your medical condition.

  • You have the right to refuse any treatment which may be advised to you.

  • You have the right not to be placed on any treatment which may be in trial stage, without your consent.

Patient’s responsibilities

  • Keep the doctor informed of your medical conditions, allergies, and history of adverse reactions to any drugs

  • Follow the advice of doctor on taking of medicines, dietary restrictions, and suggested changes in lifestyle.

  • While under treatment of a doctor, unless referred, it is not correct to take any other doctor’s treatment.

So, the secret of getting best out of treatment, is to be aware of your rights, and discharge your responsibility as a patient.


  1. A.Y.Narasimham says:

    The rights of patients as given by
    Dr.Mukul Saxena play a very important
    role to clear misunderstandings about
    doctors and treatment in present scenario. The recent incident at St.
    Johns Hospital between media and security is where patient coplained
    about prolonged treatment without
    information. In addition to demanding
    payment, hospitals should supply a copy
    of rights of patient while entering for treatment. Many a times people
    attending the patient are kept in
    dark and their only duty is to fetch
    medicines and pay bills without delay.consumer education is need of the hour for health care.

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