Organic food taking hold, though prices are higher

A small but growing number of Bangaloreans are choosing organic food and produce over chemical-ridden conventional foods, and new businesses springing up.

‘The role of organic agriculture, whether in farming, processing, distribution, or consumption, is to sustain and enhance the health of ecosystems and organisms from the smallest in the soil to human beings’

International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movement (IFOAM)

Organic – the new mantra of today’s well being. It is the name given to food that is grown without using pesticides or chemical fertilizers and emphasizes using renewable resources for conserving soil and water. In addition, organic food is not subjected to radiation treatment and artificial colours and it is not genetically-modified. It includes everything from staple crops such as rice and wheat to vegetables, fruits, pulses, milk and more.

Why organic?

An organic store, Bangalore

An organic store (Pic: Divya Sharma)

In organic farming, soil is enriched by natural methods such as rotation of crops, vermi composting, and use of natural manures like cow dung, agricultural waste material and natural pesticides like Neem. Consumers frequently buy organic food for environmental reasons and because they consider it to be more healthful.

It is claimed by health experts that organic food is more nutritious and flavour-rich. Some long-term users of organic products vouch for it. "I have no stomach upsets, gas problems, belching and many such minor issues. In fact, my thought processes have also improved!" says Aparna, an organic-only consumer.

Organic also have abundant anti-cancer agents. This makes one wonder, what are we eating then, in the name of conventional food..?! "Conventional produce being sourced into Bangalore are richly drenched with pesticides, growth hormones and what not", says a sourcing specialist of a retail chain in Bangalore, who wishes to remain anonymous. “They especially contain lead compounds and traces of Arsenic, which have long term ill-effects", he says.

"Lesser toxins, for sure" is why Veena shops regularly at one of the organic vegetables and fruits outlets in Bangalore.

A major drawback for going organic products could be the price, which is roughly 15-50 per cent higher. “Price and availability is an issue. No push-cart fellow selling organic stuff is coming to my door”, says Chaya Srinivas aged 52, who buys regularly from the local push cart vendors at Seshadripuram. Farmers who grow organic food have to meet stricter quality standards to have their products certified organic. More labour is required to achieve this, bringing up the cost. "But eventually, maybe we will spend less on doctors and health care" says another organic food consumer.

As Aparna Kumar, owner of Adi Naturals, a natural produce outlet at J P Nagar in South Bangalore points out, we need to use lesser portions of organic food to get the same volume. “For example, two cups of normal dal and one and half cup of organic dal will give you the same volume when cooked. This will compensate slightly for the price difference", she says.

Aparna is a Bio-technologist, who gave up her job at Biocon when she found her calling to set up this organic co-op along with her sister-in-law Vidya Sadanand, a psychiatrist by profession. These enthusiastic entrepreneurs in their mid thirties established Adi Naturals as a non-profit venture, and are now in the process of registering it as a co-operative.

Jaivik Mall at Lalbagh, near the park entrance at K H Road, Bengalooru, Bengaluru, Bangalore

Jaivik Mall at Lalbagh, near the park entrance at K H Road (Pic: Divya Sharma)

Today, Bangalore is emerging as a major retail market, and well-heeled consumers do not mind spending the extra money for the sake of health. As Rashmi, a mother of two points out, "It is very much worth the extra buck. When we don’t mind spending extra for PVR gold class movie tickets or eating junk food, we should not crib about a mere 15% increase in the grocery bill". Interestingly, Adi Naturals had conducted a comparative price study of organic products and conventional products at the More retail chain and found that the difference in prices is not more than 10-12 per cent.

Certified only?

While certification is not mandatory for domestic retail, it’s a must for exports. Most organic produce from India is exported to European countries. A certified product would have its production process guaranteed by an accredited certifying agency. The quality assurance is displayed on the product packaging as a logo.

India is now working towards a certification regime and soon, an organic farming policy is expected to be in place. Certification though is not a one-time affair. It is a long-term understanding between farmers with small land holdings and a certifying agency, to be renewed every year.

Despite the tedious process of certification, farmers are increasingly entering the segment.

Organic Produce Stores in Bangalore
  • Adi Naturals, JP Nagar; 26584071
  • Era Organics, Sanjaynagar; 9900543881
  • Green Channel, Ali Asker Road; 41235739
  • Health Food Stores, Sadashiv Nagar; 23601777, 23600630
  • Jaiva, Hospital Road; 9448470353
  • Khandige, Kanakpura Main Road; 26714599
  • Sahaja Samrudhdhi, Sultan Palya; 23650744
  • 24 Lettered Mantra, Jayanagar; 4146 7737/38
  • Plant rich , Hebbal ; 65302878
  • Janodaya, Tel: 23332564
  • Jaivika Krishik Society, Lalbagh
  • Savayava siri, Rajaji nagar; 22715744
  • Iskon’s store – Dharani
  • Koshy’s departmentals

Apart from these stores, branded organic food and products like ProNature, Navadarshanam, etc., are available at most super-markets around the city.

There are about 15,000 certified organic farmers in India, according to figures quoted on various websites. But there are as many small farmers growing food and grains organically. These farmers are successfully selling their products through the help of NGOs or community centres. “Group certification works out cheaper for these small farmers. So they form small groups or co-op societies and go in for certification", explains Ramaswamy, manager of Jaivika mall at Labagh, a Karnataka government initiative.

The government has already initiated a project wherein every district/taluk will have 50 to 80 hectares of ‘organic village’ where only organic food is grown. Thus, within the next two years, almost 150 taluk and district centres will have organic outlets. “Maybe the enhanced supply will bring down the prices slightly", feels Ramaswamy.

Also, organic consumers know that all organic vegetables and fruits cannot look similar. Tomatoes, for example, will not all have the same or perfect shape and colour, but will taste the same. “Do not ask for all perfectly shaped bananas or tomatoes the exact shade of crimson", warns Aparna of Adi Naturals.

How can we help?

Organic food is also based on the principle that social and environmental sustainability are inextricably interdependent. What begins at a food level leads us into being concerned about the water we drink, the clothes we wear, and the fuel we use for the car. The idea of organic extends to different spheres of existence, thus becoming a way of life.

As Aparna rounds it up very well, we should stop thinking about the price as a barrier to consume organic food. It is something we need to do to give back to the community and nature. “Let’s be responsible and responsive in this regard. Organic is a way of life", she says emphatically.

The best we as consumers could do is to buy local, seasonal produce, striking a balance between organic and non-organic sources. A little enquiry around the place will surely lead us to an organic produce seller, or someone who knows an organic farmer. Just like other products, organic products are also priced differently in different stores. Ultimately, the choice is with us.


  1. Deepa Mohan says:

    Well-written article Divya. I agree that organic is the way to go! It’s worth the extra cost, most times.

  2. Priya Mulgund Revankar says:

    Good write-up, gives us a lot of information on Organic food that we didnt know.

  3. Shamala Kittane says:

    With so much processed food being forced on us, we need more awareness on ‘organic food’ – thanks Divya.

    Also, the fresh vegetables we get from the local subzi mandis are so much better off (truly organic and indigenous, atleast they are not genetically modified) than the heavily packaged ones sold at malls which only look perfect.

    I buy Navadarshanam’s organic products and definitely organic is the way to go!

  4. K. Nagarajan says:

    Another notable source for organic food
    (and non-detergent soaps) is Navadarshanam Trust, with an organic farm at Gumalapuram, Anekal Tq. They have their monthly sales of organic food items at Buoyancee, diagonal road, Jayanagar 3rd block every second Sat’day b/n 4PM and 6PM. Also, they have such monthly at a couple of more places in the city, plus they supply the same to Namdharee outlets.
    Their contact info at the farm : 08110-329201, 65995024

  5. Raghuram says:

    Please let me know the exact address of Jaivik Mall. Which gate of Lalbagh is near to this mall?

  6. Subramaniam Vincent says:

    Javik Mall is at the Double Road (K H Road) entrance of the Lalbagh Park. When you enter the park, just around the gate, look on your left.

  7. Nagesh Hegde says:

    Divya’s feature reads well, no doubt. These well established stores are okay. But nowadays roadside vendors also sell grapes labelled ‘organic’and have learnt to charge upto 50% extra. There is no way to know whether it is organic or not. Ask him and he will say ‘En saar, price itself tells you’! I am alsways in a dilemma whether to encourage them or not.
    -N. Bakkemane

  8. SV Nagappa says:

    Organic foods have no more health benefits than so called conventional food especially in India where chillers are not used. Using conventional technologies I can transfer genes and stabilize for better yield or quality by crossing plant A x B in 10-14 years. I also need to remove all the undesirable genes. Using GM technology, I can transfer the specific gene. This takes 1-9 years to stabilize genes. Can you tell me that it is wrong or unhealthy to transfer gene/s for water use efficiency or drought tolerance from mustard to canola using GM technology? Mustard has genes which can give heart attacks canola doesn’t. Please understand GM technology properly first. A farmer who uses organic methods can lose up to 40% of his/her crop to pathogens and pests and need more area for food. It may stop some use of pesticides however organic foods can also carry harmful bacteria and fungi which can not be controlled by neem etc. I use neem in the glasshouse along with other pesticides to better manage sprays. It is called as integrated pest management. In India farmers are not taught any safety procedures or IPM when using pesticides. Why not campaign for it instead of fads like organic foods. Even in India pesticides do not have lead and arsenic contamination. Yes some wells have highly contaminated water even in Bangalore. Very few villages will have arsenic poisoning. It is a joke and a rip off that organic sold in India at higher price as most of the subsistence farmers can’t afford to buy pesticides. There are more problems in India such as leaded fuels, industrial pollution, water contamination, effluent contamination of water etc. I will challenge any one to dig a bore well and get water tested, get air quality report. Author please stop aping western articles and look at facts in the Indian situation. By the way I don’t work for any GM or pesticide or organic company or private entity. If you have money give it to the farmers (100,000+ have committed suicide).

  9. A.Krishnamurthy says:

    Dear Madamme.
    I am very sorry to say this Inspite of holding Organic certificate and contacting many outlet there is no good responce and we could not continue to process further We are thinking stop all organic growing and producing. It is much lucrative breed ten dogs and earn money.
    It is left to the society to hold back organic growers.
    I am regratably closing

  10. vivek krishnan says:

    Purna Organics has embarked on a mission to enable everyone to ensure that they have access to POISON FREE (pesticide and chemical) vegetables and promote organic life style. Our simple but comprehensive Organic Terrace Garden kit being introduced in India for the first time allows you to grow VEGETABLES DAY AFTER DAY ON YOUR ROOF OR BALCONIES with minimal care at competitive costs.
    Some of the unique features of the Organic Terrace Garden kit are:
    · Integration of organic practices with modern techniques to produce disease free ultra fresh vegetables.
    · Precision and high density terrace gardening ensures optimum space utilization.
    · Most of your vegetable requirements can be met with a small garden of 100 sq ft.
    · Taste the first harvest in 30 – 40 days time.
    We already have a customer base of 70+ covering families, eco-resorts and educational institutions who are enjoying the true taste of naturally grown organic fresh vegetables.
    We at Purna Organics invite you to join hands with us in this ‘Organic Revolution’ to enable yourself to grow organic vegetables naturally!
    Phone: +919035497125
    Landline: 9180 2648 1680
    9180 4219 2852

  11. madhava hebbar says:

    How to differentiate between ORGANIC and NON ORGANIC vegetables… organic vegetables have no sheen… inorganic vegetables have sheen… organic vegetables have good strong odur… not so in inorganic vegetables.

    Food grains – food consumption comes down as u get wholesum food.

  12. madhava hebbar says:

    A2 milk vs A1 milk – A2 milk is got only from BOS INDICUS breed of cows which are called NAATI, NAADA or DESI COWS in India. These cows have hump on their back. A2 milk is UNIVERSAL MILK suitable for all blood types and is totally non allergic. It contains a unique protien called BETA CORSEIN. A1 milk is from BOS TAURUS breed of cows, which are known as JERSEY, RED DANISH, HOLSTIEN or HVF. The milk is not very suitable as it contains BCM7 which triggers many diseases. Also a1 milk fat is not easily digestable. You can know more good qualities of a2 milk given by INDIGENOUS INDIAN BREED OF COWS like, GIR, KANKREJ, SAHIWAL or HALLIKAR by googling – a2 milk and bos indicus. Brazil, USofA, Australia and NEW ZEALAND are replacing their a1 milk cows with a2 milk cows. Brazil is the largest breeder of indian cows!…infact gujrat govt imported 3000 gir cows from brazil recently!… so wake up. And well if u want A2 milk in BANGALORE – MYSORE area..u can contact SSIAST SCB – MADHAVA – 09900511170

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