CAF meets BWSSB minister

CAF members met Chairman, BWSSB and Minister in charge along with team of chief engineers.

Citizen Action Forum, a federation of RWAs met S Suresh Kumar, Minister for Law and Parliamentary Affairs and BWSSB and P S Ramamurthy, Chairman, BWSSB along with team of chief engineers.

The meeting held in BWSSB central office Cauvery Bhavan, and we discussed rain water harvesting (RWH) and water supply problems.

CAF President N S Mukunda explained practical solutions to water problems. RWH in houses can yield only 2% of water requirement of Bangalore. So RWH should be done in all public (government buildings and 1400 parks in Bangalore. He requested the government not to make RWH mandatory for all, because some houses may be on marshy areas or on hard rocky soil.

Rejuvenate Hesaragatta and Arkavathi lakes by removing encroachments. Interlinking all the lakes is immediate need of the hour, there by ground water level is replenished.

Storm Water Drains to be exclusively for only rain water and prevent let in of sewage into it. So that the water collected at the end is treated supplied back could be a sizable quantity.

New layouts formed by BDA and other private layouts in future should provide twin lines for potable and treated water.

CAF emphasised, all the above can take care of feeding 135 days of water requirement of Bangalore. There is also need for a User’s Consultative Committee.

Minister Suresh Kumar, in response to CAF representation  explained the various plans/ programs  undertaken by BWSSB. He also assured us that a consultative committee would be formed soon and promised a regular interactive meeting will be held with citizens to discuss issues pertaining to water for Bangalore.

Ramamurthy clarified the new RWH rule will apply to all industrial establishments, apartments, commercial and Government offices.


  1. k n g rao says:

    Apart from residents even BBMP/govt should build r w sumps in all the parks of the residential areas which could be for supplying to residences after treatment

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