Guide to paying property tax 2011-12

A step by step guide to paying property tax to Bruhat Bangalore Mahanagar Palike, for the coming year 2011-12. You can pay at the BBMP citizen centres or online.

NOW that most of us have paid the taxes for the years 2008-09, 2009-10 & 2010-11 by filling the appropriate form and have come to the stage of paying the taxes for the current year.

In the first year of the block period (2008-09), you would have used Form I (for properties with PID No.), Form II (for  properties having only Khata Number) or Form III (for properties with neither PID nor Khata number).  The block period has been officially extended to FIVE years and hence the current block consists of years from 2008-09 to  2012-13. Hence the depreciation allowed (calculated) during the year 2008-09 holds good upto the year 2012-13.

This year too, like last year, there are two types of forms – White (Form IV) and Blue (Form V). For the properties, where there is no change in any field – either in CATEGORY (Residential / Non-Residential), or DIMENSIONS (Any addition / Deletion to the structure), USAGE (Tenanted / Self occupied) have to use the white Form IV.  If any change, use Form V. The forms are now bilingual. Click here for sample forms.


Online payment of property tax can be made here.

BBMP allows you to pay online for 2011-12 for Form IV only, provided the previous years details are available online. You can also pay online using Form IV or Form V for 2009-10 and 2010-11, if the 2008-09 details are uploaded online.

If your property details have not been uploaded, however you have paid and have the receipts, you will have to make a direct payment at the designated office.

Online payments have the advantage that fields are automatically populated based on your last year’s payments and you can pay by credit or debit cards. Of course there are quirky form behaviour, but you can redo the whole thing as long as your payment is not done.

To pay online, you need the 2008-09 application no. or PID no. If you have 2009-10 number, you can "query search" to get the 2008-09 number, and proceed.

Click here for FAQ on Property tax. It also has details about the SWM cess.

This year, the new addition is the Solid Waste Management Cess, to be paid along with property tax. You need to fill one more page, an addition (printed in greenish colour ledger paper) to form IV & V. 

Keep handy the photo copies of form I (Submitted for the year 2008-09), form IV (Submitted for the year 2010-11) OR the forms submitted for revision, if any and the relevant receipts. 


Please enter the personal details in Part I as you did in previous years. There is an additional column for Special Notice Number, which has to be filled in case you have received any, from BBMP, either for Non-Payment, Wrong disclosure, Omissions / Alterations etc. 

Please copy the ward numbers and names, both old & new as filled in the form for 2010-11. 


Fill the details of tax paid according to the year 2010-11 (If revised submission has been done, fill according to it) with receipt number & date of payment, in column 10. 

If you are paying tax during the 5% rebate period (Upto 30-04-11), fill column 11 and draw a line across column 12. If you are paying after the rebate period OR in instalments, fill details in column 12 and draw a line across column 11.


Now coming to the new section on cess section, write your application number right hand top boxes provided, and Part 1 consisting of property details as per furnished in Form IV, part I (Page 1). 

Refer to your form of 2008-09 (Column 6) OR revised one, if any, to the column of “BUILT-UP AREA” and different kind of uses, and fill in accordingly, on “PLINTH AREA” column.  

Refer to the tariff on page no.2 (Reverse of the form) and fill in the “RATE PER MONTH” column.  

Accordingly calculate the area multiplied by rate multiplied by 12 / 06 for FULL / HALF year and enter in the “SWM CESS PAYABLE” column. (Note : The total column refers only to the area and cess amount). NOTE : 5 % rebate is not applicable on SWM Cess.

Coming to PAYMENT PARTICULARS on page 3 of Form IV, fill in the amount of Property tax + SWM cess (Eg: YYYYY + ZZZZ = XXXXX) and fill in the cheque details, if you are paying by cheque.  If you are paying by card (debit/credit card), fill the details of card and affix your signature. 

Fill both the ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS on page 4 with the split amount system (As filled on page 3). Staple the SWM Cess form to the first sheet of form IV and present it at your respective collection center. 

NOTE: Receipts for cheque payment will be issued only after realisation (upto one month) of the cheque, but acknowledgement will be given immediately. 

Relax till the next term. 


  1. D R Prakash says:

    N. Satya Prakash 12:48 PM, March 30th, 2011
    Sir, I want to Know that, i want to pay property tax which is not paid from the date of tranfer from BDA to CMC, on 1997, becasue the Katha was give to the property. We have applied to BBMP for Khata transfer. till date it was not given from BBMP.., but, Now we want to pay the pert. tax to the BBMP. Can i pay tax online from 2008 to till date. pl… guid us in this regard. because the property is in the company’s name of Container Corporation of India Ltd., ( Govt. PSU) N. Satya Prakash CONCOR/ICD/WFD, bANGALORE

  2. D R Prakash says:

    Dear N S Prakash,

    Issue of khathas were stopped since a few years and will continue to be suspended till the AKRAMA-SAKRAMA bill finalizes. What prevented you from paying tax since 2008-09, when different forms were earmarked for every type of property?

    To give you a proper guidance, records have to be studied. Is it a vacant land? If constructed, when? Who has sanctioned the plan? (Panchayat / Gramtana / BDA / CMC)Where is it situated? To whom was it alloted? Whether khatha was issued by the BDA? If so when & to whom? etc. etc.

    I have a doubt that you may not be able to pay on-line as your property would not have been updated on system.

  3. Venkat Ramana Peri says:


    I live in an apartment and first property tax was paid by my builder. The property numbers were a suffix to the complete building. Essentially, a khata number that belongs to overall property.

    Now, I have new Khata number and PID. I like to pay using this new details. Let me know, how to do the same. I don’t want to use old record (tax of 2008-2009) to pay this year, as that contains the consolidated khata number. Though, my apartment number and name will be clear tax chalan, I like to that tax to be consistent with my property records, not with consolidated property records of builder.

    Please advice.


  4. D R Prakash says:

    Dear Mr.Venkat Ramana Peri,

    Firstly this is a particular question and not a general doubt. Please furnish details of tax paid for different years, forms used, date when new katha / PID number alloted, what was the old PID number, name of the owner submitted, date of purchase etc., etc.
    Only on going through the records, a proper advice can be given.


  5. Sreejith says:

    I think Mr.Venkat Ramana Peri’s question is a general one. Every new owners of propery/flat in bangalore is facing this issue.

    We bought a flat in 2010. When we paid the property tax for 2010-11, we had to pay the same in builders name, as the 2008-09 tax was paid by the builder and the tax payment is linked to 2008-09 application number. I gave a written request to update name and khatha numer in records.

    For 2011-12 also the system is taking 2008-09 application number and we are not able to pay the tax in my name and with new katha number.

    Can you please help us with details on how to pay the property tax in new owners name with new katha number.


  6. D R Prakash says:


    From your comment, I understand that you are referring to properties of NEW ADDITIONS to the then BMP and you are all trying to pay online.

    Let me explain how fast our officials / offices work. The property’s main records are held at CMC’s and the data entries of 2008-09 are still incomplete in some of the wards for various reasons. Transfer of records from one ward to the other has many vagaries due to RE-FORMING of 198 wards.

    Issue of Khata’s have been suspended for the introduction of AKRAMA-SAKRAMA bill to be passed. As the same is yet to get finalised, for the benefit of transfers of property, TEMPORARY khatas are being issued.

    In many cases, middlemen take people for a ride by issuing khatas, without being entered in the respective register / record. (Please check, whether you have been issued computerised khata OR a hand written one)

    Practical speed of BBMP is competing with SNAILS. For information, sufficient number of forms were made available only by 10th of April, after complaining, though tax collection got started by 1st.

    Hence, these doubts become particular and not GENERAL.

    Hope this explains the situation.

    Thanx for your approach.

  7. D R Prakash says:

    Hello Sir,

    We recently purchased a resale flat (in Dec 2010). The previous owner has paid all the taxes till 2010-11 promptly. We made the khatha transfer in Jan and we have received the new khatha issued in our name. However, when I go to pay the property tax online it still carries the previous owner’s name. I enquired at the BBMP local office here and they informed that I need to submit the Blue form. My question is:

    – Would the name not get changed in the system even if we have already done the khatha transfer in our name?
    – Should I make a manual payment at the BBMP for this year’s tax in Form V and will it then get changed?
    – Are there any other aspects that we need to complete before payment of property tax?

    Many thanks for your help


  8. D R Prakash says:

    Dear Mr.Sudharshan Kannan,
    Computerisation is a data entry aspect, which you might not have instigated at the time of transferring the property, hence on computers, it might reflect the previous owner’s name. Tax is collected for the property and not for the person.

    As regards the usage of Form IV or Form V, depends on any change in usage OR change in area (Additions / Deletions)

    If there is no change in any manner, use form IV (White). If you need a computerised receipt, pay as you wish and obtain receipt in previous owner’s name, and in due course of updation of data, it will get changed. Otherwise, manual payment is suggested to get receipt in your name, BUT will have to cover the RISK of not getting the entry of payment on computer, wherein you will have to exercise NEXT year.

    Choice is yours.

    Thanks for your approach.

    18 04 11.

  9. Sreejith says:

    Dear Mr. D R Prakash,

    Thanks for your prompt reply. I think I need to explain little more to make it clear.

    Our’s is an appartment complex with 300+ units. We have OC and the kathas are transfered to respective owners. The builder payed tax for 2008-09, and 2009-10 under SAS scheme. The data for the same is available in online site.

    When we all payed tax for 2010-11, the reciept was generated in the builders name with orginal katha number ( ie the number before bifurcation), not with respective owners name/new individual katha number. At that time we submitted a written request to update the records with new new details. Not sure what happened to that request.

    Now , for 2011-11, the same situation again. The tax paying process starts with 2008-09 application number which has the builder details and katha number before bifurcation.

    So the question is how do we pay property tax against the new katha/new owner name.

    From my understanding, I think there is a limitation in the tax payment system on updating/changing the owner name and changing the katha number. Please clarify.


  10. D R Prakash says:

    Dear Sreejith,

    Thanks for your detailed situation. You may refer to the reply given to Mr.Sudarshan Kannan’s query, more similar to yours.

    For being an owner of a property in BANGALORE, one has to bear with all these. My personnel case, for a transfer effected in Feb.2009, was updated few days back, in the OLD BMP area.

    There is no problem in submitting the form in your name, as a record and have the receipt in the previous owner’s name. THE TAX IS PAID FOR THE PROPERTY; NOT FOR PERSON.

    Hope you get the essence of taxing.

    Thanks for reverting back.

  11. Chandrasekaran Ganesh says:


    Need your inputs in this case.

    I live in an apartment complex of 300+ units.

    2008-09: The Katha was not bifurcated. Builder paid the property tax for the whole apartment complex under the single katha number.
    2009-10: Same case as 2008-09 with the builder paying the property tax under the single katha.
    2010-11: Katha bifurcation happened and we now have individual kathas for every apartment. We had to file it under Form V as we have a change in area (as a result of katha bifurcations) for all of us.

    2011-12: Current year. which form should we use? My understanding is that if there is no change in my area, I file it in Form IV. But the BBMP clerk refuses to accept Form IV and insists that we should file it under Form V just because we used Form V last year as well.

  12. D R Prakash says:


    It is no concern of the clerk / Official to (Mis)guide us. His duty is to accept what we submit and issue acknowledgement / receipt, as this is ‘SELF ASSESSMENT’.

    When your application of last year has been accepted and no objections raised till now, go ahead with FORM IV (WHITE).

    If the official does not accept it, ask him to put it up in writing on the application as ‘REJECTED’ with his official seal and signature. Then you need not pay further tax, till the BBMP sends you a demand notice.

    One should not be victimised for the ignorance of an official. (Please refer to me after getting the rejection with the detail of the designation of the official)

    I appreciate your understanding and exposing a genuine GENERAL problem, where many would be benefited.

  13. T.K.Rao says:

    I am indeed impressed by this website and would like to make use of it as much as possible. I would like to pay my property tax for a condominium apartment at Sobha Magnolia, 16 Bannerghatta Road,1st main Guran palya, Bangalore 560 029. The developer has for some unknown reason is delaying the Katha. But this way I am unable to pay the property tax for two years now.I heard that BBMP can help in such a situation. I do not understand the need for the Katha when paying property taxes. Would indeed appreciate BBMP help. Grateful Thanks.

  14. pv says:

    Dear Sir,

    I would like to know if there is any way to pay the property tax by mail. I have currently not staying in Bangalore. I tried to pay the tax online but it appears they still have not uploaded the last year details of my property tax. So I would want to know if you are aware of any other mode of payment – other than online or directly visiting the payment center. Thanks.

  15. D R Prakash says:

    Dear Mr.TKR,

    Khatha is issued by the BBMP and not by the developer / previous owner. It is your duty to apply and obtain and not to BLAME others. Your NOT paying tax for last year attracts PENALTY and INTEREST.

    Hurry with your TITTLE DEED to the BBMP office (Don’t approach / make use of middlemen) and apply for a KHATHA and pay your taxes to avoid unwanted complications.

    Do you have the details of the previous tax payments? If not collect them from your developer.

  16. Anshul G says:

    Dear Mr.Prakash,
    Thanks for the article. It is quite informative. I am a first time house owner and have further query regarding the Property Tax. Ours is a 500+ apartment complext and is still under construction with OC given to few apartments and for others it is still ‘Applied’. The residents are not very sure on what & when to do with the Khata transfer and file for Property Tax. Is it mandatory to get OC first? Till what point of time the Builder is liable to file Property Tax? Could you please guide me with this.

  17. D R Prakash says:

    Dear Mr.Anshul G,

    The payment of tax by the builder ceases as and when he sells the flat / house / apartment etc.

    The payment of tax for the land, till it is constructed has to be paid and after construction, tax for the building OR both, as the case may be has to be paid, by the owner.

    Khatha is only a document showing that, the property stands in a particular name and has nothing to do with payment of tax.

    OC is a certificate issued by the corporation after inspection of the construction for the builder to sell (Thereby can get a higher value). It has also a link to pay the tax for the building. But if the building is already occupied, the question of OC does not arise.

    Hope these clarifications will help you and your neighbors to go ahead with paying of property tax.

  18. Anshul G says:

    Dear Mr.Prakash,
    Thanks for the quick response. when you say builder sells the flat, I am assuming you meant Registration of the apartment in the owner’s name. So, simply put, till registration it is Builder’s responsibility and after that it is owners. On OC perspective, builder has provided provisional OC on their letter-head to the residents who have occupied the flats (5% or so). So, should the residents who have not occupied the apartments but may have registered it liable to pay property tax?

  19. D R Prakash says:

    Dear Mr.AG,
    The terms used are from the eye of LEGAL ASPECT. But in practice, the liability transfers to the purchaser, when once accepted to purchase / an advance is paid.

    As I have already explained, OC does not have any link to the property tax. Property tax is payable, the moment construction is done, irrespective of Occupied / Vacant. The difference in tax is affected for tenanted and owner’s use OR vacant, which is treated as owners use.

  20. Ramachandran K says:

    Dear Sir,

    Form-V is not available in English with the BBMP making it very difficult for people who do not know how to read Kannada. Is it possible for you to put up an English Version on this site to help me out?

    Thanks. Ramachandran

  21. Arathi Manay Yajaman says:

    Ramachandran – On the link below is a sample of a Form V that was filled online for a 2009-10. Information will be similar in the printed forms. Hope this helps.

  22. Jay says:

    Dear Sir,
    I have purchases resale falt last november in marathahalli and paid the property tax in previous owners name. I also learned from previous post’s that it’s ok to pay tax in previous owners name .

    Now my question is

    1) How to inform BBMP about the transaction . Which form has to be filled for this.

    2) How and where to get FORM B register extract form? Will it reflect the change of ownership?.


  23. D R Prakash says:

    Dear Mr.Jay,

    Change of owner’s name in the records of BBMP is effected by the document known as ‘KHATHA’.

    One has to apply for it to the Area Revenue Officer of BBMP along with a copy of the registered sale deed. Based on that, the name of the owner in the records of BBMP willl get changed and a certificate / endorsement is issued to that effect.

    The Khatha Extract will have the details of the property like measurement of site, building, amount of tax paid etc., etc. along with the name and address.

  24. D R Prakash says:

    Dear Mr.Ramachandran K,

    Ms.Arathi Manay Yajaman has uploaded a link to form V of 2009-10, which may help you.

    Even I will try to upload the latest form depending on its availability.

  25. Manjunath says:

    I have a flat in Marathahalli and was not able paid the property tax for last 5 years. Now i need to clear my dues. Could you please advice what need to be done. I have got Khata from CMC Munekolalu office

  26. D R Prakash says:


    You have to file returns from the year 2008-09 in the appropriate form depending on the status of your property and till 2011-12 in form IV / V depending on the usage / additions / deletions / occupation etc.,etc.

    For the years 2005 to 2008, you have to pay the tax as it was assessed in previous years, of course along with penalty, interest, late fee for all the years.

    Your property will be up to date perfect with tax.

  27. D Prabhakar says:

    Dear Sir,

    I have purchased a new flat and the same was registered in Oct2010. Can you please tell me how do I pay the proerty tax now. Thanks.

  28. D R Prakash says:

    Dear Mr.D.Prabhakar,
    Please obtain the details of the previous tax paid for the site / building.
    Submit Form V for second half of 2010-11 and Form IV for the year 2011-12.
    If you cannot get the information from the seller, you may have to obtain from the concerned Revenue office.

  29. Usha Srinath says:

    Isn’t khatha transfer a pre requisite for the new owner to pay property taxes in his name? the previous tax paid receipts will be in the name of the builder/previous owner and if the tax is paid before khatha transfer, it will be paid in the name of the previous owner in BBMP records.

  30. D R Prakash says:

    Dear Ms.Usha Srinath,

    You are right to 100%, but in cases where the khatha is yet to be effected for various reasons, one cannot wait as he / she may have to pay it with penalty. You should submit the returns in your name and the acknowledgement will be in your name as a record till such time.

    As I have quoted in my previous replies, tax is paid for the property and NOT for the person. The name in the receipt has no effect in any manner.


  31. Usha Srinath says:

    The name on the receipt would be relevant, I think if you are trying to transact the property, like a sale. The purchaser will ask for the khatha certificates as part of the check. So it would be good to have the khatha transferred (wherever is not too difficult these days) and pay the taxes in our name, isn’t it? BBMP property tax software does not allow change of name even after khatha transfer (they told me they can only do it when the next block year starts), but they do issue a paper receipt if we submit the applications at their local office.

    I would think OC is linked to property tax payment indirectly as it is one of the documents needed for khatha transfer? The OC would have to be from BBMP or such other bodies. I don’t think an OC from the builder would work.

  32. D R Prakash says:

    Dear US Madam,

    Khatha is a document of TITLE. Tax paid receipt is up-to-date of rights of a particular property (Similar to vehicle number in automobile Insurance). The address is the important factor in the tax paid receipt.

    The name of the owner can be changed at any time by the BBMP and not only at the end / start of BLOCK period. It is done by a different section in the REVENUE department and NEITHER the officials at the TAX collection center NOR the property owners can change any data uploaded by the BBMP. In case of any mistakes, one has to give in writing to the RO for rectification.

    OC is linked to property tax of new buildings for the initial payment of tax and not applicable further and to existing buildings.

    Hope this clarifies your doubts of various aspects.

    ThanX for expressing your doubts.

  33. Jagadish.B.Agadi says:

    My PID No is 14-74-63 how do I calculate CWS cess as the computer is not accepting payment of the tax for the yearf 2011-2012

  34. D R Prakash says:

    Dear Mr.Jagadish B.Agadi,

    Though your posting has failed to get loaded on the site, as I have received it on my mail, here is the clarification:

    Firstly it is Solid Waste Management Cess (SWM), that is introduced this year.

    It is calculated on the built-up area and usage of the property and NOT on the location of the property. Hence your PID / Khatha / Sy number does not come into picture. Please read the steps given above again and follow it, you will be able to pay your taxes.


  35. Ashish says:

    Hi Mr. Prakash,

    I am buying an apartment which is under construction and possession will be around August 2011. Builder has paid property tax till 2009-10 but he has not paid tax for 2010-11. when I talk to him about this he said because the apartment is under construction he can’t pay tax. Once the flat is fully constructed and register the tax will be paid. I have a doubt about this as once registered he will ask me to pay the tax and at that time I have to pay for 2010-11 tax also. Kindly suggest who should pay the tax for 2010-11 and whether I should proceed to purchase this apartment with the build in this case.
    Thanks in advance

  36. D R Prakash says:

    Dear Mr.Ashish,

    Whenever a transaction has to take place, all charges have to be cleared upto date by the seller, is the GENERAL rule in PRACTICE.

    Till the construction is completed, tax for the land has to be paid. The person liable to pay depends upon your internal understanding / terms and conditions of SALE / PURCHASE.

    What assurance is there that, it will be completed within the stipulated time? When the builder is trying to evade the tiny portion of the deal, how well will he standby with other aspects, such as Quality, After sales Service, Get you the required documents, Provide Civic Amenities, Stand by you in case of any disputes arising from any departments etc., etc.?

    “Think before you Ink”, “Look before you Leap” are OLD Proverbs, “Buyer BEWARE” is the New Verb. Be cautious in your steps.

    ThanX for your approach in advance. Your act is worth APPRECIATING.

    26 05 11.

  37. Norman L says:

    Hi Prakash,
    I bought this apartment on Bannerghatta Road in Jun 2010 and I have the computerized reciepts for the property tax paid for 2008-2009 and 2009-2010 and a hand written receipt for the 2010-2011 which were all due by the previous owner and was paid during the time of registration in Jun 2010.
    Jist of it is all three years were paid at once on the same day.
    I am trying to pay property tax online for 2011-12 and when I enter the appliation number that is availble on the recipt of 2008-2009, a pop up tells me that 2010-2011 taxes are not paid.
    Please advise as to what my options are
    1. Go to BBPM Help Centers and pay the prperty tax there?
    2. When can I start usin the online facility?

    Thanks in advance


  38. Norman L says:

    Hi Prakash,
    I have another question regarding Khatha-I have got the Khatha transferred to my name and I used my brokers help in order to get this done. I now have the Khatha in my name but the number doesn’t completely match with the previous owners Khatha number. It looks like a human error where 789 got written as 798. Confusion started with previous owners documents itself where the receipt had the number 798 but the Khatha had 789. I requested my broker to get in touch with the concerned and clarify… He said they told him that the documents that I had was correct (798) but when I gave the application number of 2008-2009 in the SASBBMP site the khatha number that got pulled up was with 789.
    I want to get things clarified by myself.. Where do I go and have it double checked or corrected?

  39. D R Prakash says:

    Dear Mr.Norman L,
    For your first question – You have to take the receipt of 2010-11 to the respective BBMP office, and get it updated on the system.Then, you can either pay there itself or online as you wish and will get computerised receipt.

    For your second question – KHATHA means FOLIO. Whenever there is a change in the ownership, the new name is entered in a new folio, which will be definitely a different number, generally going serially. Hence, there will be no relationship between the old and new numbers. In your case, it may be coincidence of the same digits in different places.
    Next is, you say that the khatha number on the system reflects as 789 is again correct, because in 2008-09 the tax was paid against the previous owner and it is his khatha number.
    All that is clarified is in general course, for a specific and correct clarification, your documents have to seen, as there may be some errors in your explanation also.

  40. Norman L says:

    Hi Prakah,
    Thanks a ton for adressing both my queries..For the first I shall do as you said, Go to BBMP pay 2011-12 taxes and have them update it in their system.
    For the second one, The khatha number goes ****/***/789/***/**/** (I currently don’t have it handy, So I am just giving you an example).

    I have 4 Sets of documents related to Khatha Transfer (including the paid reciept).
    Following is my confusion and a strong feeling that something needs re-validation here..Looking at the below something tells me it just cannot be sheer coincidence, Since Previous owners Uttara Patra alone shows 789 and My Receipt shows 789, Rest of the documents are showing 798 and as I said earlier the Site is SASBBMP site is pulling up 2008-09 records and showing 789.

    Previous Owner:

    Uttara Pathra: ****/***/789/***/**
    Pramana Patra/Certificate(Khatha):****/***/798/***/**
    Dhakale Pustaka:****/***/798/***/**

    My Doc:
    Receipt: ****/***/789/***/**
    Uttara Pathra: ****/***/798/***/**
    Pramana Pathra/Certificate(Khatha):****/***/798/***/**
    Dhakale Pusthaka:****/***/798/***/**

    Please advise.

    Thank You again.
    You are doing a great job by helping citizens. Really appreciate it.


  41. D R Prakash says:

    Dear Mr.NL,

    As I have explained in my previous reply, practical examination of documents is necessary.

    Please send me copies of all the above referred documents for the particular clarification along with the copies of SAS returns for the years from 2008-09 and also tax receipts prior to that year.


  42. Jayashree R says:

    Hello Mr. Prakash,

    What is the best way to get hold of my PID? I dont have this number and i have looked through my tax paid receipts/acknowledgements but no reference in any of those either. Unfortunately i also did not retain a photocopy of my tax application of 2008-2009. Without these two numbers, there seems to be no way of retrieving any tax details or pay tax online for my property which is in Bilekahalli (under Bommanahalli zone).

    Can you please help me figure out the best way to avail of these important numbers? Thanks in advance,

  43. D R Prakash says:

    Dear JR Madam,

    You require to keyin your application # of 2008-09 available on the acknowledgement and in the tax paid receipt and you can pay further tax.

    For your area, no PID # is alloted. You would also have not used white form. You might have either Khatha OR Survey number and would have used that respective form. So need of scrutinizing for PID number is a waste of time as these areas were recently included to BBMP.

    PID numbers are alloted to properties of BMP area only.

    Hope you will be able to pay your further taxes easily now.

    ThanX for your approach.

  44. Rani Tutani says:

    Hello Mr. Prakash,
    First of all I would like to convery my sincere thanks for your precious assistance to the citizens and for working for such a noble cause.
    Secondly I have a query. I am planning to buy a flat in Bangalore, but I heard from the society members of that township,that there is no Khata alloted to any of them. Owner of the flat(one I am interested in) got me Khata document in 7 days (Form B – Property Register “Register Maintain Property ‘without Khata / PID’ numbers during the block period”). This seems to be a form with manual entries. Kindly advice on the genuinity of this document and if this is enough.

  45. D R Prakash says:

    Dear Ms.RT,

    I understand from your details that the property is situated out of BMP area and is in the newly added areas under BBMP.

    Issue of regular KHATHAs have been suspended, as the bill “Akrama-Sakrama” is yet to be passed. For the convenience of sale and purchase, TATKAL Khathas were being issued and the one you are referring to is from the CMC or Village Panchayat. The areas newly included do not have PID numbers, and as you do not have even khatha number also, the property will have only Survey number and must be in the GREEN BELT.

    To give you a genuine advice, scrutiny of all the documents right from MOTHER deed, conversion, Bifurcation, tax paid, plan sanctioning authority etc.,etc have to be verified.

    To know the genuinity of the document Form B, apply for a khatha certificate personally and it will reveal the details.

    Thankyou for your querry.

  46. Rani Tutani says:

    Hello Mr. Prakash,
    Thanks so much for your quick response. Form B, I referred above is from “Bangalore Mahanagara Palike”, as mentioned at the top of the document. Survey Number is definitely there as 45. Sorry for my ignorance, but what does Green belt mean? Taxes have duly been paid as I verified from BBMP site by entering the APPLICATION Number. I really doubt on the genuinity of form B since its manually filled. As you suggested I would apply for Khata Certificate, only thing I am not sure about the process. Could you please give me a brief idea as how do I go about it. I am really grateful to you for your advice.

  47. D R Prakash says:

    Dear RT Madam,
    Computerisation at new included areas have not been done. All documents are hand written only.
    You have to apply for a certificate at your area revenue office, where you pay the tax. Even this certificate may be a handwritten one only.
    ‘GREEN BELT’ means Agricultural lands OR Revenue lands. To build dwelling houses OR form Layouts, it has to be got converted, being done with a fee.

  48. Rani Tutani says:

    Hello Mr. Prakash – thanks for the calirification. I read about Khata process and got to know that a property owner will not be able to obtain a khata certificate if his/her property is on revenue land. A khata extract can be obtained at a cost of Rs 100. BBMP Revenue Officer K K Eranna says that owners of these properties can obtain a khata certificate only after they are regularised through the Akrama Sakrama scheme. So accordingly is Khata extract enough to clear the clouds?

  49. Goutham says:

    Hello Mr.Prakash,
    My father owns a flat in JP Nagar for which property tax was paid till 2008-09. But he has not retained the Application number for tax paid in 2008-09. Now when I went to pay the tax for 2009-10 onwards, the local BBMP official collected the forms and cheques and asked me to get back to him with 2008-09 application no. According to him, its not possible to pay tax for subsequent years without that. So what is the solution to this problem? Is there no way of paying tax for 2009-10, 10-11 and 11-12 years in my case?

    Any suggestions and help from your side will be very much appreciated.

  50. D R Prakash says:

    Dear Mr.Goutham,
    You cannot pay the fresh tax without clearing the arrears. If you have not retained your copy of acknowledgement, please refer to the receipt which will contain the application number.
    Based on that you will be able to pay the tax for further years.

  51. joseph says:

    Mr. Prakash,

    My Dad has paid tax for all the year but he doesn’t have tax paid receipt number or other details of 2008-2009 but he has all the other tax paid receipt from 06-07, 07-08 and 09-10, 10-11 but Now the tax collecting officer is asking for the copy of 08-09 tax receipt. If at all we have not paid the tax of 08-09, how will they collect the tax or rest other year.

    what will the penal interest till date or how can we check this out with the BBMP OFFICE regarding this you advise will great help..



  52. D R Prakash says:

    Dear Mr.Joseph,

    Your quarry is the same of Mr.Goutham, the last on the list. Please refer to that.

    In addition, you will get the details on the returns submitted for the year 2009-10, wherein you have to enter the application number and color of the form submitted along with the receipt number, amount and date paid. You will also get the application number in the returns submitted for the year 2010-11.

    As this is self assessment scheme, whatever you submit will be accepted and no reference is made to your account at the time of collecting the tax, this you must be aware of.

    If the tax is not paid, you have to pay along with Rs.100/- late fee and interest @ 2% pm. for the entire period from June ’08 till date. Any part of the month is considered as a full month.

    Hope you will be benefited with the hints given.

  53. Venugopal says:

    Dear Mr Prakash,
    I own a flat in Bangalore, built in year 1999. Since I have shifted out of Bangalore from 2004, I have been paying my property tax through a contact person there. The area of Flat is 795 Sq.Ft[Super built up].The Area is near Old Airport. The last tax receipt I have is dated 18-Jun-08 for an amount of Rs 4314.00. I could not pay my property tax for the years 2009,10,11. Now, when I approached an official in the concerned office, I was told that my total tax dues are around 37000.00 for these years and 2012. However, the individual whom I spoke to, is ready to bring it down to Rs 22000, if I am ready to pay him a bribe of Rs 10,000.00. Is there anyway I can pay my tax online? How do I calculate my tax dues including the late payment fees if any? Since most of the documents I have are in Kannada, I am not able to make out much of it.


  54. m jithesh says:

    Dear Sir,
    Sir, I really appreciate for your needful work.
    I have corner vacant site 1450 sq foot. Previous year 10-11 bbmp tax is already paid. Current year 11-12 tax is not paid by me, I want some information before bbmp tax paying, are as below,
    [1] I want construct a house after 1-2 month. I will construct house with 2-3 shop. my near by area/house is some full commercial some is commercial and residential mixed and some is fully residential , so any clarification /modification needed in my current year bbmp tax return that is now unpaid ,before I construct a house /sanction building plan, for easy building plan sanction ? My current site statues in bbmp are residential.
    [2] Can I sanction plan with basement in 1450 foot corner site and construct a 3 floor/unit with 2-3 shop in basement or ground floor?
    [3] My friend pay bbmp tax for his vacant site for 11-12.he reduced amount then previous year 10-11 amount without any changing in total site area. Is it possible and advisable??
    I am waiting for your reply.
    Yours faithfully,
    M jitesh.

  55. D R Prakash says:

    Dear Mr.VP,
    Sorry for the delay in replying due to the reasons of tight schedules and also wanted these through Citizen Matters Site, rather than personal.

    I request you to go through the ‘STEP BY STEP GUIDE TO PAYING PROPERTY TAX’ being published every year from 2008-09 till date for all the four consecutive years.

    You cannot pay it on line, as your data is yet to be up-loaded as you have not submitted your returns for the year 2008-09.

    To pay property tax, all you need is just dimensions, zone classification, type of construction, year of construction, usage of the property and not any other documents. You are already aware of the place where you have to pay. This system is “SELF ASSESSMENT” and do not need any official to do anything.

    As regards the late fee charges, it is as follows :
    1. Late fee for submitting – – – Rs. 100-00 per return
    2. Interest for the delayed period – – – @ 2% pm.

    Hope this will suffice for your paying the tax.



  56. D R Prakash says:

    Dear Mr.M.Jitesh,

    Your tax changes only on development of the property and not for having any idea of development.

    Regarding the construction for usage of Commercial / Residential, it is subject to the conditions of the area, whether it is a BDA allotted, if so on what condition? or Converted on what basis etc. That is under the purview of the Engineering department of BBMP, on which I cannot comment.

    Definitely there cannot be a difference in tax between the years 2010-11 & 2011-12 for any property, unless & until there is some calculation error regarding the zone. He can even claim the excess paid for the previous years, if that is the case.

  57. Narendra Singh Rana says:

    Dear Sir,
    We are staying in an apartment complex with 144 flats. The builder has paid property tax for 2008-09, 2009-10 but the same has not been updated in BBMP computers. The builder is relatively new to Bangalore and hence does not have proper understanding of the processes. We have been asking him to get the receipts entered in the computerized system and complete Khata transfer so that we can pay tax with receipts in our names. Recently the builder told us that as Khata transfer will take time, we should pay the property tax for all 4 years to BBMP (2008-09 to 2011-12) and get that updated in their computers so that the tax receipts will carry our name. He claims to have already given the details of divided share of land and flat numbers to the BBMP office. My query is that is it truly possible for us residents to pay the tax for all 4 years and get the receipt in our name? or has the builder been misled by someone? I know that you have repeatedly told that tax is payed against property and not individual, but still as an individual, I would prefer that the payment made by me is acknowledged against my name only.
    Narendra Rana

  58. D R Prakash says:

    Dear Mr.NSR,

    Why should one pay tax twice? When the builder has paid tax for the years 2008-10, where is the need for you to pay for 4 yrs.? In the absence of full details of what returns, details your builder has submitted, it is difficult to guide you.

    In general, in the absence of KHATHA, the returns filed can be in your name, as you are the registered owner.

    Without a change in the records of BBMP, one cannot get a receipt in their name. So khatha is a must. As the issue of khathas are suspended, you may have to go in for TATKAL Khatha (A temporary khatha for transaction purpose)

    Before getting computerised, and even where data is not entered completely, manual receipts are being issued, and that can be written in anybody’s name.

    Now that you people are insisting on personal names, the officials of BBMP might do that way (Definitely with a personal charge).

    Thanks for your approach and understanding.

  59. sujatha says:

    My PID No. is 59-77-13. I want to pay Corporation Tax 2011-12. I have paid Last year Tax on 27/05/2010 vide application No. 4416418. I am not finding my Receipt ,Kindly Provide me the Receipt No. to enable me to make the Payment.

  60. Sriphani says:

    Dear Mr. Prakash,

    There is a lot of valuable information in the responses provided above.

    I have an apartment in Bangalore for which katha transfer is not yet completed from the builder.

    Please answer my following two queries:

    1. I have paid self assessment property tax until 2010-11. But, earlier this year all owners of our apartment have received demand notices from BBMP asking to pay property tax and the attached evaluation. How do we handle this?

    2. The original manual property tax receipt for 2008-09 had my name correctly, but the succeeding year’s computerized receipt has it misspelled. How do I get it corrected?

    Thanks in advance.

  61. Atul says:

    I bought a flat recently in a apartment complex having 20 flats. The apartment complex is constructed on site no.199.
    During the construction stage ( Agreement to sell) the flat no. given by the builder was 101. But at the time of sale deed it was changed to F1. Sale deed has F1 written.
    Since i am availing bank loan,bank wants to know why the nos. differ. I think the bank should consider the no. mentioned in the sale deed i.e F1. Am i right?

    In the khatha certificate the Muncipal No. is entered as 199/1(flat 1 on site 199) by BBMP. Here the bank says it should have been F1 and wants me to get it changed by BBMP.
    Please let me know if the bank is right or they should accept the BBMP records.

  62. D R Prakash says:

    Dear Ms.Sujatha,

    As you have the application number with you, you approach the concerned office with the application nos. from 2008-09 and they will give you the receipt number and also a duplicate receipt can be obtained.

    But from the number of your application, I feel it pertains to the year 2011-12, please check again for its correctness.

    The web page of details of tax paid has been suspended for UP-DATING purpose and so is not available on our systems.


  63. D R Prakash says:

    Dear Mr.Sriphani,

    1. Please be specific in what you are asking for. You have paid tax and have not received any notice, why bother about others, who might / mightnot have paid tax, submitted wrong returns etc., etc.

    2. Submit an application to the ARO to the effect of mistake in the name of the owner and the mistake by the DATA ENTERER have to be rectified with correction by an higher officer.

  64. D R Prakash says:

    Dear Mr.Atul,

    Either your bankers are not willing to give you a loan OR may be ignorant about the documentation.

    Any loan is sanctioned only against the TITLE DEED and not an AGREEMENT TO SELL.

    BBMP doesn’t change the numbers according to one’s whims & fancies, which your bankers should be aware of.

    Contact the higher official at their corporate / regional / head office OR legal section of the branch.


  65. Jayakumar K P says:

    Dear Mr. Prakash,
    I bought a flat in 2009 Nov and till now the Builder is not providing the documents to transfer the Khatha. Recently we checked with BBMP with the builder and come to know that unless the Betterment Charges are not paid we cannot pay the Property Tax. We are ready to pay the Property Tax from 2009 including the Penalty and interest.

    Can you clarify whether the BBMP Inspector’s statement “unless the Betterment Charges are paid I will not collect the Property Tax” is correct.

  66. D R Prakash says:

    Dear Mr.Jayakumar K P,

    Without paying betterment charges, no building can comeup in BMP area. Even basic amenities will also be not provided.

    It seems your apartments are built on revenue lands and are new inclusions to BBMP. So without going through the documents of title, it is not feasible to give any opinion / guidance.


  67. D R Prakash says:

    Feedback from Vikram H (

    On article: Guide to paying property tax 2011-12

    Dear Mr. Prakash, I have a rather simple query and would much value your advice. If I rent out my flat in Bangalore to a company to use as its office (not trading premises or shop) does that affect the way my property tax is calculated? i.e. does that make it a non-residential property? We are very worried about this and it seems no one has the expertise to give us a clear answer. Also, if possible, we would like your recommendation of agents who would manage the renting out of properties on behalf of NRIs. Thank you, Vikram

  68. D R Prakash says:

    Dear Mr.Vikram H,

    For your first doubt, the answer is YES. When a property is used for any purpose OTHER than residential purpose, especially resource generating, it is considered as COMMERCIAL.

    Hence the tax structure changes totally including the zone.

    My sincere suggestion for your second question is not to rely on any agents for letting it out. i.e. the selection of tenant. As far as maintaining your accounts such as collection of rents / payment of amenities bills / taxes etc. you can entrust it to any reliable relative / friend.

    In case of not to take that path, I myself can do it at a nominal fee, decided on the nature of works. As I myself is doing such services, am not aware of any others in this line.

    06 11 11.

  69. Vishwanath says:

    Dear Sir,
    I had submitted the form properly for computerization but they have made mistake while entering the details in system. I paid the tax for 2010-11 for full year last time and later came to know in printed receipt everything was wrong including PID number but only name is rite.The details in acknowledgement which i received for submitting the form is rite but in system it is wrong.So i dint pay the property tax for this year still. So what can i do and how to get the details to be changed in system. Kindly guide me. We have shown the last year receipt to BBMP office immediately stating that all the details are wrong. So the reply from them for that is They have edited it manually i.e. in writing and later signed on it but in system it remains same. So kindly guide me what to do next.


  70. Vishwanath says:

    Dear Sir,
    I had submitted the form properly for computerization but they have made mistake while entering the details in system. I paid the tax for 2010-11 for full year last time and later came to know in printed receipt everything was wrong including PID number but only name is rite.The details in acknowledgement which i received for submitting the form is rite but in system it is wrong.So i dint pay the property tax for this year still. So what can i do and how to get the details to be changed in system. Kindly guide me. We have shown the last year receipt to BBMP office immediately stating that all the details are wrong. So the reply from them for that is They have edited it manually i.e. in writing and later signed on it but in system it remains same. So kindly guide me what to do next.


  71. Vishwanath says:

    Dear Sir,
    I had submitted the form properly for computerization but they have made mistake while entering the details in system. I paid the tax for 2010-11 for full year last time and later came to know in printed receipt everything was wrong including PID number but only name is rite.The details in acknowledgement which i received for submitting the form is rite but in system it is wrong.So i dint pay the property tax for this year still. So what can i do and how to get the details to be changed in system. Kindly guide me. We have shown the last year receipt to BBMP office immediately stating that all the details are wrong. So the reply from them for that is They have edited it manually i.e. in writing and later signed on it but in system it remains same. So kindly guide me what to do next.


  72. A.P.BABU says:

    Dear sir ,
    i have bought a site,in 2005, at subash nager,begur hobli,Bangalore 560068,, till now i hav not paid any tax , will you please guide me where should i go pay my property tax from 2008 till date, please guide me where i goand pay all my tax.
    Thank you .

  73. Suresh Baabu says:

    Dear Mr. Prakash:

    Kindly give me a resolution for the below complaint or the contact details who can give a resolution immediately. I see you are active on this page and am expecting a resolution immediately.

    This is to bring it to your notice that one of my neighbours has not been paying the property tax accurately to the Government. This premises also has an illegally constructed top floor which generates handsome Rent. There is no prior plan approval from your Plan Approval Authority for this floor which is also an obstruction for us. The owner of this premises is enjoying all benefits by defaulting/evading property tax to the Government as well as enjoying rent from 2 floors which includes one illegal floor.

    The total rented property would be approximately 1500 square feet. The approximate rent generated from rented property would be around 18,000 (Eighteen thousand) to 20,000 (Twenty thousand), whereas they have been defaulting/evading property tax by paying a meager amount of Rs. 5000 and Rs 4000 respectively for the last 2 years, mentioning that they are using it for their own use. This can be verified on your BBMP website. This building, as far as my knowledge goes, was constructed in the year 2006-07 and the defaulting/tax evasion has been happenning for more than 5 years now.

    PID Number of this property is 54-170-175

    As a prompt citizen and a frustrated neighbour, I request you to kindly look into this complaint and take all necessary action against these tax evaders which is affecting our overall economy and bringing down the funds within the Government treasury, thus affecting the growth of our city as promised by Government representatives and as expected by common citizens.


  74. Lokesh says:

    Can we registrar the flat without b-Khata – we have a paid Property Tax on date and obtained EC on date,see we r living in a 280units apartment complex at Kundalahalli near Marathalli..No-Body owns khata as on date ,Spoke to BBMP they told u have to apply khata for 280units in a slot ,we cant give individually …if somebody wants to sell his flat how can we go-about this…pls suggest …


  75. D R Prakash says:


    Please go over to your area Service Point (Where you paid tax) and with the copy of the returns submitted and get the details fed into the system.

    For the receipt already issued, they cannot replace and hence have manually altered & signed.


  76. D R Prakash says:

    Dear Mr.Vishwanath,

    Please o over to your area service point (Where you paid tax) with the photocopy of the returns submitted and get the details corrected in your presence on the system and also pay your present tax and will get the corrected receipt.

    For the already issued receipt, they cannot issue one more and hence made manual correction.


  77. D R Prakash says:


    Your doubt is very funny. Who will pay tax for the period before 2008?

    Please go over to office at Bommanahalli BBMP (Old CMC) and pay at your respective ward counter.

    Hope you will not try to cheat government by wanting to pay tax only from 2008. You will end-up in a big fuss.


  78. D R Prakash says:

    Dear Mr.Suresh Baabu,

    I am not any board authority to pass a resolution, but can only guide you with a solution.

    On the website itself you had the provision to complain on wrong filings. But since almost a year, the site is under ‘UPDATION OF DATA IN PROGRESS’.

    You can make use of the new rule of RTI, and putup an application to your area Revenue Officer, who will furnish you the details and based on it you can register your complaint in writing.

    And regarding ‘ILLEGAL’ construction, you have to takeup with the Engineering department of BBMP in the similar manner by applying to Executive Engineer of your ward.

    Wish you all the best setting an example.


  79. D R Prakash says:

    Dear Mr.Lokesh,

    Registration has got nothing to do with Khatha. You can buy OR sell any property without khatha OR EC.

    As regards issuing of Khatha, BBMP has to issue for whatever quantum of khathas are applied for. They cannot insist for the entire number.

    Please apply in the prescribed format / form and if it is refused, please ask them to put in writing and give it back.


  80. D R Prakash says:

    Dear sir,
    I own a flat ( Survey number 558/GF2/197) since December 2004. I have not defaulted any property taxes so far. I got Katha transferred to my name in 2010, but still the property tax paid receipts are on the name of the previous owner. How can I change the name of the owner in the property tax receipts? Because of this I have not paid the tax for 2011-12.
    Please give me a prompt and swift solution.

    Looking forward


    #197, GF2 Sahrudaya Apartments
    Bikasipura 6th Main
    ISRO Layout, Bangalore 61

  81. D R Prakash says:

    Dear Mr.Prasad,

    Issue of Khathas have been suspended since a long time and since a couple of years, they have started issuing ‘B’khatha for the purpose of transactions (Buy / Sell / Transfer) and am sure even you must have been issued the same.

    You have to wait till the bill ‘AKRAMA-SAKRAMA’ is passed as your was a ‘REVENUE’ property.

    Make your application / returns in your name for paying taxes, otherwise you will have to pay penalty and interest.

    In my many previous replies, I have been repeatedly saying, “YOU PAY TAX FOR THE PROPERTY AND NOT FOR THE PERSON”. See the property details are correct in the receipt.


  82. D R Prakash says:

    Feedback from Rohit (

    On article: Guide to paying property tax 2011-12

    Mr. Prakash, I read through your inputs on paying property tax and found it quite useful. I have been trying to find out my PID number but havent been successful. Wondering if you would be able to help me in that regard? I have not paid the property tax for the last 2-3 years. How do I go about doing that esp since I dont have my PID number? Any help would be appreciated. Regards, Rohit

  83. D R Prakash says:


    I appreciate your keen interest in going through my hints / guidance, but at the same time I also feel sorry to inform you that, you have not studied them with due importance as you have failed to furnish the details of your property, and the present situation because it is a “FREE SERVICE”.

    Please be clear in your quarries and with explained details which will make a guideline for others rather than just filling the column.


  84. Priyamvadan says:

    I have entered into a agreement of sale for apartment with builder in March 2011 and recently I have come to know that builde has paid property tax for 2008-2009 and further he says that BNP guidelines have changed that now the tax needs to be paid on apartments total number to be built and not just on land.
    Current status is that he ha already handed over 4 blocks and further 2 are in process. First 4 blocks residents have moved in. Our block is under construction.
    Now the builder says that I am liable to pay property tax for the balance unpaid from 2009 whereas I feel that I am liable after date of registration and transfer of name.
    Please offer your advice

  85. D R Prakash says:

    Mathew George


    I have paid the house tax for the year 2011-12 in April 2011 on line. Till date I do not see the details for 2011-12 uploaded on the website.

    To see the tax payment details for 2011-12 on the web how should I go about it.

    Also be kind enough to give the tel. Nos. of yr office. Thanking you.

    Mathew George

  86. D R Prakash says:

    Dear Mr.Mathew George,

    Though I’m not able to guide you for the reason of BBMP not initiating the updating of tax payments, the reason being, it is useful only at its minimal.

    The need to verify hardly requires as you have the documented evidence for paying the tax by way of receipt, which is only AUTHENTICATED for any clarification / need.

    BBMP might have thought of discontinuing because of LARGE SCALE errors crept in the data of previous years, which they are unable to rectify still.

    Sir, we are still in INDIA, which is easily lagging behind by atleast a QUARTER century in Governmental Online Sites.

    Please feel at easy, till April when the next year’s tax payment falls for due. Hope the BBMP might comeout with some option.

    If you have any personal problem with your payment of tax, please spell it & if feasible guide you a way out.

    Thankyou for your enquiry,

    12 01 12.

  87. D R Prakash says:

    Dear Mr.Mathew George,

    Though I’m not able to guide you for the reason of BBMP not initiating the updating of tax payments, the reason being, it is useful only at its minimal.

    The need to verify hardly requires as you have the documented evidence for paying the tax by way of receipt, which is only AUTHENTICATED for any clarification / need.

    BBMP might have thought of discontinuing because of LARGE SCALE errors crept in the data of previous years, which they are unable to rectify still.

    Sir, we are still in INDIA, which is easily lagging behind by atleast a QUARTER century in Governmental Online Sites.

    Please feel at easy, till April when the next year’s tax payment falls for due. Hope the BBMP might comeout with some option.

    If you have any personal problem with your payment of tax, please spell it & if feasible guide you a way out.

    Thankyou for your enquiry,

    12 01 12.

  88. D R Prakash says:

    Dear Mr.Priyamvadan,

    Sorry for the delay, due to technical reasons.

    When you have entered into agreement during March ’11, the burden of tax on you is liable from April’11 in general. If any clause has been included in your agreement, then you would need to pay.

    He should also provide you OCCUPANCY certificate before you occupy, which is a valid document for PROPER DOCUMENTATION as well as CONSTRUCTION.


  89. Dr Kumar says:

    Dear Sir,
    I have a Hospital that is rented out, as per PROPERTY TAX – DETAILS OF
    ZONE CLASSIFICATION & UNIT AREA VALUE RATE that is published by BBMP the TAX is calculated on “Group based on bed strength & date of commencement” there is no mention of different rate for self Occupied and Tenanted under Category for Private Hospitals and Nursing Homes, I would be very grateful if you can Clarify the issue since they are charging me four times the value that is as per column given in Reference Hand Book.
    All other Categories have separate column for self occupied & Tented & the difference is twice that of self occupied only.

  90. D R Prakash says:

    Dear Dr.Kumar,

    It is the policy of taxation for classification of categories. It is not just Hospitals that do not have separate slabs for Self occupied & tenanted. All categories from VII to XIII & XV to XVIII do not have that benefit.

    The reason being, the charges are the same and revenue generated will be the same whether run by owner OR tenant.

    What I fail to understand from your statement is that, “They are charging me four times the value”. Who is charging? why is it being charged? Are you being issued receipt for the amount you pay?

    If any light is thrown on those spheres, I may try to clarify you Doctor.

    Thanks for your approach. You may also forward it direct to my mail ID with a copy to Citizen Matters.


  91. Prasad says:

    Recently I have purchased a site in Bangalore. Its BBMP approved with A khatha.

    Please let me know the complete procedure and documents required to transfer the khata to my name?
    Where to submit the docs and how much time does it take? What is the khata transfer fees?

    Thanks for the help..

  92. jayesh gor says:

    Dear Sir ,
    I recd gift property from my mother in newly BBMP area, I have transferred all khatha from my mother’s name to my name. but in online property sawing still my mother’s name, I am paying tax online since 2 years what I have to do for name change online. please reply me sir.

  93. Santosh Baradwaj says:

    Dear Mr.Prakash

    This is regarding an Apartment that I had bought in Feb 2009 in KR Garden, Muruheshpalaya. It was existing apartment hence I had paid the tax for 2008-09, 2009-10 and 2010-11 in the earlier owner’s name by May 2010. Due to the amount of bribery involved in Katha transfer, with great difficulty I got the transfer done by Aug 2010. When I had approached the tax collection office to pay the tax for 2011-2012 in my name, the tax inspector claims this katha transfer is not enough( A hand written document and receipt). He says to change his records he needs a computerized Katha with which he will update his records with my name and produce a tax receipt in my name. And he wants a hefty bribe for the same. After all that I have gone through for stamp duty, katha transfer, EB transfer I do not wish to pay a bribe for paying my taxes also. Kindly help me by suggesting the correct course of action.

  94. D R Prakash says:

    Dear Mr.Prasad,

    Please wait for some more time for the AKRAMA-SAKRAMA bill to be approved. Get your regular Khatha then, rather than getting again `A’ khatha in your name and the regular one later.

    The procedure is to submit the prescribed application with copies of title deed and encumbrance for the latest period along with the prescribed fee.

  95. D R Prakash says:

    Dear Mr.Jayesh Gor,

    The Khathas in the new BBMP area are not the final one. They are just temporary khathas.

    You have to approach the revenue office (Where you pay your tax) along with the khatha and get it entered in the system. This service is FREE. Because you are paying on-line, they are also least bothered.

  96. D R Prakash says:

    Dear Santosh Baradwaj,

    First tell me whether you got the khatha by yourself? Have you seen the endorsement in the register? In many cases middlemen have eaten away money and given the certificate to the owners with either forged signatures / wrong signatures.

    If computerisation was prevailing in the office by that time, they would have issued a computerised certificate. If it was computerised and an hand written certificate is issued, seems like you have been taken for a ride.

    Without physically seeing, nothing can be said concretely. Get hold of the same staff who had got your khatha made and see that the data is entered into the system, which is FREE of charge.

  97. Saurabh Bhattacharya says:

    Dear Prakash,
    I had taken possession of our newly created apartment late in the year 2010. The sub-Khatha creation is yet to happen. Till 2010-11, builder had paid tax over the vacant land using Survey Number. We now want to pay property tax for our flat for FY 2011-12. This is the first time I am paying the taxes, as such kindly let me know the procedure I have to follow for paying Property Tax. I do not want to get engaged with middlemen or touts.
    Thanks in advance.

  98. Priya says:

    Dear Sir,

    Thanks so much for this very informative article as well as your detailed responses to all the queries.
    My question is, I am the owner of a flat which was registered in 2007. I have paid the property tax every year since then till date.I have not done the khata transfer yet from the builder. I have recently received an offer for my flat and I am planning to sell.
    1) Can the new owner do the khata transfer directly to their name or do I need to do the khata transfer first to my name and then they will do it from my name to their name?

    Thank you for your help.

  99. Priya says:

    Dear Sir,

    Thanks so much for this very informative article as well as your detailed responses to all the queries.
    My question is, I am the owner of a flat which was registered in 2007. I have paid the property tax every year since then till date.I have not done the khata transfer yet from the builder. I have recently received an offer for my flat and I am planning to sell.
    1) Can the new owner do the khata transfer directly to their name or do I need to do the khata transfer first to my name and then they will do it from my name to their name?

    Thank you for your help.

  100. D R Prakash says:

    Dear Saurabh Bhattacharya,

    From the part details furnished by you, it seems like the construction is done on Revenue land. Find out whether it has been converted. When he has handed over the building in 2010, how can he pay tax only for land.

    Get the documents checked by a competent person for a free flow of happenings in future.

    Thanks for your query.

  101. D R Prakash says:

    Dear Priya Madam,

    Katha can be made either way. If your prospective purchaser has no objection to it. You can sell the property and khatha can be done directly to the purchaser’s name from the builder.

    You should add a clause in the title deed to that extent, “This property has not been transferred in the books of Revenue department and I have no objection of any type for its transfer from my seller to purchaser directly”.

    Thanks for your seeking clarification madam.

  102. Kalpana says:

    I have to pay property tax this month, 2012. It is a residential property. Last year it was an open land, it is being constructed now, into its completion stage.
    1. Should it be considered as a fully constructued house and pay tax accordingly since the house is still being constructed.
    2. What is the procedure for paying the tax, should I submit a letter to the BBMP office stating that the land has been constructed now. What are the other documents needs to be produced. Can it be done online.
    3. Any assistance in calculating the tax is appreciated.

  103. D R Prakash says:

    Dear Kalpana Madam,

    You say it is in completion stage.

    Is the power, Water & Sanitary connections obtained?

    Till when have you paid tax for the vacant land? Payment of tax falls due only next month for the year 2012-13.

    Does your property has a PID no.? You have to use form V (Blue) and calculate tax as per guidelines provided for the year 2008-09 and pay accordingly.

    Thanks for your approach.

  104. D R Prakash says:

    Feedback from Vasant Manohar, Mumbai (

    On article: Guide to paying property tax 2011-12

    I wish to pay my 2011-12 property tax online for a 1159 sq ft flat in RTnagar. The SWM rate is Rs 30 per month. The SWM Cess calculation works out to be 1159X30X12= 4,17,240 which is excessive. Please advise. Thanks

  105. D R Prakash says:

    Dear Mr.Vasant Manohar,

    Have you paid the taxes for the previous years and have they been updated? Please check this to pay online.

    The SWM cess is not on sft., but fixed for different sizes. i.e. upto 1000 sft. & above 1001 sft. Hence your SWM cess is just Rs.360/- for the full year.

    Hope this suffices your query.

  106. sunanda Sharma says:

    Dear Sir,

    I bought a resale flat in 2011. I have paid property tax for both years till now but the name still shows the previous owner’s name. Our property does not have a khatha issued yet. Is there no other way to get the name changed on property tax receipts? I needed it for property proof.


  107. Vinod Colaso says:

    Dear Sir,

    I have purchased a site in Boyalahalli village, Jala Hobli, Bangalore north (addl) Taluk in June 2011. Please could you help me how to pay the property tax. Please let me know if you need more details. Thank you.

  108. D R Prakash says:

    Dear Ms.Sunanda Sharma,

    If you had gone through my previous answers, you would not have raised this now. Your title deed is the proof of your ownership. “Tax is collected for the property and not for person.”

  109. D R Prakash says:

    Mr.Vinod Colaso,

    Definitely need more details of the property to guide you regarding its type, previous tax payments etc.


  110. Vinod Colaso says:

    Dear Sir,
    The site is 60 x 40 in a gated community near to the Doha international airport. ( Jala Hobli) It has a Khata number and it is in my name. The previous only one receipt shows 2010-2011 tax paid to Bandikodigehalli gram Panchayat in our name paid by the seller for Rs. 1929. Please advise.

  111. Vinod Colaso says:

    Dear Sir,

    I have paid the property tax for this year online for my apartment in Bellandur but the tax receipt does not mention the New PID No. Please could you explain how can I get the PID no. and what is the procedure. Thank you.

  112. S Srinivasan says:

    PROPERTY TAX 2012-2013
    BBMP has started collection of Property taxes for the year 2012 -2013. Right from day one, forms were easily available unlike last years. It is very simple to fill up if you have the details asked for.
    The information required are, PID No, or Khata No. as given in the previous year, SAS 2008-2009 application No., 2011-2012 Application No., Receipt and date.
    Computation for this year is the same as last year , Data taken from last year’s receipt. Add the SWM cess and pay by cheque.
    This year, each property is automatically given a new PID number for all communications with them.

    To have a record of your property, please follow the steps.

    1. Go to the link

    2. Click on GIS based new PID

    3. Go to the bottom of the letter and click on To Know your New PID Click Here

    4. Enter the Application Number of 2008-2009 Tax Payment or enter the old PID Number and Click SEARCH.

    5. Click on your name and then click FETCH .

    6.You will get the details . Check for correctness. Copy and Print this page for your records.

    7. Go to click here to view your property in gis map and click.

    8. You will get a Google Map of your area with your property details . Copy/save /print for your records.

    9. For any corrections, you can meet your BBMP Office of your ward .

    10. In your Tax receipt for 2012-2013, this new PID Number is also given.


  113. Rajan says:

    Dear Sir,

    I have registered my flat in July 2011 and my builder has already paid the full tax for 2011-12 in April 2011 for the project. Do I need to pay the tax again for my flat for 2011-12 or pay only for 2012-13?

    Kindly advise.


  114. D R Prakash says:

    Dear Mr.Rajan,

    If tax has been paid for the building and if it has been used for the purpose mentioned, you need not pay any further tax.

    Only if otherwise, the difference should be paid. Please go ahead with the payment of tax for the current year according to your usage.

    Thanks for your approach.

  115. D R Prakash says:

    Dear Mr.Vonod Colaso,

    Mr.S.Srinivasan has explained fully about the allotment of PID number.

    Chances are there for it to get changed also as verification process is incomplete in many areas.


  116. D R Prakash says:

    Dear Mr.Vinod Colaso,

    Has that area been included under new BBMP area ? Has it been converted ? Has the development charges paid ?

    If it is a part of BBMP, why tax has been paid at the village (Gram) panchayat ?

    Please clarify to guide you.


  117. Vinod Colaso says:

    Dear Sir,

    The location of this site is in Bagaluru outside the BBMP limits. Please advise the procedure for paying vacant site tax. Thanks.

  118. sachin rai says:

    Hi Mr. Prakash,

    I need to pay the Prop tax for 2012-13, this April.
    Last year I paid via ARO office manually and I received a computer generated receipt with my name on it.

    But this time I planned to pay via online.But when I enter the 2008-09 application number the details for 2011-12 are again shown with my builders name.

    Ideally it should be in my name for this period?

    How can I correct this?


  119. Senthil Kumar says:


    I bought an apartment in bangalore in 2008 but i haven’t paid the property tax till date. How & where to start.
    what are the details required to pay the property tax.


  120. Nitin says:

    Dear Mr Prakash,

    I am owner of a resale flat. The previous owner had paid property taxes begining 2008-09 to 2011-12 and had a valid khata as well. After sale deed registration, I did get khata trnasfer done, however when I go to BBMP site to pay the taxes, i still find previous owner’s name.

    1. Do you recommend to go ahead and make the payment online in previous owners’s name.
    2. What do I need to do to get my name updated in property tax record? Do not want to grease any more done with it.


  121. Krutibas Biswal says:

    Dear Mr Prakash,
    I own a flat on Sarjapur Road (Agara) and the flat was purchased in 2008. Since then I have been paying property taxes online and every time the old owner’s name appears on the online records. This year (2012 April) also it is the same. I have the khata transferred in my name and I have the Khata certificate and khata extract which shows my name. I tried paying manually in the BBMP office and they said they cant handle name changes – I have to go to a different BBMP office. What should I do now ?

    Please advise

  122. Vineet says:

    Mr Prakash,

    I am owning one flat since the day first of it’s construction and I have all the papers in my name. But when BBMP entered in the computer system, they did not enter my name , instead it was some other name which is nowhere resemble with my name.

    I submitted application 1 year back but nothing has happened. What should I do?

  123. Akhil Harikrishnan says:

    Sir, I had registered my flat on 27-Feb-2010. The builder had paid only the land tax for the period 2008-09. They state that since the flat was not purchased by anyone it was necessary only to pay the land tax and the tax for the flat is not required. Because of this confusion, BBMP is not providing me the receipt for this year’s payment and they want me to pay the tax for 2008-09. Is the justification provided by the builder true or should I pay the property tax for my flat for 2008-09?

  124. Namit Agarwal says:

    Dear Sir,

    I have recently purchased a flat. Currently the Khata(B) is in name of the seller. I want to pay the property tax for 2012-13 but I don’t have the khata in my name. I want to know that whether I can pay the property tax without having the khata for the same also How can I transfer the khata in my name?


  125. Nagaraj says:

    Mr Prakash Sir,

    I have purchased the house in 2010 and got khatha transfer also and paid last year tax requesting with owner name change but the application of tax paid receipt contains owner name as mine but the khatha number is old owners so do we need to ask the BBMP people to change the khatha number also for current owners khatha number while paying the tax for current year.

    Online tax paying for current year also shows the same info.

    Any info in this regard is highly appreciable.


  126. Ganesh Narayanan Ponniah says:

    Mr. Prakash Sir, What is Uttara Patra (BBMP)? How does a BBMP Khata looks like?

  127. VasuBabu says:

    Dear Prakash Sir,
    I could not find the new PID assignment in BBMP website for my property which is a vaccant site.

    Is Still PID assignment is going on? I could see same locality PID assignment for other properties is completed. Any comments for checking regarding this will be helpful


  128. Mohammed Saleem says:

    I have paid my property tax for my house upto date. The house was ground floor and I have started construction of the 1st floor. How did I pay my tax for the under construction of the 1st floor when I pay the property tax. The property was under CMC in Thanisandra village and now comes under BBMP but the khata , etc is still under CMC and taxes paid online to BBMP. Appreciate your reply.

  129. siddarth says:

    Dear Sir, Thank you for helping us in the step by step procedure in paying property tax online. I have changed my status from self occupied to tenanted this financial year. While filing form V due to change in status, i am getting stuck while filing in one of the blocks- ‘usage and sub usage which are numbered form I to XV. No description of any of the options are given there. Kindly help me. Thank you

  130. Vasantha says:

    Dear Sir, our charitable trust has bought a piece of land in Kundalahalli. We have been paying property tax for the past two years, but the receipt is generated in the name of the old owner. Please let us know how to get the name changed in the property tax receipt and would like to pay 201 -2014 tax in our trust name. Thanks you. Vasantha

  131. Arathi Manay Yajaman says:

    Vasantha – Have you got the khata of the property transferred to the trust? Once this is done, you can approach the BBMP office with the sale deed and khata certificate, khata extract to make the name change in the system.

  132. Pankaj Sahu says:

    I have an apartment on Sarjapura Road. I have not paid property tax from 2008 since I was living abroad. The apartment was under Panchayat and is now in BBMP. Can you please answer below questions:
    1) How do I pay property tax from 2008 to 2013?
    2) What will be the penalty and interest and how do I calculate it?
    3) How do I get property ID (PID) allocated?
    4) Can I pay taxes from 2009 onwards online once PID allocated?
    5) Is it required to get khata from BBMP to pay the taxes?


  133. Arathi Manay Yajaman says:

    Pankaj Sahu – Answers to your questions are in the points below. a. To pay property tax for 2008, you will need to visit the BBMP office in your neighbourhood that is accepting property tax. Go with a copy of your sale deed, take your cheque book along. Ask for the form for 2008, fill up the details. b. The BBMP officials there will guide you on the interest you need to pay for late payment. c. Once you have paid for 2008, ensure that your details are uploaded into the BBMP online system. This will give your property PID also. d. Once you are registered in the system, you can pay online for 2009 onwards. PID is not mandatory for paying online. You can pay online even with the 2008 application number, as long as you are in the system. Interest will be calculated by the system. e. You have the option of paying for 2009 till date at the BBMP office during your visit. 6. Khata is not required to pay taxes. In fact, to get the khata now, you need to attach your property tax paid receipt.

  134. Pankaj Sahu says:

    Thank you so much Arathi. I have couple of questions.
    1) I had paid property taxes for the year 2006 and 2007 and have those receipts with me. Can I produce these receipts to BBMP officials for paying up 2008 taxes? Do you think I still need sale deed? If yes, is “Sale Deed” same as “Agreement of Sale”? I have original “Agreement of Sale” with me, will that work?
    2) How can I get a BBMP office in neighbourhood?

  135. Arathi Manay Yajaman says:

    Pankaj – 1) Yes – a good idea to carry the old receipts to show you’ve paid till 2007. Also carry a copy of the agreement of sale (no need to carry the original) 2) ask your neighbours/ estate manager where the BBMP office for your apartment’s property tax payment is located. The BBMP property tax collection locations change regularly as it is becoming more decentralised every year. Also, check out this post for help on the 2008-09 form

  136. Pankaj Sahu says:

    Thanks so much Arathi for helping me out and your quick response. I hope you don’t mind answering if I have further questions.

  137. Pankaj Sahu says:

    Thanks so much Arathi for helping me out and your quick response. I hope you don’t mind answering if I have further questions.

  138. surya shikha says:

    hi Arathi, I bought my flat in 2010 and have not paid taxes till now. My builder has still not transferred katha . today I went to pay for the last 4 years and the bbmp officer Did calculations and just gave me figures for each year. my questions are 1. since I bought the flat in 2010 feb isn’t property tax for that year already covered 2. can you tell me the forms that I would to fill to pay the tax. is there a way how I can calculate the amount including penalty tone paid.

  139. Arathi Manay Yajaman says:

    Surya Shikha – 1. If you registered the property in 2010 feb, property tax for 2008-09, 2009-10 should have been paid by the builder – either for the flat singly or for the entire property as a whole. You will need to get the details from him (application nos. and receipt nos, and photocopies if possible). It is possible that the builder did not pay for 2009-10, in which case you would need to get him to pay or pay yourself. 2. For each year, there is a separate series of forms to be filled, labelled as such. You would need to fill Form V to start with (where you indicate the owner’s name, address, etc.). Subsequently, you can use Form IV. Check this link for more info. check out this post for help on the 2008-09 form See if you can buy a handbook from BBMP (it was issued in 2008 and has all the info). Regarding penalty, it is said to be 2% per month, for the period after the due date. The due date for half yearly payment falls twice a year (approx in May/ June and Nov). You could clarify with the BBMP officer on how he has calculated the interest. Hope this helps.

  140. Syed Riyaz says:

    Dear Prakash Sir, First we thank you for your guidance and efforts you are offering to us…

    Sir, our is joint property with equal share with all parties, and we constructed the apartments in this property, and we have mutually agreed the number of flats each share holder will get, and we have not yet registered the flats in individual share holder, to our surprise one of the share holders has registered his the khata’s to his flats and also to other share holders flat and paying the taxes to his flats .
    Does this is legal or he has done illegally.

    your answer is highly appreciated.

  141. Shweta Venkateshan says:

    shweta k v Dear Prakash sir , first we paid tax till now from 2008-2009 , but after paying tax they are asking us to pay betterment charges approximately 60.000/- , we have an house property their and it is a A khata property and NA plot , It has been purchased by my mother’s elder sisiter in 1978 , why should i pay betterment charges now , and we want that property to get transferred to my mom in the way of will , as my aunt died without registering the will only by notarying it , is it compulsory to produce registered will in bbmp , please guide me as i stay in bijapur i want to apply khata transfer online .

  142. saurabh lal says:

    Dear Sir, I see that you have answered a similar question earlier. The property tax records are still showing the name of previous owner instead of my name. My Qs are as follows:
    a) Irrespective of the owner name should I go ahead and pay property-tax online? Last paid is 2009-10.
    b) How should I approach the process for getting the right name updated in property tax records?
    c) What is the name of concerned department where these applications need to be submitted?

  143. Ramachandra Budihal says:

    Dear D R Prakash, My late father’s property has been transferred into my mothers name and also the khata into her name. we are planning to build 1st floor and submitted for plan sanction. BBMP is asking for Uttara Patra – we don’t have that with us. Can you help us how to get one from BBMP or elsewhere and we want to avoid paying any bribes. A word of advice would be great..

  144. Dimitri says:

    Our taxes are so high here on Long Island we had to get a nassau county tax grievance company to help us lower the taxes. Paying over $10,000 a year is just ridiculous.

  145. venugopal unni says:

    Dear Mr. Prakash
    I have been struggling to fill up form V online for the past several days and any help would be much appreciated. There is a change in the occupancy status of my flat from own use to tenancy. Isn’t there a simple way to effect this change?. Should I give all the details of built up area etc.? What should be the category for residential apartments ?
    Thanks in advance
    Venugopal Unni

  146. Arathi Manay Yajaman says:

    Venugopal Unni – Form V is the correct one to fill. In this form you will need to enter information that you would have entered when you first paid under this SAS scheme. If you have a photocopy of your first form, you can directly copy the information from it. Otherwise, you can access the online paid applications fm 2009 onwards on the BBMP site You can copy some of the information from these forms. In case you need more help, pls mail me

  147. Manjunath Adisesha says:

    I guess this my is a common case, but I did not see or failed to notice any answers

    I have paid property tax for the current year (2015-16) if there is a change in usage (self occupied to rental) when should I pay the difference? will I get the rebate as I had paid well before April 30th?


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