One of the most important projects of Rotary International is to eradicate polio from the face of the earth. In 1985, Rotary International launched ‘Polio Plus’, a time bound commitment to eradicate polio. The Polio Plus is one of the most ambitious humanitarian undertakings ever undertaken by a private entity. On the immunisation day, in India more than 1,00,000 Rotary volunteers and their families join hands with Government and all concerned to facilitate administering polio drops to the children below five years, signaling the largest public health event ever in the world.
Philanthropists worldwide including Microsoft Founder Bill Gates are taking keen interest on the polio eradication all over particularly in India. He has pledged not only millions of dollars but all his support to Rotary to work on this project.
Pic courtesy: Dr Anirban Basu.
This year too was no different. Concerned at the non eradication of Polio, the Rotary International President John Kenny pledged all efforts eradicate polio. Rotary District Governor S Nagendra echoed the feelings of Rotary International President and put a strong team in the Rotary District 3190 (from Bangalore to Tirupati) under the Chairmanship of Prasanna Kumar to supervise the immunisation in all camps.
On Sunday, January 10th, Rotarians and their families came out and worked hand in hand with Government officials in immunising the children all over the Rotary District. The District Pulse Polio team led by Rotary District Governor S Nagendra went all over Bangalore. Manivannan of the District Pulse Polio team supervised the camps in rural areas.
Members of Rotary Club of Bangalore Koramangala, assisted the camps in Shanthinagar, Adugodi, Rajendranagar, Agara, Chembanahlli and supervised the camps alongwith members of Inner Wheel Club, and members of Rotaract Club of Jyoti Nivas College. About 500 volunteers were engaged in these areas who actively participated and carried out the task under the supervision of BBMP doctors.
The Rotarians of the club led by President Dr Anirban Basu helped the volunteers to reach the designated booths in the early hours of Sunday and provided breakfast and lunch to all the volunteers. About 6500 children were given Polio drops in the areas supervised by Rotary Club of Bangalore, Koramangala. According to Manivannan about 6.3 lakh children were given polio drops in Bangalore on January 10th.
Dr Anirban Basu thanked all including BBMP doctors who had come forward to help Rotary in this task. He said that being the flagship program of Rotary International, the Rotary Club of Bangalore, Koramangala spend substantial amount of its efforts and resources in this massive humanitarian effort and hoped that polio be soon eradicated all over thereby making a 25 year old dream of Rotary a reality. The club is gearing up for the next National Immunisation Day on February 7th. ⊕