The Big Bang-aluru Theory

Plastic tics

Plastics are elastic tics. They last, even if they know they aren't wanted. They were banned, but never went away because they weren't told about the law and didn't care if they did. You might think that India makes a lot of plastic and you are wrong. It makes a lot More than you think or the states report. Much more plastics are made than said. According to a report by the Central Pollution Control Board, just 14 out of 35 regional pollution boards really came out with how much plastic they generated in 2017-18. That itself worked out to…

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Last year was a lot about the rains, but this year they haven't come around too much - yet. Still, we did work very hard to argue about whether or not we had fixed broken drains and yawning potholes. So will the rains smash us again, just like on the 2017 Independence Day that brought the floods to break a 115-year record? Maybe not. Last year, the North-West monsoons outstayed their welcome till their South-East cousins hammered them. This time it isn’t a panic situation of fighting guests that we did not know about. We do now know we had…

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