
Security Theatre

  "Security theatre" is "a term that describes security countermeasures intended to provide the feeling of improved security while doing little or nothing to actually improve security".This is particularly true of many security measures that our banks use. I really would like the cushy job of a security guard at one of the banks, or their ATM's. To demonstrate:On the 20th of December, I visited the ICICI Bank ATM at about 10.30pm, to withdraw some cash. I found this very alert security guard on duty:The radion was blasting songs at full volume, and I came in, finished my transaction, took the…

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 A Delicate white flower creeps over a harsh looking trunk of a tree at Lal Bagh Botanical Garden. Pic by Ravi Kaushik ⊕

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  Gopalan Innovations Mall has been more than 6 years in the building, and it opened a while ago, with Westside and just a few more shops to start with. Today, I noticed that there were multiple cinemas... and also, that they were opening today!I decided to go up and enquire. The weekday shows are priced at Rs. 150 and Rs. 180...I didn't find out the weekend rates. The number for the cinemas is6533 6764I was told that I could "book over the phone, but you must come and buy the tickets here, madam"...a statement I have yet to figure out! J P…

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The helmet rule….

  When the law says, "Do not ride a two-wheeler without a helmet", this is how we choose to obey it.... Even at the cost of one's life, there seems to be some thrill in observing the letter of the law and flouting its spirit! ⊕

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  I was pleasantly surprised, when I was walking back from Ranga Shankara, to see that a small park in J P Nagar 2nd phase has been designated a Senior Citizens' Park: In these days, when senior citizens have difficulty even walking on the roads and seem constantly under threat from all quarters...lack of servants, lack of family members sometimes, and lack of facilities...it was very heartening to see this! ⊕

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I don’t know what school authorities have in mind before they decide the colour of school uniforms. But making the lives of moms simple is not one of them. Which shade of white? Pic: Meera K. Many schools have white uniforms to be worn daily, or on the days they have the sports period. You send the child out in a crisp white shirt and shorts in the morning, by the end of the day you encounter him in a garb quite unlike the morning version. Large patches of reddish-orange on the back are remnants of playtime in school. A…

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  I've known Lokesh Mosale and Gowreesh Kapani for a while now, and have enjoyed and admired their work. Here's their invitation to see their work:  Banada Baduku Wildlife Photography Exhibition Date: December 9th - 15th, 2010 Place: Chitrakala Parishath, Bangalore Hope Springs Eternal... Welcome to Banada Baduku - an attempt to present the facts of wildlife through our photography. Your support in the previous exhibitions has doubled our enthusiasm, and has encouraged us to enhance our collection. Our inclination towards wildlife and the magnificience of nature has pushed us to explore its beauty. We have presented a unique, perhaps abstract view…

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   Experience the Wilderness - A day long Nature Camp at Bannerghatta: ModuleObjectives : Sensitizing students on Nature, Ecosystem and WildlifeApproach : Demonstration of activities, Eco games, Trails and Jungle Treks, Sessions on birds and wildlife, Group work...Duration : 1 day (12 hours from 7 am to 7 pm)Venue : Camp site at Banneghatta (Jungle lodges & Resorts)Camp ScheduleMorning Session06:45 to 07:00 Assemble at Bangalore07:00 to 08:00 Arrival at Camp Site and breakfast08:00 to 09:00 Ice breaking and introduction to the nature camps09:00 to 10:00 Breakfast10:00 to 11:00 Session on forests and wildlife11:00 to 12:00 Hands on activities - Balancing the…

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   Usha Madhuranathan and her daughter, Deepa Vaishnavi, have a "Kolu" display with a difference at their home in Banashankari. Long ago, Usha decided that she was less interested in having just a display of dolls. She would determine a theme each year, and arrange the kolu around that. Last year, the theme was Kannadiga literateurs; this year, it was "India's contributions to the world."Here's Usha, starting the guided tour of the display: At the front door, we were greeted by an ancient Indian Rishi, with his learned text in front of him:One tableau explained the concept of the way time is…

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