
Water divining is the detection of under ground water without actually digging into the ground. The "diviner" locates water with the help of rules that he/she has inherited or learnt and/ or tools like coconuts, rods, pendulums and the like. Some use the geophysical survey approach, which may sound more scientific than the ancient methods.   During my childhood, when we were going to dig a well in our house in Richmond Town, my father had called a diviner. I recall how fascinated we were when we saw how, with the help of a gold chain, he identified a couple…

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The recent heavy rains in Bangalore have resulted in quite a bit of water finding its way into Puttenahalli Lake, quenching the thirst of the cracking lake bed. Something like a full bottle's water getting poured into one's throat, after a long harsh summer outing. As a part of the summer regimen, workmen have been deweeding, and a lot of the water weeds have been taken out. The green around is looking lush.    For those who do not live in the Puttenahalli Lake vicinity, here are some recent pictures. Deweeding in progress, 6th Jun 2014  Puttenahalli Lake after deweeding, 9th…

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Over the last ten days, there has been much excitement among the residents of the Lower Ambalipura Lake area. This 7-acre water body, off Sarjarpur Main Road, is home to several species of birds through the year, but Painted Storks, one of Bangalore's water birds, have been only ocassionally spotted here, singly or in pairs. A Painted Stork at Lower Ambalipura Lake, March 2014, Pic: Sacha Greenwood On 22nd May, five Painted Storks were spotted together. Five Painted Storks at Lower Ambalipura Lake, 22nd May 2014, Pic: Rajesh Rao It didn't take long for the good word to spread (regarding the…

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It’s a given that you should be drinking lots of water a day. Especially given air-conditioned offices, it becomes even more important to remember to drink – and have a bottle handy that’s easy to refill and keep sipping from. And from what we’ve seen, everyone uses plastic bottles! We don’t like those at all. Why? Read this. Or take a look at this. Clearly, even recycling is NOT a solution. It has to be stopped at the source of the demand – consumption! So we decided to do something about it. You’ve already seen we’ve been using these at our properties. They’re pretty popular…

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 I belong to a group of women, and we call ourselves BULBs...Bangalore Urban Lady-Birders. One of our favourite destinations to go birding (or bird-watching) is...Kommaghatta Lake (in Kengeri).Yesterday we went birding to Manchinabele Reservoir and several of us planned to go to Kommaghatta Lake this morning.One of us did visit...and found that the lake had...disappeared.Here's part of her message:"sorry for sending bad news your way so early, ....i reached the *erstwhile* kommaghatta lake and found no sign of it... I could hardly believe my eyes... the entire lake is GONE, disappeared, lake bed dredged up and big mounds lying all…

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