
Do adults go to watch children's plays? Or to be more precise, do adults go to watch children's puppet theatre...without children accompanying them? The answer, for me, was a resounding yes. I had been hoping to take my grandchildren to at least some of the puppet theatre festival be at Ranga Shankara, under the AHA! banner. The "Same-Same" theme of the festival. Pic: Deepa Mohan Language and music classes in the evenings prevented my grandchildren from coming along with me, but when a friend, Harini Srinivasa Rao, told me that she could not utilize her three tickets, I jumped at…

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Having heard about the   Dhaatu Puppet Festival   I went with my daughter and two grandchildren to watch the parade, which started from the Dhaatu Bus Stop in Banashankari,      and ended at the JSS Auditorium, where several shows are to be held over the weekend.   The parade was a riot of colour, as you can see from this video:   There were puppets and puppeteers from all over the world:   Here are two  home-made puppets...Vaishnavi, the young lady on the right, is looking as happy as her puppet !   The group all posed for…

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Any form of theatre that has to do with puppets seems to exert a great fascination for children. More than adults, they seem to quickly suspend their disbelief, and join the puppets in the fantasy world that is created on stage. Sidhvi, 6 yrs, standing in front of me in the queue, was very excited; "I have seen many plays at Ranga Shankara, I'm looking forward to this one!" she said, with a big smile.  Since Ranga Shankara had advertised "Pacotille", by Cie Crea, as a play for "kids above 5 years", I went,too,  full of eagerness to experience the…

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 Kathalaya is holding yet another grand Indo European festival from July 23 rd To August 10, 2011 in India. We are covering five cities and four states - Vishakapatnam, Mumbai, Pune, Bengaluru and Chennai as part of theStoryfestival -Kathothsava 2011.The aim of the festival is to create a platform for storytellers from Europe and India to meet and exchange common factors in Storytelling namely communication, Education and skills of telling.As part of the festival we have Performances of Storytelling and Puppetry - 6 shows Training by experts and doctorates in the field of puppetry and Education for teachers. Venue -Alliance Francaise…

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